Soya Beancurd Pudding 香滑冻豆腐
Soya Beancurd Pudding 香滑冻豆腐
100g Polleney Soybean Powder
40g Sugar
40g Coffee-mate powder
20g Instant Jelly
100ml Water (at room temperature)
900ml Water
- Mix all ingredients with 100ml water .
- Boil 900ml water and pour Polleney Soybean mixture into it. Stir well until boiled.
- Pour mixture into cups or moulds and let it set. (do not stir)
- Chill pudding before serve.
OR you may like to try my method:
3 satchets UNISOY Instant Organic Soya Milk Powder (no sugar added)
40g Sugar
40g Coffee-mate powder
20g Instant Jelly
100ml Water (at room temperature)
900ml Water
- Mix all ingredients with 100ml water.
- Boil 900ml water and off heat. Pour UNISOY Instant Organic Soya Milk Powder mixture into it and stir with a hand whisk.
- Then pour it into cups or moulds and let it set. (do not stir)
- Chill pudding before serve.
Is it instant jelly powder and agar-agar powder (yellow packaging) from NTUC is the same? Somehow, my end product is not as soft(watery) as "lao ban".
I think instant jelly is only available at Phoon Huat or Sunlik or other ingredient shops.
Looks simple and good!
You need to boil pandan leave together and add little bit of vanillin powder:)
Happy CNY Jessie! So glad that you and your guests enjoyed this dessert. I usually remove the bubbles with a dessert spoon before pouring into cups.
Thank you. What a coincident! Actually I was talking to my friend the other day to add pandan leave and vanilla powder.
Ann, I tried your receipe for the CNY, which turns out very well, all our guests just loved it and said it taste like Lao Ban. Thanks for sharing. Any better ideas as to how to get rid of the small bubbles that appear on cups when poured ( I used toothpick to burst the small bubbles).
Thank you so much for your blogg. I am interested in making the beancurd pudding but do not know where to get Red Man Instant Jelly.Where do you get yours please?Thank you.Cristina
Hi Cristina,So sorry for the late reply because I just found your comment is in my spam box.You can get the Instant Jelly powder from Phoon Huat (Redman brand) or Sunlik.
Hi Ann may i ask where can i get these stuffs which u mentioned,please kindly advice with thanks!
looks really nice….;)
I was browsing around for taufu fa before I drop by this blog! Hahaha! Maybe I should buy a pack. Nice to take on hot day! ;p
Hi Rose, Thanks for stopping by 🙂 Yes this is good for hot weather.
It really is silky smooth! Reminds me of tau foo fah. Lovely pictures, Ann. The soy pudding contrasting nicely with the black background 🙂
At one glance I thought is tou fu fa, your soya beancurd pudding is so smooth!!
I love the first picture, in fact all the pictures. The pudding looks velvety smooth. No wonder the 'Q' is so long!
Thank you for your compliment, Cheah 🙂
I feel like I should get in line too! Looks so silky.
Ann, lovely! I am still comprehensive getting the soya powder coz we don't really take such things and I didn't want to waste it. So do you think yours is as close as lao ban?
Thank you Edith 🙂 Is quite close except don't have the strong taste of tau fa.
最近看到很多姐妹做豆花,可是我家人都不爱,所以我也没动手 🙁
Esther, 这个你家人可能可以接受,因为比较像布丁,没有很浓的豆花位。
what an interesting pudding, I'd definitely be up for it 🙂
I agree! This is so good for the weather! It's been terribly uncomfortable and I'm craving for something light, rather than the rich desserts. Perfect!
Hello ann! I've tried doing this today, everything was good, except that the taste was too thick! Do u know what i could reduce to have the less milky/thick taste? 🙂
Hi Jorden, Sorry in late reply. I only tried this method so far. Perhaps you like to hop over to Cuisine Paradise to check on her recipe. She uses Vita soy bean milk.
Hi, may I know how many pudding can this recipe make? How long does it takes for the pudding mixtire to turn into a pudding?
Hi Christine, It depends on the size of your cup. I made about 8 cups in this recipe. Chill the pudding for at least 2 hours or make one day ahead.
What a great way of making this pudding. I too think by using the soymilk powder is more suitable and easier for the adjustment too. Thanks for sharing another chilling treat. Slurp…Have a lovely day!Kristy
Thanks for sharing this simple way of making 豆花, should be a keeper for hot weather. And it is organic, isn't it : )!
Thanks for sharing!But I am sure there is a sweet nice fragrance which is not here.. Some ingredient Seems to be missing.. Anyone know how to get the special nice refreshing fragrance?
