Poached Chicken with Scallion Ginger Sauce 姜葱油鸡
This Poached Chicken with Scallion Ginger Sauce is not only fragrant, the chicken meat is also very silky smooth and tender. So perfect to serve with white rice! It is a homey and comfortable dish that is easy to prepare which requires simple ingredients readily available in most Chinese kitchen pantries and can be done within 45 minutes. After preparing the boneless chicken meat, drizzle some scallion ginger sauce over it and garnish with cut spring onion and white sesame seeds. Enjoy!
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Poached Chicken with Scallion Ginger Sauce
- 4 chicken drumsticks - about 400g
- 4 slices ginger
- 2 stalks spring onion - cut section or tie into a knot
Scallion ginger oil
- 100 g vegetable oil
- 4 slices ginger
- 2 stalks spring onion - cut in section
- 1 Bombay red onion - about 80g, chopped
Scallion ginger sauce
- 40 g scallion ginger oil
- 3/4 tbsp oyster sauce
- 3/4 tbsp light soy sauce
- 1.5 tsp caster sugar
- 1 tbsp chicken stock - strained
- Rub a small handful of kosher salt (or coarse salt) on chicken drumsticks, massage well all over and rinse thoroughly.
- Place chicken drumsticks in pot with ginger slices and spring onion. Add water to just above the drumsticks. Turn on heat to boil, then lower to medium heat cover with lid for about 20-25 minutes to just cooked and tender. **turn the drumsticks over after 10 minutes of poaching for even cooking**
- To check whether the chicken is cooked, poke a chopstick into the meat. If the juices run clear, it’s done.
- Remove drumsticks from pot and place into cold water for 5 minutes to prevent its from overcooking, then drain well.
- Pour about 100g oil into pot together with ginger slices, spring onion and red onion. Heat up the oil at medium heat and gently stir the oil mixture till aromatic for about 3 minutes and strain, set aside.
- In a small bowl, add oyster sauce, light soy sauce, sugar and 1 tablespoon of chicken stock together, stir well till sugar dissolved. Pour in 40g scallion ginger oil and stir mixture thoroughly till combined. Remaining oil can be kept for frying vegetables.
- Tear chicken meat from bones and place on serving plate. Pour enough sauce over it and garnish with spring onion and sesame seeds. Serve immediately. Can drizzle the remaining scallion ginger sauce over white rice - very fragrant and appetizing -
葱姜油鸡 Poached Chicken with Scallion Ginger Sauce
- 4个 小鸡腿 约400克
- 4片 姜
- 2根 青葱,切端或打个结
- 100克 菜油
- 4片 姜
- 2根 青葱,切越2寸长
- 1颗 红葱,约80克,剁碎 **我是用大颗的**
- 40克 葱头油
- 3/4汤匙 耗油
- 3/4汤匙 酱请
- 1.5茶匙 细糖
- 1汤匙 鸡汤,过滤
- 在鸡腿肉上抹上一小把粗盐,按摩均匀后冲洗净。
- 将鸡腿,姜片和葱段放入锅中,加上清水至盖过于鸡肉即可。开火煮滚,然后盖上盖转中火焖煮约20-25分钟至鸡肉刚熟。**十分钟后要翻一下鸡肉,这样才能把肉闷煮的均匀**
- 用筷子插进鸡腿肉处没血水渗出即代表鸡肉已经熟了。
- 把煮好的鸡腿放入冷水中浸泡5分钟然后沥干,这样才能把鸡肉熟度控制的刚刚好。
- 将约100克食油,姜片,葱段和红葱放入锅中,开中火轻轻的搅拌混合物至香约2-3分钟。然后过滤,残渣就不要了。
- 在一个小碗中,加入耗油,酱请,细糖和1汤匙鸡汤搅匀及细糖融化,倒入40克葱姜油,再把汁充分混合均匀即可。剩下的葱姜油可以留着炒菜或捞面也不错。
- 把鸡腿肉撕成小块摆入盘子中,淋上适量调制好的酱汁,撒上少许白芝麻和葱花即可享用。**剩下的酱汁可以淋在白饭上,特别的香及下饭**
- **当焖煮鸡腿肉的时候就可以准备葱姜油了。
- **可以用大鸡腿焖煮,不用去骨,斩块淋上酱汁即可。