Paper Wrapped Egg Cake 纸包鸡蛋糕
This spongy, soft and light Paper Wrapped Egg Cake is commonly found in Hong Kong and Macau. This is an easy recipe to follow and only takes about 15 minutes to bake. Great to serve this cake, warm with coffee. This delicious cake is wrapped and baked in parchment paper in a flower shaped mould but you can also bake it in cupcake liners or small muffin pan. Just cut pieces of parchment paper for about 6 inches square or slightly bigger and nest it into the muffin pan Then use a smaller glass and press down on the parchment paper to form a liner and keep it shape. Slightly press the sides of the liner with your finger, so that the cake will stand up nicely after baked.

Paper Wrapped Egg Cake
- 75 g melted butter
- 4 egg yolks - I used large eggs
- 3 egg whites
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 70 g caster sugar
- 70 g cake flour or plain flour
- 10 g corn flour (starch) - 1.5 tbsp
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- Whisk egg yolks, vanilla, egg whites and sugar at high speed till thick, about 5 minutes. Then lower speed and continue to whisk for another one minute.
- Sift flour, corn flour and baking powder together in 2 batches into egg batter. Fold well with a rubber spatula.
- Take out some batter and mix well with the melted batter and pour it back to the batter. Fold well gently with a rubber spatula.
- Pour batter into prepared paper cups and tap gently to release air bubbles. Bake in preheated oven at 180 deg C for about 15 minutes or skewer inserted comes out clean.
- Remove cake from pan and cool completely on wire rack or serve warm.
纸包鸡蛋糕 Paper Wrapped Egg Cake
- 纸包鸡蛋糕是起源于香港和澳门的的一种海绵蛋糕,它的特色是以烘焙纸包裹着。
- 蛋糕超松软,簡單又美味!真材实料至于充滿香味。
- 75克 融化牛油
- 4个 蛋黄 (用的都是大鸡蛋)
- 3个 蛋白
- 1/2茶匙 香草香精
- 70克 细砂糖
- 70克 低筋面粉
- 10克 玉米粉 (1.5 汤匙)
- 1茶匙 泡打粉
- 用电动打蛋器高速度将蛋黄,香精,蛋白和砂糖一起打发至浓稠约5分钟,再转低速持续打一分钟。
- 筛入粉类到蛋黄里(分2次),用橡皮刮刀翻拌均匀。
- 取出少量的面糊倒入融化牛油里拌匀,再倒回面糊翻拌均匀即可。
- 倒入蛋糊,轻轻的震出气泡。送进预热烤箱摄氏180度烤约15分钟或竹签扎人蛋糕内部不沾黏就可以了
- 出炉后马上把蛋糕拿出,放在铁架上散热。
- 玛芬烤盘垫上牛油纸(也可以用纸杯代替)
- 将牛油纸剪成6×6寸正方形或更大(要看你的模型大小而定);纸不能剪的太小,因为蛋糕烤好后会升高。
- 纸放入玛芬盘内;用小杯子压一压使牛油纸定形;再用手指在底部边缘压紧,这样烤出来的蛋糕就不会东歪西倒了。
分蛋法才會讓mixing 膨漲發大
Hi Isa, 给你这样一说,我还以为自己搞错了,赶快翻一翻我的电脑里的照片,没有错啊 🙂
Recipe didn’t state when we add vanilla extract, I Guess together when we whisk sugar & eggs?
Lynn, yes you are right, vanilla is added together with the sugar and eggs.
I followed the recipe but mine didn’t rise at all and the bottom is still uncooked even though I extended the baking time. Any advice? TIA
Hi Lynn, don’t understand why your cake is not cooked as this is a small cake. Even if you didn’t mix well the batter, the baked cake will be very dense and not uncooked. Did you set your oven properly?
Hello Ann,
Thanks for this awesome recipe, maybe i messed up the portion as i bake about 47 cakes. And got a overpowered egg smell and taste. How can i lighten it? Should i add more vanilla extract? Please advise, thanks!
Hi Leo,
In this recipe, there are more eggs used as the flours are less, that’s the reason why got an eggy smell. You can add more vanilla extract or some grated lemon zest and lemon juice.
Thanks! I will give that a try.
looks yumm. so fluffy and delicious
So very tender and soft!
Good job Ann Low. You just give me one masterpiece for my birthday.
This cake looks cute and delicious. Come out really fluffy. Texture of the cake looks good. Everyone will get their own piece of share. LoL 🙂 Love to try this at home. Thank You for sharing the recipe.
Recipe didn’t state when we add vanilla extract, I Guess together when we whisk sugar & eggs?
Lynn, yes you are right, vanilla is added together with the sugar and eggs.
I followed the recipe but mine didn’t rise at all and the bottom is still uncooked even though I extended the baking time. Any advice? TIA
Hi Lynn, don’t understand why your cake is not cooked as this is a small cake. Even if you didn’t mix well the batter, the baked cake will be very dense and not uncooked. Did you set your oven properly?
分蛋法才會讓mixing 膨漲發大
Hi Isa, 给你这样一说,我还以为自己搞错了,赶快翻一翻我的电脑里的照片,没有错啊 🙂
Hello Ann,
Thanks for this awesome recipe, maybe i messed up the portion as i bake about 47 cakes. And got a overpowered egg smell and taste. How can i lighten it? Should i add more vanilla extract? Please advise, thanks!
Hi Leo,
In this recipe, there are more eggs used as the flours are less, that’s the reason why got an eggy smell. You can add more vanilla extract or some grated lemon zest and lemon juice.
Thanks! I will give that a try.
Good job Ann Low. You just give me one masterpiece for my birthday.
This cake looks cute and delicious. Come out really fluffy. Texture of the cake looks good. Everyone will get their own piece of share. LoL 🙂 Love to try this at home. Thank You for sharing the recipe.
looks yumm. so fluffy and delicious
So very tender and soft!