Durian Ice Cream Roll
Prepare Durian Ice Cream
2 Triangle moulds (line with plastic sheet)
300g Fresh durian, mash with a spoon or fork
1.5L Durian ice cream (Magnolia brand)
200g Fresh topping cream
6 Gelatin leaf (optional)
- Take out ice cream from freezer and leave at room temperature (about 5 mins) before you start to whip the fresh cream.
- Soak gelatin leaf in cold water about 30 seconds, allowing it to soften. Remove from water and gently squeeze well. Under double boiler, allow the gelatin to melt and stir well. Once it melted, remove from heat, cool down melted gelatin to a little warm. Whisk fresh cream and add gelatin into it. Whisk fresh cream till very stiff.
- Add durian ice cream into it, mix at medium speed for about 30 seconds then add mashed durian fold well with a hand a rubber spatula.
- Pour the durian ice cream into prepared mould. Then wrap it up with the plastic sheet and put in freezer for several hours or till next day.
Sponge Cake (for one cake tray only)
1 tbsp Durian puree
- Prepare a 12 x 12 inch baking tray, line with parchment paper or baking sheet, grease some oil on it with a brush.
- In a large bowl, mix egg yolks, sugar, cooking oil and fresh milk together with a hand whisk, add durian puree, mix well and add in sifted flour, mix well again, set aside.
- Whisk egg white to foamy and add sugar, continue to whisk egg white to smooth peak form at medium speed.
- Then fold 1/3 of the egg white to the egg yolk mixture, fold well with a rubber spatula and fold in the remaining egg white.
- Take out about 150ml mixture into a small bowl, add 2-3 tsp chocolate paste and mix well and pour chocolate mixture into a piping bag.
- Pour plain mixture into a 12 x 12 inch baking tray. Level the surface, pipe chocolate line over it and use a skewer and drag line or create your own pattern.
- Gently knock the tray on table top to remove air bubbles trapped in the batter.
- Bake at 170C for 15 minutes.
- Remove sponge cake from baking tray and place on wire rack to cool down completely
- Place the sponge cake (choc line facing down) on a plastic sheet, carefully remove the baking sheet then place the frozen ice cream on top (place at the side of the sponge cake) and roll it up.
- Trim off the excess sponge cake with a knife.
- Wrap ice cream roll with plastic sheet and store in freezer for few hours.
Can I use jelly powder to substitute the gelatine? If yes, what is the qty like? Thanks
Hi, sorry I'm not sure of the jelly powder as I never use them before.
Corinna ~ sure you can use gelatine powder about 15g.
Wow tempting…Can I substitute the gelatine leaf with gelatine powder? What is the qty for gelatine powder?
@cherry potato
Cherry Potato ~ 呵呵。。。就是要吃到榴莲肉 ^-^
Biren ~ Thank you! This recipe is real easy to make. It takes about 15-20 mins to make the ice cream and another 20 minutes to make the sponge the next day.
Thank you Shirley 🙂
Thank you LeQuan for your lovely words.
Sandra ~ Ahh…you must have never tried durian before. Hope the smell won't scare you away when you've the change to taste durian :))
How many posts have I missed:)) Ohh my goodness, what is that? Looks absolutely gorgeous and mouthwatering!
Holy moly, Ann! This is amazing! I love love love durian, love ice cream, and love cake. You've managed to put three of my favorite things together in one. You are my hero. Haha. What a fantastic and inspiring dessert.
Very clever way of rolling the traditional swiss roll, Ancoo!
Ann, you are amazingly patient with all the steps involved in making this durian ice cream roll. It is beautiful and I can only imagine how delicious it must be. I am drooling here…
Thank you Jeannie 🙂
Velva ~ hahaa… yes there are many foreigners here still cannot accept the smell of durian.
Thank you for your comment 🙂
Cheah, Actually this is very quick and easy to make. I finished making the ice cream less than 30 mins. Don't let my pictures put you off… hahaa..
Hi Rebecka, you're so sweet with your words. You're also very good in making cakes and desserts that I'm very much inspired by you 🙂
Shan, 哇!真的好便宜!我也想吃!
温馨小屋~ 我有时会拿那个摸来做菜燕,也蛮美的。
我也爱榴莲。那天才和同事去吃Durian buffet,RM15吃到饱。^_^
Ann, you're simply amazing with desserts…one day I'll be a brave girl and venture into your world of baking! Inspirational!
Gosh, Ann, you're fantastic! So much work involved to bring out this amazing creation, thumbs up! Slurp….
I have seen this famous fruit in Asian food markets. I have never had the courage to eat it but, admire it everytime I see one.
Wow, you made an ice cream roll with thsi fruit. I am totally impressed.
