Soufflé Matcha Cheesecake 舒芙蕾抹茶乳酪蛋糕
I baked this soft, light and almost melt-in-your mouth Souffle Matcha Souffle Cheesecake during the year end holiday, as a family treat. This is one of my favourite recipes and I have baked with this recipe a few times, with differrnt versions. This time I used Matcha powder which brings out the matcha fragrance in the cheesecake. This cake is not overly sweet despite using white chocolate. Moreover, this can be easily prepared as only five ingredients are required which will be suitable for a small family. This Souffle Match Cheesecake is a simple, yet elegant dessert which will be most looked forward to for anyone who enjoys matcha and I’ll definitely bake this yummy cheesecake again for the coming Chinese Lunar New Year for my guests at home.
Cranberry Cheesecake – you may check the step by step method from here
蔓越莓乳酪蛋糕 – 可参这里的做法骤图

Soufflé Matcha Cheesecake
- 250 g cream cheese - room temperature
- 240 g white chocolate - Meiji brand
- 6 cold eggs - 70g each
- 2 tbsp corn flour (starch)
- 1.5 tbsp matcha powder - + 2 tbsp hot water mix to paste
- Line a 8 inch cake pan at the bottom and grease the sides with butter, set aside. Preheat oven to 170 degrees C.
- Separate the eggs. Place egg whites in the fridge which makes the meringue more stable.
- Break white chocolate into pieces in a large bowl and melt in a double boiler over hot water. Mix chocolate to smooth. Then add cream cheese into it and stir till smooth with a hand whisk.
- Remove the bowl from double boiler. Add egg yolks, mix well followed by corn flour and matcha paste mix well again with a hand whisk, set aside.
- Whisk 6 egg whites with an electric mixer until firm peaks form. If it's thick enough, you can turn the bowl upside down without it sliding out.
- Add ⅓ meringue into the cream cheese batter and blend well with a rubber spatula. Then add the rest of the meringue and mix well.
- Pour cheese mixture into pan and drop the pan lightly on the counter top to release the air bubbles out of the batter.
- Steam bake the cake for 20 minutes then lower the temperature to 160 degrees C for 20 minutes. Turn off the oven temperature and leave the cake inside the oven for another 15 minutes.
- Leave the cake to cool completely before removing from the cake pan. Chill the cake before consuming (about 2-3 hours)
- 250克 奶油奶酪 (温室中待软化)
- 6个 冷鸡蛋,越70克一个
- 240克 白巧克力
- 2汤匙 玉米粉
- 1.5汤匙 抹茶粉+2汤匙热水 = 混匀成酱
- 做法:
- 烤箱预热至170度。准备1个8寸圆形烤盘,旁边抹油,底部铺上油纸。
- 蛋白与蛋黄分开。把蛋白收藏在冰箱里,待用。
- 白巧克力以隔水式融化,加入已软化的奶油奶酪,用手动打蛋器搅拌均匀至滑。
- 把乳酪糊离开隔水,加入鸡蛋黄搅拌均匀。加入玉米粉及抹茶酱,再拌匀至顺滑即可。
- 从冰箱拿出蛋白,打致硬性发泡。**打發好的蛋白霜,將大碗倒轉时,蛋白霜也不掉下來就可以了**
- 先将1/3打发的蛋白加入乳酪糊,用橡皮刮刀翻拌匀,然后再加入剩余的蛋白再用刮刀完全拌匀。
- 然后把乳酪混合物倒入烤盘中,在桌面上轻敲几下,震出气泡。
- 用水谷去方式170度先烘烤20分钟,之后以160度烘烤20分钟,烤好后,把蛋糕留在炉里焖15分钟。
- 拿出蛋糕待凉后才脱模收入冰箱冷藏,大约两三个小时即可享用。
This is an absolutely beautiful cake! Matcha and cheesecake are amazing together. I also can’t believe how few ingredients are required~
Hi, do we continue with a
the steam bake after we lower the temperature to 160°?
Hi Yvonne, yes steam bake the cake all the way through.
Please check the step by step on my cranberry cheesecake
Do you need to keep the cake in the fridge once it set? I mean how long the cake last in room temperature?
Hi Nina, The cheesecake is baked, so you can keep it in room temp as long as you like but the cake is best served chilled.
This is such a pretty cheesecake, so mouth-watering!
How to convert the ingredients if I want to use a 6 inch mould? Cut half?
Hi Chui Ling, yes half the recipe for 6 inch mould.
Do you need to keep the cake in the fridge once it set? I mean how long the cake last in room temperature?
Hi Nina, The cheesecake is baked, so you can keep it in room temp as long as you like but the cake is best served chilled.
Hi, do we continue with a
the steam bake after we lower the temperature to 160°?
Hi Yvonne, yes steam bake the cake all the way through.
Please check the step by step on my cranberry cheesecake
How to convert the ingredients if I want to use a 6 inch mould? Cut half?
Hi Chui Ling, yes half the recipe for 6 inch mould.
This is such a pretty cheesecake, so mouth-watering!