Red Date Chiffon Cake 红枣戚风蛋糕
I bought 2 large packets of red dates (commonly known as jujubes – read the benefits from here) from the TCM shop just because there’s an offer at one for one. Frankly, I have no idea what to do with them other than making soup or dessert. So I thought of making this healthy low calorie Red Date chiffon Cake to enjoy for my afternoon tea. The cake turned out soft and moist with the sweet fragrance of red dates and it was perfect to serve this with a cup of red date goji berry tea.
It didn’t take much time to make red date paste. Just boil the red dates and simmer at low heat till soft for about 15 minutes and remember to keep an eye while boiling the red dates and to add a little more water to prevent it from drying. Then drain out the excess liquid (reserve some red date liquid) and press the soft red dates through a sieve to get the red date paste. After preparing the red date paste, the rest of the steps are just the same as making a normal chiffon cake. Please read for more details from the recipe below.
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Red Date Chiffon Cake
- 100 g red dates** - pitted
- 250 g water**
- 4 egg yolks - 65g with shell
- 60 g dark brown sugar
- 120 g red date paste
- 50 g red date liquid
- 50 g corn oil
- 60 g cake flour/plain flour - sifted
- 2 tbsp corn flour (starch) - sifted
- 4 egg whites
- 1/4 tsp salt or lemon juice
- 45 g caster sugar
- Rinse red dates and cut into half, then place in a pot with 250g water. Boil red dates and simmer for about 15 minutes to soft at low heat.
- After boiling the red dates, drain out excess liquid and reserve 50 grams of it, set aside. Then press the soft red dates through a sieve to get 120g of red date paste.
- Combine egg yolks, and dark brown sugar in a bowl, mix well with a hand whisk followed by red date paste. Add red date liquid and corn oil and blend well. Sift in flours the second time into the egg mixture and stir well and set aside.
- Make meringue - Beat egg whites and salt until foamy. Add sugar in 3 separate rounds beat until egg whites are glossy, with stiff peaks. Fold egg whites into egg yolk batter in 3 batches until combined.
- Fold ⅓ of egg whites into the batter with a rubber spatula. Then pour in the remaining egg whites, gently fold the mixture until just combined.
- Pour batter into a 7 inch round removable base pan (no need to grease or line pan).
- Bake in lower second rack with a bowl of water (so that the cake will become more tender and moist ) in the preheated oven 150 degrees C for about 55 - 60 minutes.
- When cake is done, remove from oven and turn the pan over. Remove the cake from pan after cooling. Dust with some snow powder on top of the cake if preferred.
红枣戚风 Red Date Chiffon Cake
- 100克 红枣 (不带核)**
- 250克 水**
- 4 个 鸡蛋 (鸡蛋65克一个)
- 60克 黑糖
- 120克 枣泥
- 50克 红枣水
- 50克 玉米油
- 60克 低筋面粉或中筋面粉,过筛
- 2汤匙 玉米粉,过筛
- 蛋白霜
- 4个 蛋白
- 1/4茶匙 盐或柠檬汁
- 40克 细砂糖
- 做法:
- 红枣冲洗净然后 切半, 放入锅中加250克水,煮滚。改换小火焖煮约15分钟至烂及软。**要注意火候,水变得少就要再加水,不要让它干掉**
- 煮好的红枣,滤出多余的水分,保留50克红枣水备用。用筛网压出120克枣泥。
- 蛋黄和黑糖(用手动打蛋器)混合均匀。加红枣泥,拌匀,枣泥水及玉米油也加入,再搅拌均匀;筛入粉类(第二次),搅拌均匀即可。
- 蛋白霜 – 用搅拌机把蛋白和盐打致起泡泡,细砂糖分3次加入,打致硬性发泡。
- 取出1/3的蛋白霜到面糊里,用橡胶刮刀轻轻的翻拌均匀,然后倒入剩余的蛋白霜,再翻拌均匀即可。
- 将面糊倒入摸具中(7寸活底蛋糕烤盘 – 无需抹油或铺纸)。
- 放进预热烤箱摄氏150度下面的第二层,烘烤约55-60分钟。烤盘旁边放一小碗水,这样烤好的蛋糕体会更加的细腻湿润。
- 蛋糕出炉后,即倒扣致冷却才脱模切片享用。**喜欢的话可以撒上适量的防潮糖粉装饰**
- 烤箱温度和烘烤时间务必根据自家烤箱来定
Hi Ann, I tried your recipe today and it tasted fantastic! I have been looking out for a good red date chiffon recipe so really appreciate this and many thanks!
Just a small point that the top of my cake deflated slightly (and hence wasn’t level). I concurrently baked a banana chiffon and it was okay. Would you have any suggestions on how to tweak this please?
Hi Yuu, Happy that you tried this recipe and you enjoyed it! Not all chiffon cake recipes are the same because of different ingredients used. This recipe uses more liquid therefore after mixing in the flours, you can see the batter is more wet. You may try to whisk the egg whites a minute longer to get a stiffer stage and baking time can be one or two minutes more.
Thanks Ann, I’ll try that next time! 🙂
Ann, in your steps, you didn’t mention about at which stage to put in the red date paste.
Hi Viven, add the red date paste after egg yolk and sugar.
Good idea to use red dates to make this chiffon cake. Never tried to bake it this way, will definitely give it a go. Thanks for sharing!