Wool Roll Bread 毛线球面包
Lately this Wool Roll Bread has been very popular on Facebook and Instagram. Although I am not much into bread making, this trendy bread also makes me jump into the bandwagon to join the craze. From the beginning to the finished product, this Wool Roll Bread took me more than 3 hours of patient waiting and I give myself 5 stars out of 10 for my first try on making bread. I’m happy that the bread turned out beautifully is not very dry but there is still room for improvement. Hopefully I can make a better bread next time.
I adapted the recipe from Apron’s (youtube) and changed the filling dried cranberries to meat floss and brushed with melted butter instead of milk.
Wool Roll Bread
- 80 ml lukewarm milk
- 1 tsp instant yeast
- 300 g bread flour - sifted
- 1 tsp sea salt
- 30 g caster sugar
- 1 egg - 55g without shell
- 100 ml whipping cream
- meat floss - as filling
- Add 1 teaspoon of instant yeast into the lukewarm milk. Stir well and keep aside for 5 minutes.
- In the mixing bowl (KitchenAid stand mixer), add flour, salt and sugar, stir well. Then pour in whipping cream, egg and yeast.
- Mix the mixture with a dough hook attached at low speed for about 12 minutes to a soft dough that is not sticky to touch. Then fold and shape into dough ball by hand to smooth and rest for 1 hour with covering lid for about 60 minutes until the dough is doubled in size.
- Grease and lined a 8 inch round cake pan with butter and set aside.
- Transfer the soft dough onto the table top and divide dough into 6 equal pieces. Shape them into balls and rest for another 15 minutes covered with cling wrap.
- Roll the dough into long length (oval shape), then make cuts with pizza cutter on one side of the dough. Spread some meat floss on the remaining part. Roll up from the side where the filling and form like wool.
- Place dough wools close to each other in the cake pan. Cover with cling wrap and rest for another 1 hour.
- Gently brush risen bread with fresh used melted butter and bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees C for about 20-25 minutes until golden brown.
- 材料:
- 80毫升 温牛奶
- 1茶匙 即溶酵母
- 300克 高筋面粉 (过筛)
- 1茶匙 海盐
- 30克 细砂糖
- 1个 全蛋 (55克不带壳)
- 100毫升 动物性奶油
- 肉松(馅料),适量
- 把即溶酵母加入温牛奶里,拌匀,静置5分钟。
- 将面粉,盐和砂糖放入碗中,混合均匀。然后倒入动物性奶油,鸡蛋及酵母液。
- 用底速度把混合物搅拌成软团约12分钟至不粘手即可。 然后把面团揉成球放入碗中,盖上盖或保鲜膜静置松弛60分钟室温发酵2倍大。
- 在一个8寸圆烤盘底部傍边抹油,底部铺纸,备用。
- 稍微压一压。然后分割成6等份。再搓成圆球,盖上保鲜膜静置松弛15分钟。
- 把松弛好的面团按扁,用擀棍擀成长形(橢圓形),下半部用pizza刀切成幼条,另一半铺上肉松,然后从铺好肉松那一边卷起即可。
- 把卷好的毛线面团放入烤盘里,盖上保鲜膜再进行第二次发酵2倍大(60分钟)。
- 最后轻轻刷上牛奶(我用融化牛油),放进预热烤箱摄氏170度烤约20-25分钟至金黄色即可。
- 食谱是来至于Apron,在她的视频里可以看到很详细的步骤做法
Very pretty and it’s not even difficult to make. Bet it’s soft and very tasty.