Ginger Scallion Salted Chicken 姜葱咸鸡腿
I’m sure that many Chinese families like salted chicken and they used to order that dish when they dine out. There are two ways of cooking salted chicken at home, one is to wrap up the chicken and bake it in fried coarse salt. The other way is to steam the salted chicken which I’m sharing with you today. The chicken is moist, delicious, tender and fragrant. I find it easier and faster to cook the chicken using this method. All you need to do is to just marinate the chicken thighs with grated ginger, cooking wine and coarse salt for at least an hour then steam them for about 25 to 30 mins. The preparation of scallion (spring onion) ginger oil is also very easy only using 4 ingredients which can be done within a few minutess. You can serve this ‘sauce’ with poached chicken, soy sauce chicken or just use it to steam with fish.
Moist, tender and fragrant Ginger Scallion Salted Chicken
Ginger Scallion Salted Chicken
Salted Chicken Thigh
- 2 whole chicken legs - about 500g
- 1 tbsp minced ginger - grated
- 1/2 tbsp hua tiao chiew - Chinese cooking wine
- 1/2 tbsp coarse salt - I used slightly more than 1/2 tbsp
- 2 slices ginger
- some scallion - cut to about 2 inches long
Ginger Scallion Oil
- 4 stalks scallion
- 1 tbsp minced ginger - grated
- 1/2 tsp fine salt
- 80 ml cooking oil - I used corn oil
- Salted chicken legs - poke some holes with a fork in the chicken meat to allow the marinade to penetrate. Rub and massage chicken legs with minced ginger, hua tiao chiew and coarse salt thoroughly, covered with cling wrap and chill in the refrigerator for an hour or longer.
- Ginger scallion oil - bash the white part of the spring onion and chop together with the green part then combine with minced ginger and salt in a bowl. Heat up oil to shimmery hot and immediately pour into the bowl of chopped scallion causing more fragrant in the mixture (pour oil just to cover the spring onion). Stir well and set aside to cool for later use.
- Place chicken legs with scallion and ginger slices in the steamer with boiling water. Steam at high heat for about 25-30 minutes. To check whether the chicken is cooked, poke a chopstick into the meat. If the juices run clear, it’s done.
- Cool the cooked chicken legs a little, then chop to pieces top with ginger scallion oil or serve on side as dipping sauce.
姜葱咸鸡腿 Ginger Scallion Salted Chicken
蒸好的咸鸡腿及铺上姜葱油,嫩滑多汁超好吃!做法非常的简单,大家可以试试看 😀
- 2个 鸡腿,约500克
- 1汤匙 姜末
- 1/2汤匙 花调酒
- 1/2汤匙 粗盐 (我用稍微多过半汤匙)
- 2片 姜
- 适量葱段,约2寸长
- 4根 青葱
- 1汤匙 姜末
- 1/2茶匙 细盐
- 80毫升 食油
- 腌盐鸡腿 – 首先用叉子稍微搓入鸡肉里让腌制更肉味。将姜末,花调酒和粗盐抹在鸡腿上,上下抹均匀;盖上保鲜纸放入冰箱冷藏约1个小时。
- 姜葱油 – 将葱白拍一拍和青葱切粒,姜末和盐一起放入碗中。加热食油至开始冒烟就直接冲入葱粒混合物里激发出香葱和姜末的香味,搅匀待凉备用。
- 将姜片和葱段放在鸡腿上,放入蒸笼(先烧开水)蒸约25-30分钟(用筷子插进鸡腿肉处没血水渗出即代表鸡已经熟了)。
- 稍微待凉鸡腿才斩块,铺上姜葱油或把它盛在酱油碟中。吃的时候将鸡肉沾上姜葱油也可以。
Hi Ann! Keen to try this for the upcoming cny. Can I marinate the chicken overnight? Will it be too salty? If using fine salt, how much to use? Thanks
Hi Ai Li, is very salty to marinate the chicken overnight. Is better to use coarse salt as it’s healthier. You can buy those small packet of coarse salt from the supermarket.
So appetizing and delicious! Beautiful presentation too, Ann.
Why coarse salt? Is this to prevent the chicken from becoming too salty if I use fine salt? Btw will there will be large salt crystals on the chicken? I am a lil scared if my family membera bite into one of the salt crystals. Btw what about steaming juices from the chicken? Can I serve it with the chicken & maybe season the steaming juices (chicken broth) with a bit of sugar & salt to taste. Willing to give this recipe a try it looks delicious.
Hi Lilian, 1/2 tbsp of coarse is not much and it will dissolved after steaming the chicken. You need to add more if you use fine salt. Yes serve the juices together with the chicken and it can even go with rice.
Please follow my recipe. If you want to add chicken broth, sugar or other ingredients then is your own creation
Why coarse salt? Is this to prevent the chicken from becoming too salty if I use fine salt? Btw will there will be large salt crystals on the chicken? I am a lil scared if my family membera bite into one of the salt crystals. Btw what about steaming juices from the chicken? Can I serve it with the chicken & maybe season the steaming juices (chicken broth) with a bit of sugar & salt to taste. Willing to give this recipe a try it looks delicious.
Hi Lilian, 1/2 tbsp of coarse is not much and it will dissolved after steaming the chicken. You need to add more if you use fine salt. Yes serve the juices together with the chicken and it can even go with rice.
Please follow my recipe. If you want to add chicken broth, sugar or other ingredients then is your own creation
So appetizing and delicious! Beautiful presentation too, Ann.