Looks so cool and yummy! Perfect for our hot afternoons!
what a delicious looking pudding !so smooth!
Wow, it is even simpler than I thought. I thought I had to grind and boil the soya beans for the milk. And Lao Ban is selling it by the thousands. No wonder there are lots of other brands these days. Seems like the novelty is wearing off too, the queue is getting shorter. I used to buy it almost every week from Lao Ban at Old Airport Road. The q is quite short at about 11.30am.
I think the trend is almost over as there are many other stalls selling the same dessert and many bloggers made this at home too with their own versions.
Hi, thanks for sharing. I tried many times but all failed. The texture were like mousse. When do you add the instant jelly? Thanks again.
I mixed all the dry ingredients together with 100ml water.Please leave your name behind on your next comment.Thank you 🙂
Thank you Ms Ann for the prompt respond. I will try at NTUC Have a blessing day ahead!
wow it looks so smooth, soft and delicious, I've never hear about it but if you waited that long for it, it must be delicious
Wow this looks really good. Was wondering what you meant by jelly powder…is it gelatin?
Hi, May I know how long does it takes for the mixture to set? I've done mine using the same method and same recipe as yours. Now waiting for it to set. 🙂
Wow.. your beancurd pudding looks so smooth that I think they will just melt in the mouth !!
Joyce, yes melt in your mouth and not too sweet.
Whao, I'm impressed! I nvr realize bean curd pudding can be made of soy milk powder, thx for the inspiration! Coffee mate is yet another interesting ingredient!
Alice, Make some for your little sprouts, they will love it. 🙂
Ann, your version of pudding is very smooth & glossy! Would like to try out this recipe but not sure whether I can find the Polleney soybean powder or not.By the way, is there a difference between Polleney soybean powder & other soybean powder?
Jessie, You can use any brand of soybean powder. Method is the same as the recipe. Polleney soybean powder is for advertisement purpose in the magazine.
Thanks, Ann,if I find the powder,I'll giv it a try in the future
Looks really good and I love the silky type. There is one at Old Airport hawker center that has long queques as well. Tried it one time and thought it was way too smooth .. to the extent I could not really taste the texture of the bean curd.
Jo, I think the Old Airport hawker center is the main branch and they have many outlets now including the one at Maxwell rd.
look at that looks so healthy
Ann, you know my SIL also queued up for this Lao Ban 30mins! I like it the first time but after 2nd try I find it a little "sandy" towards the base…did u notice? You know too tried to make it my self but failed because I added too much jelly powder and it tasted like jelly and not pudding, lol!
Bee Bee, I tried twice, so far so good. Might due to their mixing not properly done sometime. How much jelly powder did you add?
It looks just as good as the one from Lao Ban ! No queuing , too ! hahaha Love its silky smooth texture !
that's really smooth and silky!! thanks for sharing another great way of making this tau foo fa!
So yummy recipe that I ever come across..I had try out and my family's and my friend's all love it so much..
btw I had add some almond powder..I feel more yummy..
thank you so much..LOVE YOUR BLOG.
xiao yan
Thanks for trying Xiao Yan 🙂 I'll definitely try to add almond powder the next time.
My friend love soya beancurd. Will send her this link 🙂 Lovely!
Thanks Shirley! 🙂
Definitely smooth! I love the last photo!
I agree – so silky and smooth. This might be just one bite… just kidding. =P Looks really delicious and I love this simple pudding!!
🙂 so smooth and refreshing, yeah really good to have one for hot weather…
One word to describe this, "smooooooth"…
I also joined the craze of making chilled soya milk pudding lately but personally I find it too milky with the creamer added, still prefer the old style :pUrs look extremely silky.
Angel, I find it quite OK not too milky maybe with this brand but tastes more like pudding than tou fu fa.
Hi AnnWhat type of instant jelly did you use? Can I use gelatin?ThanksAmanda
Hi Ann….is it instant jelly same as agar agar powder?Thx….
Amanda, you can get the instant jelly at the ingredients store. Of course you can add gelatine but you need to boil the mixture with water but the texture maybe slightly different.
Hi Shwuyng, Instand jelly sets quickly than agar agar powder. You can try agar agar powder if you want 🙂
looks really good and smooth. I saw a recipe at HWZ too, I have to try this out someday.
That's simple! Will try this soon after my flu..thanks for sharing!
Have more rest and take care!
Ann, 这个一眼看去就是香滑豆腐啦,不需要任何天花乱坠的介绍,就是一个字,”滑”!
Li Shuan, 真的很滑!就是没有豆花那么香。不像老伴,他们是用真材实料的哦。