Braised Chicken in Rice Cooker 电饭锅焖鸡
This Braised Chicken in Rice Cooker is a fuss free and simple recipe that everyone at home should try, especially for busy mummies. It’s just delicious chicken drumsticks being cooked in the rice cooker for about 30 minutes. Then you can serve this with white rice and enjoy!
You may ask how to cook the chicken and white rice in the same rice cooker? Well, I first cook the chicken in the rice cooker an hour before, then transfer the cooked food to another pot. Then cook the rice in the rice cooker and heat up the chicken dish again before serving.
Braised Chicken in Rice Cooker ~ serve this with white rice and enjoy! 可以开饭喽!

Braised Chicken in Rice Cooker
- Rice cooker
- 900 g chicken drumstick - 6 pieces
- 250 g onion - shredded
- 3 stalks spring onion
- 3 slices ginger
- 3 tbsp water
- 2 tbsp dark soy sauce
- 1 tbsp light soy sauce
- 1 tbsp hua tiao chiew - Chinese cooking wine
- 1/2 tbsp sesame oil
- 2 tsp sugar
- 1/4 tsp salt
- dash of pepper
- Marinate chicken drumsticks with seasoning and place inside the refrigerator for at least one hour or more to let the flavours go deep.
- Place shredded onion, spring onion and ginger into the rice cooker and chicken drumsticks on top with the remaining sauce and water (mix sauce and water before pouring).
- Cover and press start to cook for about 30 minutes. Stir the chicken drumsticks after about 15 minutes to ensure even cooking and coating. To check whether the chicken is cooked, poke a chopstick into the meat. If the juices run clear, it’s done. Serve immediately with hot rice.
- 900克 鸡腿 (6只)
- 250克 洋葱,切条状
- 3根 青葱
- 3片 姜
- 3 汤匙 水
- 2汤匙 黑酱油
- 1汤匙 酱请
- 1汤匙 花雕酒
- 1/2汤匙 麻油
- 2茶匙 白糖
- 1/4茶匙 盐
- 胡椒粉,适量
- 鸡腿及调味料混合均匀,放入冰箱冷藏腌制最少1个小时或更长(让鸡肉更加入味)。
- 把洋葱,青葱及姜片放入电饭锅中,放上鸡腿,剩下的调味料汁和水混匀倒入。
- 盖上锅盖,就按下煮饭档。。。开始煮了(就跟煮饭一样),煮约30分钟就可以了。期间过了约15分钟,稍微搅拌一下鸡肉,让鸡肉更加人味及均匀上色。**用筷子插进鸡腿肉处没血水渗出即代表鸡已经熟了。即可马上食用。
They look so flavourful and fingerlickingly delicious!
I have never thought of doing chicken in the rice cooker, this is genius!
Hi Dhan, thank you for dropping by 🙂
I have never thought of doing chicken in the rice cooker, this is genius!
Hi Dhan, thank you for dropping by 🙂
They look so flavourful and fingerlickingly delicious!