Lotus Biscoff Cake Roll Lotus焦糖蛋糕卷
This soft Lotus Biscoff Cake Roll with crunchy spread filling is really yummy. You can make this light cake easily within 15 minutes (baking time) and only two ingredients are required, which is non dairy whipped cream and Lotus Biscoff crunchy spread. Add on the final touch to the cake by scattering some Lotus biscuit crumbs on top of the cake roll. Just chill the cake in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving. You’ll definitely enjoy the unique taste of this cake with a cup of coffee and just cannot resist more than a slice of the cake with crunchy spread. Check my No-Bake Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake recipe (here)
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Lotus Biscoff Cake Roll
- 4 egg yolks - used large eggs
- 50 g caster sugar
- 30 ml fresh milk
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 35 ml corn oil
- 50 g cake flour/plain flour
- 1 tbsp corn flour (starch)
- 1 tbsp cocoa powder
- 4 egg whites
- 50 g caster sugar
- 100 ml non dairy fresh topping cream
- Lotus Biscoff crunchy spread
- Lotus Biscoff biscuits for topping - 3-4 pieces, crushed
- Preheat oven temperature to 180 deg C. Sift cake flour, corn flour and cocoa powder into a bowl, mix well and set aside. Line 10 x 12 inch baking tray with parchment paper
- Combine egg yolks and sugar in another bowl, mix well. Add milk and vanilla extract, mix well followed by corn oil and blend well. Sift in flour mixture into egg mixture and stir well.
- Make meringue - Beat egg whites until foamy. Add sugar mixture in 3 separate rounds beat until egg whites are glossy, with stiff peaks.
- Fold ⅓ of egg whites into the yolk mixture with a rubber spatula. Then pour in the remaining egg whites, gently fold before the next until just combined.
- Pour chocolate batter into prepared tray and spread out with a rubber spatula. Gently tap the tray to release air bubbles. Bake in preheated oven at 180 deg C for about 15 minutes. Remove cake from pan, remove the parchment paper and leave to cool.
- Whisk fresh topping cream to peak form and spread on to sponge cake,(not too thick). Fill Lotus Biscoff (crunchy) spread into piping bag. Then pipe lines over cake.
- Gently roll up the sponge cake to make a Swiss roll and chill it for a few hours.
- Trim the sides of the cake roll. Then spread a thin layer of whipped cream over cake and top with crushed Lotus Biscoff biscuit crumbs. Best chilled the cake before serving.
- Please keep in mind that all oven temperatures and baking time varies
- The best way to add Lotus Biscoff crunchy spread on cake is piping method because it is not easy to spread the thick crunchy spread directly on cake or too runny for melted one.
- Lotus焦糖蛋糕卷
- 这充满焦糖香味的松软蛋糕卷让你每一口都能吃到那香脆颗粒涂抹酱不但容易做而且非常的好吃。再配上一杯热咖啡真是级大的享受。这次是用Lotus 焦糖涂抹酱(颗粒型)挤在蛋糕上和鲜奶油配搭,把蛋糕卷起,放进冰箱冷藏。然后在蛋糕卷上再抹上一层鲜奶油及撒上Lotus 焦糖饼干碎就可以了。
- 材料:
- 4个 蛋黄 (用大鸡蛋)
- 60克 细砂糖
- 30毫升 牛奶
- 1/2茶匙 香草香精
- 35毫升 玉米油
- 50克 底筋面粉或中筋面粉
- 1汤匙 玉米淀粉
- 1汤匙 可可粉
- 蛋白霜
- 4个 蛋白
- 50克 细砂糖
- 馅料:
- 100克 植物性奶油
- Lotus Biscoff 涂抹酱(脆粒)适量
- Lotus Biscoff 饼干 碎(撒在表层)3-4片或适量
- 材料:
- 预热烤箱致摄氏180度。面粉,玉米淀粉,可可粉一起过筛到一个碗里,备用。准备1个10×12寸长方型烤盘 ,底部铺纸。
- 把蛋黄和细糖混合均匀。加入牛奶及香精,搅匀后加入玉米油,搅拌均匀。筛入粉类, 再搅拌均匀。
- 蛋白霜 – 用搅拌机把蛋白打致起泡泡,细砂糖分3次加入,打致硬性发泡。
- 取出1/3的蛋白霜与面糊翻拌均匀,倒入剩余的蛋白霜,用橡胶刮刀轻轻的翻拌均匀。
- 将巧克力面糊倒入烤盘中用刮刀抹平,轻轻的敲出气泡。放入预热烤箱烤约15分钟 (*也要根据自己的烤箱温度而定)。蛋糕烤好后,立刻把蛋糕取出,倒扣撕掉底部烤纸,待凉。
- 植物性鲜奶油打至呈挺立状态,然后涂在蛋糕上(不须要太厚)。将涂抹酱(脆粒)装入裱花袋里,在蛋糕上挤出线条。
- 用手推动蛋糕往前卷起来,卷好后的蛋糕放进冰箱冷藏数小时。
- 从冰箱取出蛋糕券,切去两边不整齐的边。最后在蛋糕卷上抹上一层奶油及撒上饼干碎即可。**蛋糕再放入冰箱冷藏后享用最美味。
- **烤箱温度和烘烤时间务必根据自家烤箱来定
- **Lotus 焦糖涂抹酱不容易直接涂在蛋糕上因为感觉蛮干的,隔水融化又很稀,所以用挤的方法最好。
yumm. I actually thought the biscoff biscuits were inthe cake batter LOL. looks so good. Hope you are good health Ann, hugs
Very pretty and yummy! Lotus cookies are good, ain’t they?