Chocolate Mooncakes 巧克力月饼
These Chocolate Mooncakes are easy to make like the traditional mooncake recipe but with addition of melted dark chocolate in the dough skin besides Valrhona cocoa powder. These mild fragrance chocolate mooncakes are not very sweet as I used mung bean paste as filling. You may add any mooncake filling of your choice and add some chocolate chips into it. This recipe is adapted from XHS (小红书) and I also learned the trick of making the mooncakes softened the next day to “return oil” by brushing some corn oil on the mooncakes once they are out of the oven.
I’m taking this opportunity here to wish everyone of you who celebrate,
a very enjoyable Mid-Autumn Festival.
祝大家中秋节快乐, 月圆家满,阖家团圆。
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Chocolate Mooncake
- 15 g melted dark chocolate - melt chocolate in a double boiler
- 85 g sugar syrup or golden syrup
- 30 g corn oil
- 3/4 tsp alkaline water
- 110 g cake flour or plain flour - sifted
- 10 g Valrhona cocoa powder - sifted
- 250 g mung bean paste or lotus paste
- Mix sugar syrup, corn oil and alkaline water thoroughly well, about a minute.
- Pour in melted chocolate and stir well again.
- Add flour and cocoa powder and fold well with a rubber spatula. Dust some flour if dough is too sticky and knead well to smooth,
- Wrap chocolate dough with cling wrap or place inside a plastic bag and set aside to rest for one hour.
- Divide chocolate dough and mung bean paste into 10 portions each at 25grams and roll them into round balls. Then wrap the mung bean paste into chocolate dough and roll again into smooth round ball.
- Dust dough ball with some flour and gently press it into 50gram plunger mould and stamp out.
- Bake the mooncakes in a preheated oven at 180 degrees C for 7 minutes in the oven middle rack. Remove the tray of mooncakes from oven, let cool for 10 minutes.
- Reduce oven temperature to 150 degrees and bake the mooncakes again for another 10 minutes.
- Brush the chocolate mooncakes with some corn oil once they are out of the oven. This step will make the mooncakes "return oil" quickly that can be consumed the next day.
- Let cool and store the mooncakes in an airtight container for a week.
- 15克 黑巧克力,隔热融化
- 85克 糖浆或黄金糖浆
- 30克 玉米油
- 3/4茶匙 碱水
- 110克 底筋面粉或中筋面粉,过筛
- 10克 Valrhona可可粉,过筛
- 250克 綠豆蓉
- 将糖浆,玉米油和碱水充分的搅拌均匀,约1分钟。
- 倒入融化巧克力,再搅拌均匀。
- 加入面粉和可可粉,用刮刀翻拌均匀。感觉面团还带有一点粘性的话,可撒入少许面粉把面团柔滑。
- 然后裹上保鲜膜或放入塑胶袋静置1小时。
- 将巧克力面团分成10等份,綠豆莲蓉也是一样10等份 ,搓圆(一粒25克)。把馅料包入巧克力面团内。
- 再搓圆裹上少许面粉,放入摸具(用50克摸具)轻轻压出形状就可以了。
- 放入预热烤箱,把烤盘放在中层。以180度烘烤7分钟,然后取出放凉10分钟。
- 把烤箱温度调低至150度,再把月饼放进烤箱烘烤10即可。
- 烤好的月饼从烤箱取出马上刷一层玉米油,这样月饼很快就”回油”,第2天就能享用了。
- 月饼放在凉架上待凉,就可以收进密封盒里了。月饼可保持1个星期。
- 馅料用了綠豆蓉,所以不会很甜,喜欢的话可以加些巧克力豆在里面。也可随意用自己喜欢的月饼馅料。