Japanese Souffle Pancakes 日式舒芙蕾松饼
Japanese Souffle pancakes are a very popular dessert and you can find them in most of the coffee bars in Singapore. Since they are not very sweet, you can top them up with maple syrup, fresh berries or even a dollop of ice cream, hence making it a perfect treat at any time of the day. The thick pancakes or Japanese souffle pancakes are pillow soft, light and fluffy due to egg separation method with the meringue beaten to stiff peak forms and then folded into the batter (just like the way you make a chiffon cake). It is usually made into a round and thick pancake by filling the batter into a mousse ring or by scoping it on to the greased non-stick frying pan at very low heat. Add about 3-4 teaspoons of water around the sides of the batter, so that the bottom side will not get burnt too soon. Then cover with a lid and cook for about 4-8 minutes, depending on how thick is your pancake and flip the pancake over to cook for another few minutes with a few more teaspoons of water. Best to serve the pancake warm. Enjoy!
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Japanese soufflé Pancakes
- 1 cold egg, separated - 65g with shell
- 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
- 10 ml fresh milk
- 18 g cake flour
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 15 g caster sugar
- Fold aluminium foil into long length (refer pics) and wrap around the mouse ring (8 x 3.5cm), seal the side tightly.
- n a bowl, add egg yolk, vanilla extract and milk, sieve in flour and baking powder. Gently fold well to a thick paste.
- Whisk egg white with a pinch of salt to foamy and add sugar in 2 batches, continue to whisk to stiff peaks form.
- Gently fold 1/3 of the meringue into the thick paste to lighten the batter. Then fold in the remaining meringue to smooth (thick) batter (do not over fold or the egg white will be deflated).
- Heat up a flat non-stick pan at very low heat and grease pan with some oil. Place rings on pan, then scoop in the thick batter to 3/4 full (I only made 2 pancakes).
- Add a 3-4 teaspoons of water to each side of the ring, Close lid and cook for about 4 minutes.
- Then flip the pancakes over, add water again and cook for another 4 minutes or until golden brown and aromatic with lid closed. **the pancake will collapse if not properly cooked through**
- Remove pancake and serve warm with fresh berries, icing sugar or maple syrup if desired. Enjoy!
- 日式舒芙蕾松饼 Japanese Souffle Pancakes
- 做法跟戚风蛋糕差不多,也不用花很多时间焖煎,就能吃到蓬松柔软的松饼了。
- 材料:
- 1颗 冷鸡蛋,蛋黄蛋白分开 (65克含蛋壳)
- 1/4茶匙 香草香精
- 10毫升 牛奶
- 18克 底筋面粉
- 1/4茶匙 泡打粉
- 15克 细砂糖
- 做法:
- 用錫紙褶成一個厚的長條形,再卷成一個圈形(8×3.5cm),褶好封口(请看图片~ 没用模型,就把锡纸直接卷成一個圈形),掃上一層牛油於模內,備用。
- 将蛋黄,香精和牛奶混匀,然后筛入面粉和泡打粉。翻拌均匀成浓面糊。
- 蛋白里加入少许盐打发至起泡,分2次加入细糖打至硬性发泡。
- 将1/3蛋白霜放入蛋糊里,用刮刀翻拌均匀,然后加入剩下的蛋白继续混匀。混匀后面糊还是蛮浓稠的。**过度的搅拌蛋白就会消泡掉,那就做不成厚松饼了**
- 慢火加热平底锅(用最小火),在锅上摸一层薄薄的食油。模型放在平底锅上,舀入面糊 抹平(我只做2个),大概8分满。
- 加入3-4茶匙清水在模型边上 (这样松饼底部就就不容易烧糊),盖上锅盖焖煎约4分钟。
- 然后给它翻面,再加清水,盖上盖焖煎约4分或呈现金黄色,闻到香气飘出来了就可以熄火脱模了。**如戚风蛋糕一样,焖煮时间不够的话,松饼内部不熟就很容易陷塌**
- 松饼配上鲜莓果和适量糖粉或蜂蜜即可享用。松饼最好趁热吃~
- 小火加热的时间可要依照模型大小而有所不同,请随时注意松饼的状态调整~~
Wow, my mouth is watering now, just wish I can have this for breakfast tomorrow!