Egg White Roll Cake 蛋白蛋糕卷
Yesterday was the 7th day of Chinese Lunar New Year which is referred to as Ren Ri 人日(everybody’s birthday) and it also happened to be Valentine’s day. So how did you celebrate that day with your loved ones? I made a simple cake roll with leftover egg whites. This egg white roll cake is light, soft, moist and filled with whipped cream and fresh strawberries. A very delicious cake treat not to be missed.
很兴奋跟你们分享我的喜悦。这本新书”愛做菜的網絡紅人“集合了10位部落格网友的美食作品。谢谢食尚品味的编辑,设计师和摄影师让出书的愿望成真!这本中英文食谱书Flip, Don’t Click: 50 Offline Recipes将在这个星期内在各大书局開始發售,一本SGD21.90。

Egg White Roll Cake
- 3 tbsp vegetable oil - I used canola oil
- 60 g fresh milk
- 20 g caster sugar
- 40 g plain flour
- 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
- 10 g rice flour
- 4 egg whites - about 140g
- 35 g caster sugar
- 120 g fresh topping cream
- 8 fresh whole strawberries
- Preheat oven to 160 deg C. Line and brush a 11 x 11 inch cake tray with little oil.
- Combine oil, milk and sugar together in a bowl, blend well. Sieve in plain flour, rice flour and vanilla powder, mix well with a hand whisk.
- Whisk egg whites to foamy and add sugar in batches and beat until peak form.
- Add one-third of meringue to flour mixture and fold in lightly with a rubber spatula, then add remaining meringue and fold through until just incorporated. Pour batter into prepared cake pan and spread evenly with a palette knife.
- Bake for about 12-15 minutes until cake springy to touch. When cake is done, unmould from pan, remove parchment paper and leave to cool.
- Whip fresh cream to peak form and spread evenly onto white sponge cake and place whole strawberries on top.
- Gently roll up sponge cake from the edge and refrigerate for few hours until firm. Trim the sides of the cake roll and dust with some icing sugar on top. Decorate it as desired before serving.
- 3汤匙 菜油
- 60克 牛奶
- 20克 细糖
- 40克 普通面粉
- 10克 粘米粉
- 1/4茶匙 香草香精粉
- 4个 蛋白 (约140克)
- 35克 细糖
- 120克 植物性奶油
- 8颗 草莓
- 预热烤箱致摄氏160度。 准备一个11寸方烤盘,底部铺纸刷上少许油,备用。
- 将油,牛奶和糖在碗里混合均匀。萨入粉类,用手打蛋器搅匀。
- 用电动搅拌器将蛋白打至泡泡状态,细糖分次加入,打至硬发性。
- 将1/3蛋白霜拌入白面糊里拌匀,然后倒入剩余的蛋白霜,再次翻拌均匀即可。
- 倒入烤盘里抹平,送进烤箱烤约12-15分钟。 蛋糕烤好后,立刻从烤箱取出,倒扣撕去底部烤纸,待凉。
- 将植物性奶油打发。涂在蛋糕表面,内侧摆上草莓,
- 卷动蛋糕直到另一端,用油纸包好,收进冰箱冷藏数小时。从冰箱取出蛋糕卷,切去两边不整齐的边,撒上适量的糖分,最后按照自己的喜欢装饰表面便可享用。
Hi, can I make this into a birthday cake? 2 x 6″ pan
Hi Yvonne, 2 x 6″ is very small . Is it a mini loaf pan?
How nice the pictures, and how yummy the recioe ! Thank you ^^
Happy Chinese New Year & belated Happy Valentines Day to you~!!! Thanks for the recipes again & again. egg white roll cake comes in a right time, really!! Since I have a lot of leftover egg white on freezer now after making of CNY cookies. I am still thinking to search for some egg white recipes to clear stock~!! Thanks Thanks~!!!
Thanks for your recipe. Hope I can win your cookbook. Happy New Year
Happy New Year! I'd like to win the book! Huat ah…
Dear AnnThank you for the egg white roll cake recipe. I was left with 12 egg whites from making kek lapis legit and I used some to make the egg white roll cake. Cake tasted yummy and moist. Good recipe!!!BlessingsPriscilla Poh
Hi Priscilla, Happy to hear that you liked this cake roll 😀 Thanks for trying my recipe!
