Fried Mini Meat Buns 迷你肉饼
These Fried Mini Meat Buns are not only easy to make but they are delicious. The wrappers are not made from scratch but use the ready made dumpling skin (水饺皮)that are available in the supermarkets. As the dumpling skin is smaller in size all you can do is just roll it out with a rolling pin to a thinner and larger size for easy wrapping. Besides pan-frying the mini meat buns to crisp, you can even deep fry or place them in a steamer to steam for a healthier choice. The mixing of the fillings is really easy too and can be prepared and kept in the refrigerator for a few hours ahead. Definitely perfect to enjoy these fried mini meat buns with a cup of Chinese hot tea.
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Fried Mini Meat Buns
- 500 g minced pork (ground pork) with fat
- 1 egg
- 100 g onion
- 3-4 stalks spring onion
- 1/2 tbsp minced ginger
- 1 tsp white pepper - or more
- 60 ml hot oil
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp chicken powder
- 1 tsp light soya sauce
- 1 tsp dark soya sauce
- 1/2 tbsp sesame oil
- 3/4 tbsp oyster sauce
- Clean spring onion under running water and cut out the white part, bash and cut finely, set aside. Cut the green part finely and place into another bowl. Chop the onion to small pieces.
- Place minced pork into a bowl with one whole egg. Using a pair of chopsticks and stir well (in one direction). Drop in the minced ginger, white part of spring onion. chopped onion and pepper.
- Heat up oil at low heat until you see some lines appearing, then pour on to the minced pork mixture, stir well.
- Add seasoning and stir the pork mixture with a pair of chopsticks in one directions until the meat becomes sticky, about 2-3 minutes. Lastly add cut spring onion (green), stir well again for another minute. Cover the pork mixture with cling wrap and place inside the refrigerator for later use (can prepare the meat filling a few hours ahead).
- **watch video** Tear out 4-5 pieces of the wrappers and stack them together. Place them on table top. Add some flour on rolling pin and roll out the wrappers to a thinner and larger size.
- Place about 1 tablespoon or slightly more pork mixture in the middle of the wrapper and moisten the edge with little water. Fold it up and seal, then place the top side down. Repeat the same until you use up the ingredients (makes about 30 pieces).**
- Heat up frying pan with some oil over medium low heat and fry buns till golden brown on both sides, about 3 minutes on each side. **optional - sprinkle some white sesame seeds over the buns for more aroma**
- Serve hot buns immediately.
迷你肉饼 Fried Mini Meat Buns
- 500克 五花肉碎(绞肉)
- 1个 全蛋
- 100克 洋葱
- 3-4根 青葱
- 1/2汤匙 姜末
- 1茶匙 胡椒粉 (可多加)
- 60毫升 热油
- 1茶匙 白糖
- 1茶匙 盐
- 1茶匙 鸡精粉
- 1茶匙 酱请
- 1茶匙 黑酱油
- 1/2汤匙 耗油
- 3/4汤匙 耗油
- 洗净青葱,把葱白和绿部分分开切。葱白拍几下然后切细,绿部分切粒。洋葱剁碎,备用。
- 肉碎放入碗中,加入鸡蛋。用筷子顺着一个方向搅匀。然后加入姜末,葱白,洋葱和胡椒粉。
- 用小火热油至呈现纹路即可倒在肉碎混合物,搅匀混合物。
- 加入调味料,再用筷子顺着一个方向搅打至肉碎起胶约2-3分钟,最后加入葱粒再搅打匀一分钟。盖上保鲜膜收入冰箱备用 (可预先几个小时备好馅料)。
- (请看视频)取出4-5片水饺皮,再叠在一起。擀面棍抹上少许面粉,把水饺皮擀大一些及薄。
- 然后把馅料约1汤匙或多一点放在水饺皮上,边缘沾一点水才收口**可包约30个小肉饼**。
- 加热煎锅(中小火),把肉饼煎至两面金黄色即可(一面煎约3分钟)。**喜欢的话可撒上少许白芝麻增加香味**
- 盛起即可享用。