Mixed Fruit Cheesecake 杂果乳酪蛋糕
I’ve been baking the same traditional Christmas fruit cakes (here), using my own recipe, as gifts for my friends every year. So this year. I decided to bake something different and simple; mixed fruit cheesecake that requires no soaking of the mixed fruit, a shorter baking time, and it can be served immediately after being chilled. This mixed fruit cheesecake is dense but not heavy or very dry. It has a citrusy lemon taste with a hint of rum that is perfect to enjoy with a cup of hot coffee.

Mixed Fruit Cheesecake
- · · Biscuit base
- · · 120g digestive biscuits - 1 cup
- · · 2 tbsp ground almond
- · · 80g - 1/3 cup melted butter
- · Crush biscuits with a rolling pin in a zip lock bag until they are like crumbs - then add the butter and mix well. Pressing the biscuit crumbs with your hand at the bottom of the lined cake pan. Put the pan in the fridge for later use.
- ·
- · Filling
- · · 3 egg yolks
- · · 30g caster sugar - 2 tbsp
- · · 250g cheese cream - room temperature (8.82oz)
- · · 1tsp vanilla extract
- · · 1.5 tbsp lemon juice
- · · lemon zest from 1 lemon
- · · 1 tbsp rum
- · · 80g cake flour or plain flour - sifted (2/3 cup)
- · · 15g ground almond - 1/8 cup
- · · 100g dried mixed fruit - 1/2 cup
- · ·
- · · 3 egg whites
- · · 35g sugar - 4 tbsp
- · ·
- · · 1 tbsp apricot jam + ½ tbsp hot water
- Beat the egg yolks and sugar until pale. Beat in cream cheese, lemon juice, zest, rum and vanilla extract, mix well.
- Pour in flour and ground almond, mix well and transfer to a large bowl. Mix in the dried mixed fruit and fold well with a rubber spatula.
- In a clean bowl, whisk the egg whites till foamy. Add sugar in batches and whisk to stiff peak. and fold into the cheese cream mixture in 3 batches with a rubber spatula.
- Turn into the prepared cake pan and drop more dried mixed fruit on top and bake in preheated oven 165 deg C for about 55-60 minutes.
- Brush cake with apricot jam and let it cool Then chill cake for 2-3 hours before removing cake from pan and cut to serve.
- 杂果乳酪蛋糕
- 这款杂果乳酪蛋糕做很法简单,不须淋上大量的兰姆酒,烘烤好后冷藏即可享用或送人了
- 材料:
- 准备一个8寸圆形烤盘,傍边抹油,底部铺纸
- 饼底
- 120克 消化饼
- 2 汤匙 杏仁粉
- 80克 牛油
- 将饼干放入保鲜袋中,用擀面棍压碎饼干,然后用手把饼干碎与融化牛油抓匀,压入烤盘底部,压平压紧。铺好饼干后,放入冰箱备用。
- 馅料:
- 250克 温室乳酪奶油
- 25克 软牛油
- 30克 细砂糖
- 3个 蛋糊
- 1茶匙 香草香精
- 1.5汤匙 柠檬汁 + 1粒 柠檬皮屑
- 1汤匙 兰姆酒
- 80克 底筋或中筋面粉 (过筛)
- 15克 杏仁粉
- 100克 干杂果
- 3个 蛋白
- 35克 细砂糖
- 1汤匙 杏脯果酱 + 1/2 汤匙 热水 – 混合均匀
- 做法:
- 将蛋糊和细糖搅打至泛白 用中速度)。加入柠檬汁,柠檬,柠檬皮屑, 兰姆酒及香精拌匀。
- 倒入面粉及杏仁粉,拌匀即可,然后将面糊放到一个大碗里,用刮刀拌入干杂果;再拌匀即可。
- 在另一个干净的大碗,把蛋白打至发泡,细糖分次加入, 打致硬性发泡。蛋白霜分3次拌入奶油芝士糊里,用刮刀翻拌均匀。
- 然后乳酪糊倒入准备好的烤盘内,撒上适量干杂果即可。送人预热烤箱烤摄氏160度烤约60分钟即可。然后抹上一层杏脯果酱。
- 待凉后把整个蛋糕连烤盘一起放进冰箱冷藏2-3小时才脱模切开享用。
Hi Ann, can I replace the ground almonds in the cheese batter with flour?
Thank you!
Hi Joyce, you can omit the ground almonds.
Tks, Ann for the recipe. Can i check that for the dried fruits, do I need to sprinkle some flour? Am baking for this Christmas.
Hi Jen, No because there are enough plain flour in the batter. You can cut the mixed fruits to smaller pieces if they’re too big.
Wow! Ann, so beautiful & something different for this Christmas. The fruits are colourful & look delicious, prefer this to the traditional fruit cake. Will bake this, hopefully, will be successful. Many tks, Ann.
Wow, this is really lovely. I envy your friends and relatives who receive this!
Thank you Cheah 🙂
This looks really beautiful with all the colourful dried fruits.
Ann, I like this version of fruit cake because honestly, I prefer a cheesecake to the traditional fruit cake.
Tks for the prompt reply, Ann
Hi Ann, can I replace the ground almonds in the cheese batter with flour?
Thank you!
Hi Joyce, you can omit the ground almonds.
Tks for the prompt reply, Ann
Tks, Ann for the recipe. Can i check that for the dried fruits, do I need to sprinkle some flour? Am baking for this Christmas.
Hi Jen, No because there are enough plain flour in the batter. You can cut the mixed fruits to smaller pieces if they’re too big.
Wow, this is really lovely. I envy your friends and relatives who receive this!
Thank you Cheah 🙂
This looks really beautiful with all the colourful dried fruits.
Wow! Ann, so beautiful & something different for this Christmas. The fruits are colourful & look delicious, prefer this to the traditional fruit cake. Will bake this, hopefully, will be successful. Many tks, Ann.
Ann, I like this version of fruit cake because honestly, I prefer a cheesecake to the traditional fruit cake.