Caramel Chiffon Cake 焦糖戚风蛋糕
Caramel Chiffon Cake
Caramel syrup
- 40 g caster sugar
- 1 tbsp water
- 40 g hot water
Chiffon cake
- 45 g corn oil
- 60 g caramel syrup
- 65 g cake flour or plain flour
- 4 egg yolks - 65g egg with shell
- 4 egg whites
- 35 g caster sugar
- Caramel syrup - add caster sugar in a pot with 1 tablespoon water. Let sugar and water dissolved under medium heat, then turn to low heat. Do not stir the sugar and wait until its melted and mixture is golden colour and slightly thickened (must keep an eye on the the boiling syrup, will get burnt if over boiled), off heat.
- Slowly pour in hot water from the sides of the pot. Must be very careful at this step as the syrup is bubbling hot. Stir well the syrup and pour into a small bowl to get 60g caramel syrup. set aside to cool.
- Chiffon cake - Combine caramel syrup and oil together with a hand whisk. Then sieve flour and mix well and lastly add in yolks, mix well again.
- Make meringue - Whisk egg whites to foamy, add sugar in 3 separate round and whisk to peak forms.
- Fold ⅓ of egg whites into the batter with a rubber spatula. Then pour in the remaining egg whites, gently fold the mixture until just combined.
- Pour batter in a 7 inch removable base cake pan or tube pan (no need to grease or line pan) and bake in lower second rack with a bowl of water (the cake will become more tender and moist, also easier to remove the cake from mould ) in the preheated oven at 150 degrees for about 45-50 minutes.
- When cake is done, remove from oven and turn the pan over. Remove the cake from pan after cooling. Dust with some snow powder on top of the cake if preferred.
焦糖戚风蛋糕 Caramel Chiffon Cake
将近6个月没上网,我的部落格也铺满了灰尘 。。突然间想起好久没吃戚风蛋糕。最后一次是去年烤了一个红枣戚风蛋糕(食谱这里)。想想也是时候烤炉了 😀 最近在小红书看到有人分享焦糖戚风蛋糕食谱,做法又蛮简单的,就试试看吧。果不其然,烤出来的蛋糕没让我失望,口感很好 ,细腻松软还有焦糖的香气。大家也可以试试看~~
- 焦糖液
- 50克 细砂糖
- 1汤匙 水
- 60克 热水
- 戚风蛋糕
- 45克 玉米油
- 60克 糖浆液
- 60克 底筋或中筋面粉
- 4个 鸡蛋 (约65克全蛋)
- 蛋白霜
- 4个 蛋白
- 35克 细砂糖
- 煮焦糖液 – 砂糖倒入小鍋中,放人1大匙冷水,用中火煮滾後轉小火 煮至呈现金黃色及开始变浓稠(要注意別煮焦了,要不然糖浆液会变苦),熄火。
- 再倒入40克熱水攪拌均勻。要从锅边慢慢的倒入热水以防烫伤,拌匀取出60克焦糖液到小碗中,冷却。
- 戚风蛋糕 – 将焦糖液和玉米油充分混合均匀。筛入面粉拌匀,最后加入蛋黄再拌匀即可。
- 蛋白霜 – 蛋白打致起泡泡,细砂糖分3次加入,打致拉出小弯勾即可。
- 取出1/3的蛋白霜到面糊里,用橡胶刮刀轻轻的翻拌均匀,然后倒入剩余的蛋白霜,再翻拌均匀即可。
- 将面糊倒入摸具中(7寸活底蛋糕烤盘或空中摸具 – 无需抹油或铺纸)。放进预热烤箱下面的第二层,放入一小碗水,“这样烤好的蛋糕体会更加的细腻湿润也容易脱模” 烘烤约45-50分钟。
- 蛋糕出炉后,即倒扣致冷却才脱模切片享用。喜欢的话可以在蛋糕上撒上少许防潮糖粉。
- 烤箱温度和烘烤时间务必根据自家烤箱来定
Hi Ann,
Noticed that there was a typo error on the caramel syrup – I think should be 1 tbsp castor sugar with 1 tbsp water. Thanks.
Hi Sherry, yes is a typo error. Just updated. Thank you for highlighting 🙂