Black Sesame Biscuits 黑芝麻饼
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Black Sesame Biscuits
- 300 g koh fen - cooked glutinous rice flour
- 1.5 tbsp black sesame powder
- 140 g icing sugar - sifted
- 90 g crisco shortening
- 60 ml room temperature water
- Mix together Koh fun, icing sugar and shortening like crumbs.
- Gradually pour in water until it can be formed into a ball.
- Spoon 4 tablespoons (about 45g) into mould and press tightly with the back of the spoon.
- Use firm pressure to pump a few times, then stamp out biscuits.
- Dry naturally in a well ventilated place for at least two days.
- 黑芝麻饼 Black Sesame Biscuits
- 最近在FB看到网友做了很好看的洁白如月的月光饼,据说这种是一款很古早的月饼。自己没吃过就想动手试试看。上网查看了别人的食谱觉得材料还蛮简单的。怎么知道我的月光饼变了黑芝麻饼,一点月光的感觉都没有。。黑芝麻粉放得太多了啦,灰灰的。。真的好好笑! 😛 饼干放了3天虽然还很完整,但感觉饼是蛮松的。也不确定这样是做对的吗?
- 材料:
- 300g糕粉
- 1.5汤匙 黑芝麻粉
- 140g糖粉(过筛)
- 90g白油
- 60ml 开水
- 做法:
- 糕粉、糖粉和白油拌匀成面包糠.
- 慢慢加入水拌匀成团。
- 舀入4汤匙(约45克)混合物到摸具里,用汤匙压实。
- 然后倒扣,用力的把馅挤压几次才脱模。
- 放在通风处,自然干后便可收好(至少2天)。
- 食谱来至于这里