Happy Chinese New Year 2014
歡歡喜喜迎馬年,萬事如意平安年,大吉大利順新年、馬年好運, 幸福快乐!
Hello! I'm Ann Low. Welcome to my humble blog - Anncoo Journal, a place where you can find many quick and easy recipes that I have created that could inspire you to bake or cook at home for your loved ones . Please feel free to browse around. Read more about me... and the photo gallery in the recipe index.
Hello! I am Ann Low. Welcome to my humble blog - Anncoo Journal, a place where you can find many quick and easy recipes ideas that I have created that could inspire you to bake or cook at home for your loved ones. Please feel free to browse around this healthy recipes blog to find delicious cake recipes and much more. Read about me and navigate to the recipe index of this food and recipes blog... Read More…
Dear Ann, Wishing you another year of good health and delightful bakes!
Love, Cookie
Happy Chinese New Year, Ann!!! May it be a happy, healthy and prosperous new year for you and yours!
Happy New Year~2014
Gong Xi Fa Cai and Happy CNY!
馬年好運, 幸福快乐, 祝福你新年快乐!
Wishing you a very happy Lunar new year 🙂
Happy Chinese New Year!
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Chinese New Year! All the best for the Year of the Horse. 🙂
Happy happy Chinese New Year, Ann!
Wishing you and family safe and in the pink of health and as they gallop the journey into Year of the Horse! Huat Ah!
Priscilla Poh