Huat Kueh aka Fatt Koh 蒸发糕
Huat Kueh aka Fatt Koh is a traditional Chinese steamed cake especially for festive season like Chinese New Year or as an offering item for prayers. The meaning of “Haut Kueh” in Fujian or “Fatt Koh” in Cantonese dialect is actually Prosperity Cakes in Chinese. The cakes will bloom beautifully and split into sections at the top after steaming and the Chinese believe that this signifies good luck and prosperity to the family.
When I saw Cheah of No-Frills Recipes shared her smiling Steamed Huat Kueh aka Fatt Koh on her blog a few days ago, it spurred me to try the recipe and I’m very happy that I made it. The original recipe is from What To Cook Today and you may like to visit Marvellina’s post and check out how many flavours of beautiful Huat Kueh she created. I must say this is a good recipe to try. The cake is soft and delicious, can be served warm or stored at room temperature till the next day.
Huat Kueh aka Fatt Koh
- 250 g plain flour - all purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 70 g black sugar - dark brown sugar
- 50 g caster sugar
- 1 large egg
- 150 g fresh milk
- 100 g vegetable oil - I used corn oil
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Sift flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl and mix well, set aside.
- Line the tart moulds with paper cup liners. Prepare a steamer with enough water.
- In an electric mixer, whisk the egg and sugar till pale and creamy for 3 minutes at medium speed, add in milk and continue to whisk for a while till fully incorporated.
- On low speed, gradually add in flour mixture alternately with the oil, add vanilla. Mix well. Batter is quite thick but spreadable.
- Scoop batter into 6 paper cups to the rim.
- Steam on high heat in rapidly boiling water for 15 minutes and do not open the lid of the steamer to check on the kuih until the 15 minutes are up.
- Let the kuih rest in the steamer for 2 minutes, then remove them to cool down on wire rack.
- 250克 中筋面粉
- 1/2茶匙 盐
- 2茶匙 泡打粉
- 70克 黑糖
- 50克 细砂糖
- 1个 大鸡蛋
- 150克 牛奶
- 100克 食油(玉米油)
- 1茶匙 香草香精
- 将面粉,盐和泡打粉一起过筛到碗里,混匀备用。
- 将纸杯放入挞模里,备用。预先煮滚一锅水备用。
- 鸡蛋和白/黑糖放入搅拌机里用中速度搅打3分钟,然后慢慢倒入牛奶搅打均匀。
- 改换低速度分别放入粉类和油到蛋液混合物里,重复此动作至完,然后放入香精,搅匀至面糊浓稠即可。
- 将面糊倒入6个纸杯至满(这样发糕膨胀裂开的比较漂亮)。
- 开大火再把水煮滚,放入发糕到蒸锅里蒸15分钟,切记等蒸到了15分钟后才掀开锅盖(早打开锅盖的话,发糕就发的不美了)。
- 发糕蒸好后熄火,在锅里焖2分钟才取出放在凉架待凉,这样效果更好。温吃或冷却后收进密封盒子到隔天享用都一样好吃。
Your Fatt Koh look so pretty and perfect.
Thank you Angie!
Is 120g of sugar too sweet for 250g of flour?
The kueh is not too sweet. Already reduced the sugar from 150g.
Is 120g of sugar too sweet for 250g of flour?
The kueh is not too sweet. Already reduced the sugar from 150g.
Your Fatt Koh look so pretty and perfect.
Thank you Angie!