Durian Ice Cream 榴莲雪糕
- 300g Durian flesh
- 30g Brown sugar
- 20g Coffee mate
- 1 tbsp Fresh milk
- 160g Fresh topping cream (non dairy whipping cream)
- Place durian flesh, brown sugar, coffee mate and fresh milk into the blender and blend them till very smooth. Add a little more milk if the durian mixture is still too thick.
- Whisk fresh topping cream to stiff peak.
- Fold fresh cream to durian mixture and mix well. Pour into container and freeze overnight until it's firm.
- I sprinkled some sweet corn bits on the ice cream as decoration.
- 材料:
- 300克 榴莲肉
- 30克 黄砂糖
- 20克 coffee mate
- 1汤匙 冷鲜奶
- 160克 植物性奶油
- 做法:
- 将榴莲肉,黄砂糖,coffeemate和鲜奶统统倒入打汁机搅拌。如果搅不动,可以再加一汤匙的鲜奶。
- 鲜奶油用电动搅拌机打至硬性发。
- 把打发的鲜奶油倒入榴莲肉内,搅拌均匀。然后倒入适合的容器里。放入冰箱结冰格(隔夜)让雪糕凝固。
- 我撒了少许玉米粒做点缀。
- 做法跟芒果优格冰淇淋一样(看这里)
hosted by Charmaine of MiMi Bakery House
Durian…what exotic flavour! I want one too!
Durian ice-cream, here I come!
我来吃雪糕咯。榴莲雪糕,榴莲戚风蛋糕,再加上ann ann的热情。 哎哟!不晓得会不会流鼻血呢?哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈哈 。。
Joceline, 你们也很热情呀!不用怕。。。吃了再说。。。等下次你们,会做更好吃的。
I'm always on the lookout for ice cream recipes that don't need an ice cream maker so I'm definitely bookmarking this!
Durian ice cream … yum, yum. I'm a Durian lover too!
Ann,Can I have some?? I am drooling right now.
Sure Angel. How are you?
I am not a big fan of the fruit by itself but durian ice cream. . . I love it. Yours looks so delicious, Ann.
Yum! Yum!
Durian – my favourite!
This looks tempting, I love durian so much, how good if I can have this for the hot and sunny days!
Ah…that magical, mysterious fruit…great idea to make it into ICE CREAM!!
Looks delicious!
I can see how creamy these ice-cream were! Man, wish that I was your guest when you made them, hahaha!
Jessie, sure you can be my guest.Besides ice cream, how about durian cake? 😀
Ann , if only I like durian , I'll make this ice cream right away 😀 I'll bet durian lovers are salivating right now lol
Wow! These pictures are stunning with the king of fruit ice-cream! For a minute, I thought you took the photos at the beach side! LOL AWESOME!
Woo hoo to the new site look! It is nice.
Woo hoo to durian ice cream!!!! My husband may hate me right now! Thanks so much for sharing! I can't wait to try it.
oh, i love durian ice cream..and therefore i know what you mean!..and also like to sandwich that between thick rolls of buns!
now is durian session, so easy to get nice durian..thinking to make durian ice cream too, but my hubby wanted to eat durian puff instead..hehehe..
现在是榴莲季节,是最好吃的时候 😀
Ann, all your ice cream recipes are very yummy and tempting 🙂
Ivy Sew, so quickly make some 😀
Wow I love this durian ice cream… I would love to have a few scoops, please, never mind the calories.
Mich, hehee… I also forgotten about the calories when I had this yummy ice cream 🙂
Though I still prefer eating durian on its own, I won't mind a scoop of durian as it's so warm these days!
Hi Jasline, I love your durian cripsy roll. Looks so yummy!
Ann, 刚刚做了你的Nutella雪条, 你又出另一个口味的ice cream 了!榴莲的口味不ngam 我, 我看看就好!
I love durian and ice cream too
莎妹妹,来来来,请你吃两杯 ^_^
go go ice cream…exotic flavour…lovely ice cream oh
Li Shuan,可能你来的时候还能吃到榴莲,就不知道你老公接受的了那香味 😀
We had durian ice cream too!
Edith, your ice cream looks creamy with the durian flesh inside. Let's exchange 🙂
Hi Kah Chin,
You need to add more sugar to the dairy cream because it is unsweetened cream. After you beaten the whipping cream, the ice cream is more like a smooth mousse.
They are looking very yummy!! I waana try all this today 🙂
Wow, Ann! I am a durian lover and I have got to try this!!
If don’t have coffee mate at home, can ommmit this. If no, what other ingredients can substitute with. Thanks!
Hi Carol, Adding coffee mate will gives a creamier texture but it’s ok without adding it. Please check the mango ice cream recipe, is about the same.
Hi Ann, it's me again ;P
Just wonder whether it's a must to beat the whipping cream and what's the difference if we use the dairy whipping cream?
thank you!
Hi Ann,
Thanks for sharing. May I know yr fresh topping cream is it the same as whipping cream? Thanks!!
Hi Jeanette, This fresh topping cream is a sweetened cream that use for frosting. Whipping cream is cooking cream.
hi wow i feel like trying this recipe, looks really good!
i don’t have coffee mate though, what can i use to replace? 🙂
No problem. You can either add coconut milk or just omit the coffee mate.
If don’t have coffee mate at home, can ommmit this. If no, what other ingredients can substitute with. Thanks!
Hi Carol, Adding coffee mate will gives a creamier texture but it’s ok without adding it. Please check the mango ice cream recipe, is about the same.
hi wow i feel like trying this recipe, looks really good!
i don’t have coffee mate though, what can i use to replace? 🙂
No problem. You can either add coconut milk or just omit the coffee mate.
They are looking very yummy!! I waana try all this today 🙂
Hi Ann,
Thanks for sharing. May I know yr fresh topping cream is it the same as whipping cream? Thanks!!
Hi Jeanette, This fresh topping cream is a sweetened cream that use for frosting. Whipping cream is cooking cream.
Hi Kah Chin,
You need to add more sugar to the dairy cream because it is unsweetened cream. After you beaten the whipping cream, the ice cream is more like a smooth mousse.
Hi Ann, it's me again ;P
Just wonder whether it's a must to beat the whipping cream and what's the difference if we use the dairy whipping cream?
thank you!
oh, i love durian ice cream..and therefore i know what you mean!..and also like to sandwich that between thick rolls of buns!
Woo hoo to the new site look! It is nice.
Woo hoo to durian ice cream!!!! My husband may hate me right now! Thanks so much for sharing! I can't wait to try it.
Ann , if only I like durian , I'll make this ice cream right away 😀 I'll bet durian lovers are salivating right now lol
Wow, Ann! I am a durian lover and I have got to try this!!
Wow! These pictures are stunning with the king of fruit ice-cream! For a minute, I thought you took the photos at the beach side! LOL AWESOME!
Can I have some?? I am drooling right now.
Sure Angel. How are you?