Apple and Blueberry Cake 苹果蓝莓蛋糕
This easy and simply irresistible delicious apple and blueberry cake is one of the most popular cakes created by Donna Hay. The cake is not too sweet, a little crumbly and definitely a great tea time treat with your friends or family at home. What you do is just mix the ingredients in one bowl in less than a minute and then place thinly slices of apple on the batter and top with blueberries. Then bake for about 45 minutes and dust with some confectionery sugar before serving.
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Apple and Blueberry Cake
- 225 g self-raising flour - sifted
- 145 g caster sugar
- 125 g butter - softened
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- lemon zest from 1 lemon
- 2 large eggs
- 125 ml milk
- 1 red apple - cored and thinly sliced
- 100 g blueberries - fresh or frozen
- 2 tbsp natural raw sugar to sprinkle - optional
- Preheat oven to 160C degree C. Grease 8 inch (20cm) spring form tin and lined with non-stick baking paper.
- Place flour, sugar, soft butter, vanilla, lemon juice & zest, eggs and milk in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat until just combined, pour mixture into cake tin. Top with the apple slices and blueberries and sprinkle with raw sugar (you may omit the sugar).
- Bake for 45 minutes or until the cake is cooked when tested with a skewer. Leave cake to cool before dusting on confectionery sugar (or snow powder) before serving.
苹果蓝莓蛋糕 Apple and Blueberry Cake
这一款快速蛋糕来至于Donna Hay的食谱,真的很棒!食谱有稍微的更改,减少了糖分,加了柠檬汁,让蛋糕吃起来更清爽。
- 225克 自发面粉,过筛
- 145克 细砂糖
- 125克 软牛油
- 1茶匙 香草香精
- 1汤匙 柠檬汁
- 1粒 柠檬皮屑
- 2个 全蛋
- 125毫升 牛奶
- 1粒 苹果,去核,切薄片
- 100克 新鲜或冷冻蓝莓
- 2汤匙 原蔗金砂糖 (可不放)
- 预热烤箱至摄氏160度。准备一个8寸(20cm)活动烤盘,底部和旁边铺纸备用。
- 将面粉,砂糖,软牛油,香精,柠檬汁,柠檬皮屑,鸡蛋和牛奶放入碗中,用电动打蛋器搅打至混匀(约45秒)即可倒入烤盘内。然后铺上苹果片和蓝莓。这时候可撒上原蔗金砂糖 (也可以不放),
- 送入预热烤箱烤约45分钟或竹签扎入蛋糕内部不沾糊就可以了。蛋糕待凉后撒上适量糖霜或防潮糖粉即可切片享用。
- 苹果片要切薄,太厚的话烘烤蛋糕时苹果片就很容易沉到底部。
- 蛋糕烤约10分钟后可再放上多一点蓝莓。
- **烤箱温度和烘烤时间务必根据自家烤箱来定