Fluffy Sponge Cupcakes 松软海绵杯子蛋糕
These soft and fluffy cupcakes are very spongy and springy after baked. You can feel the ‘doink … doink‘ texture when you press on the cake even though you didn’t use the egg separation method (like the light chiffon cake) to bake these cupcakes. The ingredients for this recipe is quite similar to the Whisked Sponge Cake that I shared with you last week. The previous one was not as fluffy as this one because in this recipe, baking powder is added and the butter melted together with the milk. The whisking method is very straight forward and you don’t need to warm the eggs. In fact I love both cakes, whisked sponge cake and these Fluffy sponge cupcakes. Different texture but just as yummy …. everyone who loves to bake should give this a try, so perfect for our tea break!
Fluffy Sponge Cupcakes ~ so perfect for our tea break!

Fluffy Sponge cupcakes
- 4 large eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 100 g caster sugar
- 140 g cake flour/plain flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 50 g butter
- 50 g fresh milk
- Preheat oven to 170°C. Line muffin pan with paper cases. In a bowl, combine cake flour and baking powder together.
- In a mixing bowl, whisk eggs and sugar at high speed for 5 minutes until double volume. Lower to speed one and whisk for 30 seconds to get rid of some air bubbles. To test it, you can write a letter "O" on the surface of egg batter and it should stay there for a few seconds then you have the right consistency.
- Transfer the egg batter to a large bowl. Sieve flours in 2 batches and fold gently well with a rubber spatula in each addition. Do not over mix or you will deflate the batter.
- Melt the butter and milk together at low heat. When you see the butter almost melted, remove from heat. Do not boil the mixture and stir well.
- Scoop some batter into the melted butter and mix well. Then pour the mixture into the remaining batter and gently fold well with a rubber spatula.
- Fill the paper cases with the batter to 3/4 full. then gently drop the muffin pan on table top twice to knock out air bubbles.
- Bake in the preheated oven for about 25-30 minutes till lightly golden or skewer inserted into cake comes out dry.
- 4个 大鸡蛋
- 1茶匙 香草香精
- 100克 细砂糖
- 140克 底筋面粉或中筋面粉
- 1茶匙 泡打粉
- 50克 牛油
- 50克 牛奶
- 预热烤箱至摄氏170度。 玛芬烤盘内放入纸杯。将面粉和泡打粉放入碗中,混合均匀。
- 把鸡蛋打入碗中,加入细糖,然后用电动打蛋器高速打发鸡蛋和细糖至双倍大(5分钟),转入低速度搅打30秒让蛋液的泡沫比较细腻。用打蛋器试画出一个‘O’形能待上数秒钟,就表示可以了。
- 把打好的蛋液倒入另一个大碗中,面粉分2次过筛入蛋液里,每一次都要用刮刀轻轻的翻拌均匀即可 (不要过度的搅拌,要不然蛋液就会泡消掉)。
- 用底火融化牛油和牛奶,看到牛油差不多要融掉了,就熄火 ,搅融牛油就可以了。
- 取出一部分的面糊到融化牛油液里拌匀,然后倒回去剩余的面糊里,再用刮刀翻拌均匀即可。
- 把面糊倒入玛芬盘中至3/4满,然后桌面轻轻震两下将气泡震出去。
- 放进预热烤箱烤约25-30分钟至金黄色或牙签插入蛋糕内部,拔出没有粘糊,就表示熟了。
so very fluffy and tender…these mini cakes are perfect for snacking all day :-))
so very fluffy and tender…these mini cakes are perfect for snacking all day :-))