Stewed Ground Nuts 香味卤花生
400g Raw Ground nuts
3 litre Water
2 Star anises
1 Cinnamon Stick ~ about 5 cm
4 tsp Salt
5 tbsp Sugar
10 tbsp Light soy sauce
3 tsp Dark soy sauce
1 tsp Sesame oil
- Soak ground nuts in water for 5 hours or overnight and wash ground nuts thoroughly.
- Put all ingredients and seasoning into a pot and bring to boil, lower to medium heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
- Then transfer over to pressure cooker and simmer for 45 minutes.
- Dish up and serve when the pressure cooker cool down and the the pressure is released.

Ground nuts or peanuts are rich vitamins and contain at least 13 different types of Vitamin A, B, C and E. Ground nuts can also cut your cholesterol and lower risk of heart disease.
Hi Ann, may I know which brand of pressure cooker u r using? Have a nice day.
Hi Lily, I'm using Tefal brand (an old model) 😀
Tks for replying.
Kenny: Because this is soft and tasty, I think most of the family love this.
I remember my dad loved stewed ground nuts!
Lori: You'll definitely like this~ it's fragrant and soft.
Mysweetkitchen: You're welcome 🙂
Oh..I ate this once in Tai Thong restaurant and fell in love with it. I had no idea how they cooked that. Thanks for the recipe. Will try soon.
Padhu, Can get a great flavour if your cook groundnuts in this way.
CBL: Yeap, the taste is exactly the same in the restaurant. If you want to cook groundnut without shell, I think can shorten the time of cooking .
Kathy, Simone, Karine, Joyce: This is a very common snack and it is always serve in the Chinese restaurant before Main course.
Murasaki: Yes, you're right.
Sonia, Tigerfish, Juliana, Beachlover: You're welcome and thank you. I think by now you can cook this at home.
This kind of dish is new to me. I am guessing I would love it as I love boiled peanuts.
Thanks for the award and I love to follow your blog. Now I have been a bit busy lately so I just read back to the almond cake and it looks delicious. Now the peanuts are interesting to me. They have plain boiled peanuts here in my state of Georgia but your peanuts sound sweet to the taste. We eat a whole lot of peanuts here at sporting events.
peanut!! love any type of nuts! thanks for your wonderful award:) appreciated it!
Oh! I haven't had peanut cooked this way for a while…you brought me memories of my childhood 🙂
Long long long long time since I have these…:O
me last again !! I like to eat this nut when taking meal in Chinese restaurants, very nice, and now I can cook this at home. Thank you very much for your kind sharing.
I've never seen something like this, and I LOVE the idea of it. Such great flavor for them, bet I'd eat the whole bowl up at one sitting!
I've had these but it's been ages….so long ago that I can't even remember when. I guess there are just somethings you give-up when you move continents…
I love peanuts but I tend to eat them as they are, although this sounds like a very interesting way of preparing them!
This is totally a new recipe to me. It sounds very very good as I love nuts! My word verification is "sinful" so these MUST be good!
Does it taste like the stew peanut served in Chinese restaurants? I like that!!!
All these years I have had only plain pressure cooked peanuts with salt .This recipe is new to me and for a change I will try this next time .Your presentation and photos are awesome.Thank you for passing the award for me Dear Anncoo.
Sherleen: You're welcome:)
Sze Sze: Make this at home is much more cheaper.
Little Inbox: If I don't use pressure cooker, I think its need about 3-4 hour to get the nut soften. Maybe the nut without shell will shorten the time of cooking.
Rebecca: Try this if you like~you'll love it.
oh wow what a great recipe for peanuts
My first attempt was not successful. Can't get the nut soften.
Never do it at home, normally buy from outside, now have your recipe, i can make it at home. Thanks for your sharing…
thx for the award…i come over to pick it up…
tis is really encouraging me to work harder on my culinary skills…
Mary: You're welcome. This groundnuts really make me can't stop eating.
Angie: Me too!
Pigpigscorner: Restaurant can only serve a very small portion, so why not make it at home.
Gulmohar, Kothiyavunu, Sarah: This is a most common snack in Chinese restaurant.
Velva: Groundnut is also peanut.
JW, Keats: Yes, both of you are right. This is always serve as starter in the restaurant.
OOh, such a lovely starter for a Chinese meal.Peanuts are my favourites , soft or hard!
Hey…thanks so much for the award! Don't chinese restaurants serve these very things?? I love em'
a real new recipe for me…Sounds gr8!!
This Ozarks farm chick has never heard of these before. I MUST get of the Ponderosa more often. It sounds very tasty. I must try them. Thanks for sharing.
Ya'll have yourself a fantastically blessed day!!!
Is ground nuts another term for peanuts? This is a wonderful flavor combination for boiled nuts. The addition of soy sauce and cinnamon is over the top!
Interesting recipe!!!The peanuts looks so welcoming and loaded with the flavors of cinnamon… Yummy!!love it.
New to me…will try it out and let you know 🙂
I love this! I've only had this at restaurants though..hae to try to make some myself!
These are something I ate very often when I was still a kid.
Yesterday I bought some dried roasted peanuts, and they are simply good.
First of all, thanks a zillion for the lovely award from you. Really appreciate that a lot. It's a real surprise to me. Didn't expect that. You made me keep smiling!
Oooooh….I really love those groundnuts that are boiled until very soft. I great snack when watching TV, chatting with friends or even during parties or picnics. Thanks for sharing.
Joy: I didn't know can add 咸菜 in it. Must try this next time.
Debbie: Thank you 🙂
Petite: Before I start to make this, did some research at the website~some say soak 1 hour and some 3 hours and even overnight. The groundnuts are quite sandy so I soaked longer time and 400g are quite a lot.
Wow, need to soak for 5 hours! I like this a lot, esp with porridge or just snacking. Never knew how to cook this so thanks so much for sharing this recipe!!
This sounds like such a nice way to enjoy peanuts…
aw my aunt would make these all the time, she would always add that salty preserved cabbage – xian cai? I really love how the peanuts soak up the flavors of the marinade/juice. MMMmm cant wait to try this thanks for sharing!!
ICook4Fun: Me too 🙂
Lyndsey, Tina, Lea Ann,
This is usually offer as snack in Chinese restaurant.
Aruna: You're welcome.
I have never heard of such a dish. It sounds very tasty. Thanks for a great post,
Hi Anncoo,
Thanks a lot for such a beautiul and an encouraging award .
Thanks a lot………..
Its new and very interesting…
Around here they sell boiled peanuts. Very popular in the south. We have a gas station they called "Peanut Joe's" where we get them all the time. Yours sounds so much better with all the seasoning! Yum!
I prefer this type of braised peanuts than those fried ones.
Rachel: You're welcome 🙂
Kristy: Oh, I also remember that a man will pushed his cart along the street and selling this but not now.
Donna: Can try this at home 🙂
Palidor: This is also my first time to make this. Read through book and made some adjustment ~ my husband love it.
Pearlyn: You're welcome.
Nat: Try this, its really nice and if you don't have a pressure cooker, need to simmer at least 3 hours or until soft.
Oh I LOVE nuts this way Anncoo..never knew i could make them at home…thanks for teaching me this !
Oh me and my hub love these ! I love braising the groundnuts on its own the same way like you do too. Thanks for the award 😀
I didn't know you could stew nuts! What a great idea and they look very tasty.
Oh these sound like yummy little treats or a great appetizer!! Such flavor.
This kind of peanut does bring back a lot of childhood memories! My hubby told me that his father selling this infront of the cinema when he was very little.