Love it.
I am trying to figure out how you make the triangle rolls! looks very delish!
Thank you everyone for all your wonderful compliments. Your comments always bring a smile to my face :))
I have no love for durian but love the way you made the sponge cake. pretty!
Wow, what an amazing job, Ann! This is definitely something I wanted to try out. Really tempting!
Have a nice evening.
ALMOST too beautiful to eat!
Wow, your durian ice cream roll looks so beautiful, very pro!
Oh my Ann, soooo yummy looking! I wish I can have a BIG slice now. 😛 Thanks for sharing this, will try to make it for my hubby's birthday…need to freeze some durians first since it's next month, heehee.
I've never heard of durians before this. They sound very interesting. Your cake looks amazing. It is definitely unlike anything I've made in the past.
Boy oh boy! This has gotten me really going … weak spot for durian anything! Gorgeous roll and I love the feather design.
That cake and how you rolled it looks amazing! I've never tried durian but I really want to! I haven't seen one around here but when I do I'm going to try it! Your cake really looks awesome!
Ann…this is so good..I want some…drooling non stop leh..please send some over to stip the drooling :p Well done. I shall try this when I have time 🙂 First must get the thorny fruit !!!
the durian roll looks tempting….i love durian alot too..^_^ yum yum
beautifully rolled looks wonderful
Seriously, I think you can start selling all your bakes!
I miss durians! Can't get good quality ones over here 🙁
I also like your "toblerone"-shaped durian rolls!
Ann, you looks so professional making this roll. This triangle Durian roll looks very unique in this shape.
that looks super Ann.
One thing I've never tried making is sponge rolls. I need to make sure I get round to having a go sometime this year !
Don't know why I@m so scared of them. Thanks for all the photos. Inspiring me to have a go ….
This looks fantastic! It's so warm right now and this would really be great to cool off with 🙂
Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! I have been eating durian for these few days in a week too. I bought the durian to make durian puff, but every time it ends up in my stomach. Just can't resist it. :} Making sponge cake was the greatest fear, i flung all my rolls.
Your rolls are so irresistable, love the triangle shape and I'm drooling over it now.
Min ~ 不用客气。。。 你过来,我请你吃 🙂
Love Melody ~ Have a good rest, health is more important than anything. Take Care 🙂
Stephanie ~ if you can't find chocolate paste, can use little cocoa powder to mix with the plain batter.
Amelia ~ Thanks! Agree with you, not many like durian 🙂
Esther ~ 呵呵。。。这种分蛋的做法,都是跟你们学的 🙂
Thanks Mimi!
This looks for beautiful and refreshing to eat.
你的蛋糕体会 yoga 的哦?这么柔软,还可以做成三角形呢 ^_^
Very pretty rolls but I'm not a durian lover.
i would like to make this but i dont know of any chocolate paste. how can i make my own or where can i purchase it?
i m not a fan of strawberry or a durian lover… but ur swiss roll is so pretty and delicious looking that i wish i can have a slice of each now!! been wanting to try swiss roll, but did not have the time… and cant do it in my current condition…
Lovely durian roll, I love durian so much, feel like serving myself one piece, hehe.
Thanks Murasaki 🙂
Joelyn ~ 谢谢哦! 我跟你一样。我近来天天都在吃榴莲,还好没喉咙痛 :DD
Lena ~ sure :))
The Procastobaker ~ Thank you very much for visiting and your nice comment 🙂
Jay ~ thanks dear :))
Thanks Maria!
Thank you very much Yin. You're always so supportive 🙂
@♡ℒуռ էяɨռɨא (ℳєşşγ ℕ ℭнєєкγ)♡
Thanks Lyn 🙂 You're always so sweet and supportive. Come… I can give 2 big slices :))
You can also join this event, have a try on the sponge cake, it is very easy to handle – soft and easy to roll. Can roll with any filling you fancy.
@Honey boy
Honey boy ~ thanks! where did you get the triange cake tin? I bought mine long time ago and thought this is out of stock already.
Mary ~ hahaa…I'll keep the biggest slice for you 🙂
小鲸 ~ 谢谢你的美言 😀
J.O. ~ 当然可以啦!没规定一定要做蛋糕皮。我做这个分量也是蛮大的,两个模也装不完。就把馅料放另外一个盒子。
@Passionate About Baking
Jane, thanks for the highlight. That's a typing error… I got mixed this up with another recipe..Oops!
Thank you very much for the invitation, I definitely love to join you all but I got another appointment on the same day. Will see how and come back to you later 🙂
Ann, I want a piece of the durian ice-cream roll, please! I love the way you made it into a triangle shape, it looks like the serving from restaurant!