Pumpkin Chiffon Cupcakes 南瓜纸杯蛋糕
These pumpkin Chiffon cupcakes are not only pretty in natural golden colour, they are also light and airy like eating a cloud. As usual, making chiffon cakes are easy to prepare without much hassle. So perfect to serve these small cakes to guests or to enjoy at any time of the day.
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Pumpkin Chiffon Cupcakes
- 20 g fresh milk
- 25 g corn oil
- 50 g mashed pumpkin
- 60 g cake flour or plain flour
- 3 egg yolks - large eggs
- 3 egg whites
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 45 g caster sugar
- Steamed pumpkin for about 20 minutes or till soft and mash fine with a fork. Set aside to cool.
- In a bowl, blend milk and corn oil, blend well to emulsified stage with a hand whisk.
- Add mashed pumpkin, mix well, sieve in flour and fold well. Lastly add eggs and fold well to smooth.
- Make meringue - Beat egg whites and lemon juice until foamy. Add sugar mixture in 3 separate rounds beat until egg whites are glossy, with peak form.
- Fold 1/3 of meringue into egg yolk batter, fold well to smooth with a rubber spatula. Then pour it back to the remaining meringue and fold well again.
- Scoop batter into muffin cups or pan lined with cupcake liners 90 percent full. Gently tap pan to release air bubbles and bake in the preheated oven (middle rack) at 140 degrees C for 30 minutes or skewer inserted into cake comes out clean.
- Take muffin cups or pan out from oven after baked and immediately drop the pan on the table top a few times to release hot air to prevent shrinkages (no need to overturn cake). Leave cakes to cool and enjoy!
- 20克 牛奶
- 25克 玉米油
- 50克 南瓜泥
- 60克 底筋面粉或中筋面粉
- 3个 蛋黄
- 蛋白霜
- 3个 蛋白
- 1/2茶匙 柠檬汁
- 40克 细砂糖
- 南瓜蒸20分钟或至软,然后用叉压成泥状,待凉。
- 将牛奶和玉米油搅拌至乳化 (用蛋抽)。
- 加入南瓜泥,拌匀;筛入面粉再拌匀。最后放入蛋黄搅拌至顺滑。
- 蛋白霜 – 把蛋白及柠檬汁打致起泡泡,细砂糖分3次加入,打致硬性发泡。
- 取出1/3蛋白霜到面糊里翻拌均匀. 然后把蛋糊倒入剩下的蛋白霜中,用刮刀翻拌均匀即可。
- 将面糊舀入玛芬盘(纸杯)中至9分满。轻轻的震出气泡。放入预热烤箱(中层)140度烤30分钟或竹签插入蛋糕内部拔出没有粘糊,就表示熟了。
- 烤好的的小蛋糕连烤盘在桌面敲打几下敲出气泡,这样蛋糕就不容易收缩。蛋糕待凉后即可享用(蛋糕无需倒扣)。
♥ Großartig, ich muss das Rezept unbedingt nachbacken, bald ist es soweit und es gibt wieder viele leckere Kürbisse.
Jetzt genieße ich aber erstmal den Sommer, der leider in diesem Jahr in Deutschland nicht wirklich toll ist.
Danke für das tolle Rezept und viele Grüße,