Hi Ann, fabulous cake. The looks itself is so delectable. I'm sure whoever gets to eat it with relish! Thanks for sharing��
Hi Ann! Your Roll cake look so delicious and pretty. Will try the recipe!Wish me good luck 🙂
Congrats on your new book, Ann! Always enjoy seeing your recipes which are rather unique and creative. Thanks for your generous sharing .
Thank you for your wonderful recipes. I hope I can win the book!
How exciting! I think my mother would love this book – any way to buy online and ship to the US?
Happy New Year! I love this white roll cake, thank for sharing the recipe, I am so going to try it!Angeline
Happy new year!!! Love ur recipe always..thank u…..I love to bake… Wish I will win the book:)
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Always enjoy reading your blog ��
Great recipe.!!
Hi Ann,
Looks yummy! Such a lovely idea to utilise my leftover egg whites from my kueh lapis. May i know what is the purpose of adding rice flour? Thanks’!
Hi Berry sweet baker, Thank you. Adding rice flour will makes the cake softer and lighter.
Thanks Ann, would really love to win a copy of your cookbook too!?
Ann, 恭喜发财!
Hv been visiting your blog for a long time cos i find your recipes reliable and delicious. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Hi Ann! Happy Valentines Day and Happy Birthday too!
I love this lovely-looking egg white roll cake, it reminds me of those strawberry cakes found in Japanese cafes!
May I know what's the function for the rice flour? Or is it necessary to bring the batter well together?
Hope I can win a copy of your recipe book la! 😀
Happy New Year Andre. Adding rice flour to the batter will keep the cake soft and moist for a week :))
Hope to win your book!
The egg white egg roll looks so yummy and refreshing.
Wishing you a prosperous new year. Enjoy the recipes you share. Thnks
Hi Anne,Happy New Year! Thanks for your sharing all these years. It has been a real help in my baking journey.Christina
Thank you for your recipe. Gong xi fa cai, Ann
Happy Chinese New Year! Wish to owned the great recipes book!
Happy Lunar New Year and congratulation to you for your cookbook!
hi AnnCongrats and happy lunar new year!Hoping I can be one of the lucky winners! Huat la!JL
Happy New Year! Really like all your recipes. Hope will be the lucky winner.
Love your blog, always full of beautiful goodies. Very excited about the cookbook!!
不好意思,没有户口,我是Apple Chan
Happy Valentines Day Ann Low, love your recipes and hope to be one your lucky winner. Thank you.
Ann姐姐,新年快乐,万事如意!我希望我是其中的一位幸运儿 🙂
Hi Annhave always enjoyed reading your blog..have tried the lychee fish jelly…kids said very nice. thanks for sharing. would like to try this roll cake but would like to know if frozen egg whites can be used.. thanks. hope to win the cookbook:)octopusmum
Hi, Sorry for the late reply. Yes you can use the frozen egg whites but have to thaw them first before using.
Happy Chinese New Year !
Beautiful your creations.
Hello, can I know what to do with those egg yolks? Hope that I will win that recipe book as my first baking book!
Happy New Year Ann!Pretty egg roll! I am so going to try this out soon. Your blog had really help me in so many ways. … from cooking to baking and understanding baking terms in both English & Chinese! Thank you so much for sharing. / Fiona
Beautiful your creations.
Ann, you had me at cookbook giveaway. I love all your recipes and have tried some of them with success! So, I will not let this opportunity slip! No way!Happy Lunar New Year to you and your family. May the Monkey year be a wonderful one for you.
I love n always looking forward for your recipes. And I love to be the winner of one of the books.
Lovely sweet looking Egg White Roll Cake !
I love this recipe… hope to win it too…Happy lunar new year!Jess
This looks delicious!
What a beautiful cake! Now I know how I can use my balance egg whites.Congratulations on the launch of your cookbook 🙂
Dear Ann, Happy Chinese New Year and Congratulations to you!Hope i can win a copy of the cookbookThanks
Thanks for the Inspiration always!
Lovely cake!healthy n refreshing!