Air Fried Apple Custard 空气炸锅苹果蛋奶
The weather is getting hotter after Chinese New Year holidays and I don’t feel like spending a long time in the kitchen. Just checking what I left in my refrigerator and saw there were a few red apples still sitting in it. So I quickly made an easy Air Fried Apple Custard. It takes only less than 30 minutes to make this yummy healthy dessert. This recipe is the same as the banana custard that I’d made before but with sugar and vanilla added in it. I really enjoy the soft and smooth custard texture with the crunchy bite of the apple slices, so perfect for my afternoon tea. You may serve this Apple Custard warm after baking or chill it as an after meal dessert.
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Air Fried Apple Custard
- Air fryer
- 1.5 red apples
- 2 large eggs
- 1.5 tbsp caster sugar
- 150 ml fresh milk
- 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
- Peel, core and slice the apples, not too thin and soak in salt water for about 30 seconds and strain well.
- Crack eggs into cup, 150ml fresh milk, sugar and vanilla extract. Stir gently egg mixture till combined and pass through a sieve.
- Layer apple slices into 4 foil cups and fill it up evenly with egg mixture.
- Place foil cups into air fryer. Set temperature at 180 degrees C and bake for 15 minutes.
- Serve warm or chilled. *The sliced apple will be slightly softened after chilling*.
- 空气炸锅苹果蛋奶 Air Fried Apple Custard
- 农历新年刚过,天气越来越热,实在不想在厨房待得太久。在冰箱里看到还有几个红苹果,就做个简单快手苹果蛋奶。这食谱是跟之前做的烤香蕉蛋奶一样,只多了糖分和香精,就能烤出香甜可口甜品了。
- 材料:
- 1.5 红苹果 (一个半红苹果)
- 2个 大全蛋
- 1.5汤匙 细砂糖
- 150毫升 牛奶
- 1/4茶匙 香草香精
- 做法:
- 苹果去皮和核,切片,不要太薄,放入一碗盐水中浸泡约30 秒,捞起沥干水分,备用。
- 打入鸡蛋,150毫升牛奶,砂糖和香精到杯中。轻轻的搅拌均匀,然后过滤。
- 将苹果片排入4个锡纸盒,倒入蛋液。
- 然后放进空气炸锅180度烤约分15钟。
- 可温热的时候享用或放入冰箱冷藏。*苹果片冷藏后会开始变软*。。但还是很好吃~~