Chocolate Chiffon Cake 巧克力戚风蛋糕
Baking this chocolate chiffon cake was a last minute decision last Sunday morning and I had to make it in time for the birthday boy’s celebration in the afternoon. So the quickest way is to bake a chocolate chiffon cake and to frost it with ganache cream. This cake is chocolatey and fragrant. It is actually a chocolate chiffon cake with ganache cream and I had shared the recipe before, about 3 years ago. I am sharing the recipe again at the request of my friend, but this time with a slight adjustment on the ganache cream. So, here’s the recipe for you, Elisa and to all my readers.

Chocolate Chiffon Cake
- 80 g dark chocolate - or use used 66% valrhona chocolate
- 3 egg yolks
- 35 g corn oil
- 60 g fresh milk
- 15 g cocoa powder
- 35 g cake flour or plain flour
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- 3 egg whites
- 50 g caster sugar
- 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
Ganache cream
- 200 g semi-sweet chocolate
- 120 ml dairy whipping cream
- 20 g soft butter
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- Melt chocolate in a double boiler and stir till smooth, set aside. (I microwaved the chocolate pieces for 45 seconds)
- In a large bowl, beat egg lightly with a hand whisk, followed by oil, milk and melted chocolate, stir well.
- Combine flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and baking soda together and sift into the egg yolk mixture, mix till combined and smooth to a thick paste.
- Meringue - Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar at till foamy and gradually add in sugar and beat to stiff peak from medium to high speed.
- Pour the batter into a 17cm chiffon pan and gently tap the pan on the table top to get rid of any trapped bubbles. Bake in preheated oven at 165C for about 40 minutes.
- Invert cake pan immediately and let to cool down completely after baked.
- Ganache Cream - Place chopped chocolate pieces and butter into a bowl. Bring whipping cream to a boil at medium heat, then pour over the chocolate pieces. Stir chocolate till smooth and add vanilla extract, stir well again. Leave chocolate cream to stand for 10 minutes before pouring on top of cake and spread evenly with a palette knife or a scraper. Refrigerate cake in the chiller for an hour before consuming.
- 材料:
- 80克 黑巧克力,切小 (我用的是66%的valrhona巧克力)
- 3个 蛋黄
- 35克 玉米油
- 60克 鲜奶
- 35克 底筋面粉/中筋面粉
- 15可 可可粉 (valrhona可可粉)
- 1/4茶匙 发粉
- 1/4茶匙 苏打粉
- 3个 蛋白
- 50克 细砂糖
- 1/4茶匙 塔塔粉或盐
- 巧克力伽纳彻酱
- 200克 半甜巧克力
- 120克 动物性奶油
- 20克 软牛油
- 1/2茶匙 香草香精
- 做法:
- 将巧克力快隔水煮溶,搅拌至滑,备用。(我用微波炉45秒就可以了)
- 蛋黄和糖稍微搅拌后,加入油,再拌入牛奶和溶化巧克力混拌均匀。
- 将所有粉类筛入并搅拌均匀成巧克力糊。
- 蛋白霜 – 蛋白和塔塔粉,用搅拌机高速搅拌致大气泡,分次加入细糖打发致坚挺状(从中到高速度)。将蛋白霜分3次拌入巧克力面糊,搅拌致均匀。
- 倒入一个17cm戚风模子,轻轻把气泡敲出,放入预热烤箱倒数第二层,以165度烤约40分钟。
- 蛋糕出炉,倒扣待凉后脱模。
- 巧克力伽纳彻酱 – 巧克力碎和牛油放入碗中,备用。以中火将奶油煮滚即可,倒在巧克力上,搅拌至顺滑,加入香精拌匀,待凉10分钟。然后倒在蛋糕面上,用刮刀或三角齒刮板抹平即可装饰。送入冰箱冷藏一个小时即可享用。。
- 将所有材料放入锅内,以中小火稍微煮滚,熄火。将巧克力酱 搅拌至顺滑。再搅拌均匀即可,待凉10分钟。然后倒在蛋糕面上,用刮刀或三角齒刮板抹平即可装饰。送入冰箱约一个小时即可享用。
- **烤箱温度和烘烤时间务必根据自家烤箱来定
Hi Ann, I would like to make this cake, may I know if 17cm cake pan is the same as 6″ ? And btw, may I know where can I get the chocolate decoration at the side of the cake? Thank you so much
Hi Phoebil, 17cm is about 6.6 inches. The chocolate deco is available at Sunlik. Is actually in square shape. I used a hot knife to cut the deco in triangle.
Hi Ann, I would like to make this cake, may I know if 17cm cake pan is the same as 6″ ? And btw, may I know where can I get the chocolate decoration at the side of the cake? Thank you so much
Hi Phoebil, 17cm is about 6.6 inches. The chocolate deco is available at Sunlik. Is actually in square shape. I used a hot knife to cut the deco in triangle.