Green Bean Sweet Potato Soup 绿豆番薯糖水
Green bean soup is one of my favourite Chinese dessert soups ( 糖水) that I love since I was a child. I remember my late Grandma used to make this green bean soup with smelly grass (臭草known as Rue Herb) and tangerine peel (陈皮), commonly used in Cantonese dishes. Since the younger generation cannot stand the strong smelly grass, there are many new versions of making this green bean soup. Some like to add coconut milk or even durian to the sweet soup to give extra flavours. Personally, I like to make simple Green Bean Sweet Potato Soup which only takes less than an hour to boil. Then add sugar to taste. I used black sugar (dark brown sugar) that I’ve in the pantry, anyway is your choice to use rock sugar or gula melaka (palm sugar). For better flavour, add knotted pandan leaves to boil together with the dessert soup but due to the the circuit breaker, I’ve not been out of my house for almost 3 weeks so I just had to forgo it.
Green bean (also known as Mung Bean) has a cooling effect and able to dispel heatiness in our bodies, especially suitable to make this sweet soup in this hot and humid weather. Read more benefits from here
Sweet potatoes come in a variety of sizes and colors — including orange, white, and purple — and are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Read about the health benefits from here
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Green Bean Sweet Potato Soup
- 100 g green beans (mung beans)
- 1300 ml water
- 80 g black sugar, rock sugar or gula melaka (palm sugar) - add to taste
- 2 pandan leaves - I didn't add
- Soak green beans in water for about 2 hours. Rinse well and drain.
- Wash sweet potatoes and remove outer skin, cut to chunks.
- Place green beans and water into a deep pot (to prevent the soup boil over easily) and bring to boil over high heat. Then cover with lid and simmer at low heat for 15 minutes. Drop in the sweet potatoes and continue to simmer for another 20-30 minutes until the beans are split open and sweet potatoes become soft.
- Lastly stir in black sugar to taste. Serve warm or chilled.
- 绿豆汤番薯糖水 Green Bean Sweet Potato Soup
- 绿豆汤有清热解毒、止渴消暑的功效,天气炎热来一碗清凉的绿豆番薯糖水最适合不过了~~
- 材料:
- 100克 绿豆
- 1300毫升 水
- 300克 红薯
- 80克 黑糖,冰糖或椰糖,适量
- 3片 香兰叶 (我没放)
- 绿豆去掉杂质冲洗净,用水浸泡约2个小时,沥干水分。
- 洗净红薯去皮,切成块状。
- 绿豆和水放入深锅里(免得汤类会扑出来)大火煮滚,盖上锅盖用小火焖煮15分钟;加入红薯继续煮约20-30分钟至绿豆开花和红薯变软便可。
- 最后加入适量的黑糖搅拌至融化。温热或冷藏后食用。
- *绿豆煮的太烂话,放入冰箱冷藏后就变得很浓稠就没那么好看,就好像一锅粥一样。
cooked this today, to satisfy request of my prince & quench thirst. Taste marvellous!! I used pressured cooker to cook this dessert, uses 22 minutes 😉 Thank Ann
Hi Chris, I boiled this green bean with press cooker before and the timing is about the same as yours 🙂 Due to the hot weather, I love to served it chilled.
One of the favourite summer treats!
cooked this today, to satisfy request of my prince & quench thirst. Taste marvellous!! I used pressured cooker to cook this dessert, uses 22 minutes 😉 Thank Ann
Hi Chris, I boiled this green bean with press cooker before and the timing is about the same as yours 🙂 Due to the hot weather, I love to served it chilled.
One of the favourite summer treats!