Haw Flakes Cheesecake 山楂芝士蛋糕
Haw flakes are the Chinese candy (shan zha bing 山楂饼)made from the fruit of the Chinese Hawthorn. Haws are a red fruit with a tangy sweet taste and are a particular of the Chinese young kids. The candies are cut into very thin coin-like wafers, packed into cylindrical stacks resembling Chinese fireworks.
I enjoyed haw flakes since I was little and never tired of eating it even until now. I usually grab a packet of these haw flakes as snack whenever I visited the grocery store nearby my house. Just few days ago, I saw there is a new type of packaging of haw flakes from Yue Hua (欲华百货)and without second thought I bought a packet home. I found the colour is on the lighter side, might probably due to no preservative added (stated on the packaging). Anyway, I used the haw flakes to make into this baked cheesecake and the cake turns out beautifully and yummy with a little tangy sweet topping of the haw flakes. The haw flakes topping recipe was inspired from a cookbook – A Touch of Classic Baking. I’ve reduced the sugar to half and change using gelatin to replace the instant jelly powder. I used a removable cake pan and .. sigh … I forgot to wrap the pan with aluminium foil. So the cheesecake batter sipped through the pan and dripped a little onto the pan of water.
Delicious Haw Flakes Cheesecake to serve for friends and family or at any occasion
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Haw Flakes Cheesecake
Biscuit base
- 100 g digestive biscuit
- 50 g haw flakes - blend to fine
- 60 g melted butter
Cheese filling
- 250 g cream cheese
- 30 g caster sugar
- 100 ml dairy whipping cream
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp lemon juice - optional
- 3 egg yolks - used large eggs
- 3 egg whites
- 25 g caster sugar
- 50 g haw flakes - blend to fine
- 200 ml water
- 25 g sugar
- 1/2 tbsp gelatin powder + 2tbsp water
- Biscuit base - Grease the sides of a 8 inch removable cake pan and line the bottom with parchment paper. Blend biscuits and haw flakes to fine and mix well with melted butter (add little more butter if you find the crumbly biscuits are too dry). Pressing the biscuit crumbs with your hand at the bottom of the lined cake pan and place it in the refrigerator for later use.
- Cheese filling - cream the cheese and sugar together at low speed. Gradually pour in whipping, beat till smooth at medium speed. Continue beating and add vanilla extract and lemon juice mix well .
- Add egg yolks one at a time and beat until all combined.
- In another clean bowl, whisk egg whites till foamy. Add sugar in batches and whisk to peak form. Use a rubber spatula to fold egg whites to cheese mixture in 3 batches.
- Gently pour cheese mixture into prepared cake pan. **Wrap the cake pan with aluminium foil to prevent cheesecake batter seeped through the pan
- Steam bake in preheated oven at 160 deg C for about 1 hour. It should feel set, but not rigidly so.
- Leave cheesecake to cool completely in pan before adding the topping jelly on top.
- Topping - Blend haw flakes to fine. Then combine with water and sugar in a small pot.
- Stir mixture to boil under medium fire until haw flakes dissolved. Then add in the soaked gelatin and stir well again till gelatin melted (you may sieve the liquid mixture if you find the haw flakes are not completely dissolved) and leave liquid to cool completely.
- Lastly pour liquid mixture on top of the cheesecake and chill the cheesecake in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight.
- Remove the cake from cake pan, decorate with fresh cream and haw flakes or as desired.
- 山楂片(山楂饼)是我童年鲜美的记忆,成长中回忆的味道;与芝士蛋糕配搭真的很不错!
- 材料:
- 饼底
- 准备一个8寸圆形烤盘,傍边抹油,底部铺纸
- 100克 饼干
- 50克 山楂片 (搅碎)
- 60克 溶化牛油
- 芝士馅料
- 250克奶油芝士
- 30克 细砂糖
- 100毫升 动物性鲜奶油
- 1/2茶匙 香草香精
- 1/2汤匙 柠檬 (可不放)
- 3个 蛋黄(用大鸡蛋)
- 3个 蛋白
- 35克 细砂糖
- 上层
- 50克 山楂片
- 25克 细砂糖
- 200毫升 清水
- 1/2汤匙 鱼膠粉(吉利丁粉)+2汤匙水, 浸泡
- 做法:
- 饼底 – 准备一个8寸圆形活动摸烤盘,傍边抹油,底部铺纸。将饼干和山楂片磨细(分开磨)和牛油混合均匀(觉得饼干料太干的话,可多加一点牛油),压入烤盘底部,压平压紧。铺好饼干后,放进冰箱备用。
- 用电动打蛋器以底速度搅打奶油芝士和细糖。慢慢的倒入动物性奶油,用中速度搅打至顺滑。然后加入香精和柠檬汁搅匀。
- 加入蛋黄,一个一个下,搅打至均匀。
- 再另一个干净大碗,把蛋白打至起泡,细糖分次加入, 打致硬性发泡。蛋白霜分3次拌入奶油芝士糊里,用刮刀翻拌均匀。
- 然后轻轻的倒入准备好的烤盘内。**切记用锡纸包住蛋糕烤盘以免烘焙时芝士混合物外流**
- 用水谷方式烤约60分钟或蛋糕烤到刚刚熟即可。
- 等蛋糕完全冷却后才铺上层。**蛋糕可先收进冰箱冷藏几个小时后才做上层
- 上层 – 将山楂片磨成粉状。 将所有材料(除了鱼膠粉外)放入小锅里混合均匀。
- 以小火煮滚至山楂粉融化(要不停的搅拌),然后放入鱼膠粉,再搅至融化即可。(假如觉得山楂粉还有颗粒状,可以过滤液体);待凉。
- 最后将液体倒在芝士蛋糕上,置冰箱冷藏数小时或隔夜即可脱模。
- 取出蛋糕,挤上鲜奶油,排上山楂片装饰或装饰随各人喜欢。
I adore haws and those haw slices are my childhood favourite. The cake looks amazing.
Thanks Angie! 😀
I adore haws and those haw slices are my childhood favourite. The cake looks amazing.
Thanks Angie! 😀