Snow Skin Mooncake 冰皮月饼 (2010)
Snow Skin Mooncake is a non-conventional mooncake. It is soft tasty with lots of different flavors that has to be chilled before consumed.
For this year I used Snow Skin Mix instead of the ordinary Kao Fen (fried glutinous flour) and the skin texture is really soft that can last for 4-5 days. You may like to try to make this easy and quick recipe to sink your teeth in this yummy Mooncake.
For this year I used Snow Skin Mix instead of the ordinary Kao Fen (fried glutinous flour) and the skin texture is really soft that can last for 4-5 days. You may like to try to make this easy and quick recipe to sink your teeth in this yummy Mooncake.
Happy Mid Autumn Festival To Everyone!
Happy Mid Autumn Festival To Everyone!
I also liked to play with colors when making Snow Skin Mooncake with different type of lotus paste fillings like: Red Wine Craberry (red), Red Bean (pink), Orange Zest lotus paste (orange), Passion Fruit (yellow), Dates (purple), White Lotus Paste (white) and I mixed the remaining colours dough together with one last piece of white lotus paste and the mixed color looks perfect.
All the kids are really crazy over these colorful Hello Kitty. What do you think?
Here is the recipe
500g Snow skin mix (from Gim Hin Lee)
70g Shortening (used Mooncake shortening from SunLik)
270ml Cold pandan water (Boil 1 litre water with 6 pieces pandan leaves, leave to cool and store pandan water in fridge)
1/8 tsp Banana essence
- Mix snow skin mix with shortening together and add in cold pandan water with banana essence to mix to a soft dough, cover with cling wrap and let it rest for 20 minutes.
- Divide into equal portion and add coloring for different type of fillings you prefer.
- Store Snow Skin Mooncake in an airtight container.
I also made some Flaky Swirl Mooncake (Teochew Yam Mooncake) for my family loves yam very much.
Refer recipe here
Refer recipe here
Project Food Blog #1 Please vote for me

I want the pink hellow kitty! I think girls from age 3 to 80 will be crazy over it.
Anncoo, I will vote for you for sure because I like all your bakes and dishes shared in your blog. Kanbate!!
Hi Ann, 祝妳和家人过个快乐温馨的中秋节!
Happy Mid-Autumn to you and your family…I opposite, i crazy about Xiao Ding Tang…
祝福你。。。。。花好月圆 幸福团圆
All your mooncakes looks fabulous! I am eating some shop bought ones 🙁
I don't know what they are and I've never had one but right now that's all I seem to want. These are just remarkable lookin'. What pretty little cakes. :o)Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!
It's a lovely parade of Snow Skin Mooncake but my most favorite are the ones in the last picture 😀
Soooo glad I found your relocated blog! I've always loved your posts! And yes, those moon cakes sure are amazing!
Hi Anncoo, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you and your family!
Anncoo, the mooncakes are absolutely gorgeous…love the pastel colors…
Beautiful! You have my vote.
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I love all your creations… I only had traditional mooncake given by friends…
I love the colors and filling for your mooncakes. The last picture with the lavender swirl is gorgeous!I went and voted for your blog too =).
So pretty! I love the vibrant colors you can get with this type of skin.
Thank you very much for your awesome compliments and thanks for voting me!谢谢大家的支持 :)Rylan ~ Oh..I really missed your post and thank you very much for visiting again 🙂
Wow, these are so beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen moon cakes in such pretty colours before!Best of luck to you on project food blog daaaaaahling!*kisses* HH
Thank ALL for your lovely compliments and support :)Happy Mid Autumn Festival!
哇!好漂亮的月饼。祝你;中秋节快乐百分百支持你哦!希望你会成为大赢家;)good luck to you.
They are so delicately beautiful. My kids would go crazy fro those sweet little Hello Kitty ones. Really, really fantastic.
omg,this is awesome!
All looks gorgeous, love the bright colour of your mooncakes 🙂
Happy Mid-Autum Festival to you and your family!
Hi Anncoo, Just drop by to wish you Happy Mid Autumn Festival to you and your family. Great mooncakes you made! 🙂 Enjoy yea
请问你那个hello kitty的模型在哪里买的呢?我住shah alam…那个模型多少钱呢?
Amazing post, drooling over the tender colors and gorgeous mooncake shapes!
@♥Pink Lady♥Pink Lady ~ 我的hello kittty模是木的,因为版权问题,现在已经不买不到了。
Beautiful snow skin mooncakes. Honestly, love them more than the traditional ones. 🙂
Nice mooncakes, especially the colourful one… hahaha… I have made some snowskin mooncakes too…
Very pretty snow skin moon cakes. Dont eat much so not making moon cakes at all but love snow skin moon cakes.
Wow, beautiful colourful mooncakes! The Hello Kitty ones are adorable. You can even make the yam ones, so capable!
Wide varieties and assortments of mooncakes Ann! I especially like the mixed colour snow skin, very pretty indeed! The kawaii hello kitty will be children's all time favourite!
Mooncake looks so colourful and cute. Loved those hello kitty ones 🙂
Oh! What a colourful snow skin mooncakes you made. I like to try them, please… ;p
My gosh….looks like there's a moon cake celebration or party there! So colourful. I love the Hello Kitty ones too 😀 I have just bought the kao fen but no mood to make 😛 Now I see yours…even less mood to make…haha. I know mine will be way below standard compared to yours. 😛
Aiyoyo, no wonder you said you're extremely busy on the past few days. haha… I'm drooling over those special lotus fillings! Such colourful mooncakes platter. Can FEDex one box over? hehe… Hope you're enjoying your day.Kristy
Ann, all very swee leh, I love seeing all the colorful snow skin mooncakes. I wanted to make diff color of snow skin for diff paste but at the end, only one color, just too lazy liao :P.
My kids love Hello Kitty. I would love to try these mooncakes. They sound so yummy. I have only had a moon cake once. It was pretty good. I think homemade would be far fresher and far more delicious.
Wor, very colourful and nicely done moon cake, well done! so the ready mix flour really help you huh.
I am crazy here to see all your mooncakes post hahaha … I love the snow skin one. For this year, I actually bought the snow skin one 🙂
wow,ur mooncakes look perfect & nice:)
i'm definately crazy over them for sure annco!! great job!
Such pretty mooncakes! Voted for you for PFB!
So beautiful! May be next year I'll try to make some snow skin mooncake, hehe…
Just voted. Good luck!
Love the HK and the rainbow ones! Snow skin mooncake is my favourite! Wish you and family a happy Mid Autumn Festival!
Happy August moon! They're too cute!
And of course you got my vote!!
Beautiful snow skin mooncakes.
Oh I couldn't choose – all are so whimsical, sweet and enticing. On my way to vote.
Thank you everyone for your voting me and your full support!!
FATMUM ~ Thank you! Happy Mid Autumn Festival to you and all at home!
Little Inbox ~ must try to make some snow skin mooncake as there are many flavors availble.
BeeBee ~ 嘻嘻。。谢谢你的美言。Sure no problem 🙂
Lequan ~ Thank you! I'm so glad that you always gave good comment here. So happy to know you ;DD
Clare, Biren, Weng, Pepy, Busygran :
Thank you much for your support!
Edward ~ I really don't know. Anyway thanks for visiting and your nice comment.
Barbara, Angie, Wen, Angel:
Thank you!
Happy moon cake festival.
Your moon cake so pretty, i like it all.
wow so cute! I love snowskin more than the traditional ones. and I like particularly that multicoloured one in the center … very creative. 中秋节快乐!all the best to you for the FB challenge 🙂