Roselle Hawthorn Jelly 洛神花山楂果冻
The 2 big packets of dried roselle flowers and dried hawthorn berries from my friend came in just the right time for me to make Roselle Hawthorn Jelly. This recipe only features 6 ingredients. First of all you need to pre-boil the dried roselle flowers and dried hawthorn berries with water for about 30 minutes. Then strain the mixture and make the jelly by boiling the roselle water with agar agar powder, konnyaku powder and sugar for a few minutes. Then pour the roselle liquid into serving cups to set in the chiller. The sourish taste of this healthy Roselle Hawthorn Jelly is very refreshing in this hot weather.
Roselle Hawthorn Jelly
Boil roselle Hawthorn water
- 80 g dried roselle flowers
- 30 g dried hawthorn
- 2500 ml water
Roselle Hawthorn Jelly
- 2000 ml roselle water
- 2 tsp agar agar powder
- 2 pkt konnyaku powder - 20g
- 380 g sugar - or to taste
- Rinse dried roselle flowers under running water a few times and strain, same as dried hawthorn berries, rinse and strain.
- Drop dried roselle flowers and dried hawthorn berries together with 2500ml water into a pot and bring to a boil. Then turn to lower heat and simmer with lid on for about 30 minutes.
- Strain dried roselle flowers and hawthorn berries. Leave liquid to cool down a little. Measure roselle water to 2000ml into the pot. **remaining roselle water can stir with some honey to taste and chill in the refrigerator as cold drink**
- Add agar agar powder into the roselle liquid and stir well. Combine konnyaku powder and sugar together and pour into the roselle liquid.
- Bring mixture to boil at medium heat and keep stirring the liquid with a hand whisk for about 5 minutes.
- Then pour liquid into serving cups and chill jelly for a few hours before serving.
- 材料:
- 80克 洛神花干
- 30克 山楂干
- 2500毫升 水
- 2茶匙 菜燕粉
- 20克 果冻粉 (2包)
- 380克 白砂糖或适量
- 洛神花干和山楂干分别清洗净, 备用.
- 把洛神花干和山楂干及2500毫升清水放入锅中煮沸. 改换小火焖煮30分钟.
- 将渣隔出, 洛神花水稍微待凉然后量出2000毫升到锅中. **剩余的洛神花水可以拌入适量的蜂蜜, 搅匀放入冰箱冷藏当成冷饮.
- 加入2茶匙菜燕粉到洛神花水中搅匀. 果冻粉和糖搅拌均匀后,也倒入洛神花水里。
- 用中火将洛神花水和果冻糖粉混合均匀,边煮边搅拌至滚约5分钟。
- 熄火倒入杯子中放凉,收进冰箱冷藏数小时小时便可享用。
Wish I could taste one! I love haws.