Cheddar Cheesecake 车打芝士蛋糕
This Cheddar Cheesecake was once a popular recipe among many great bakers many years ago. Just saw a few of my baker friends who shared their posts again on Facebook recently. So, today I am sharing with you my soft, light and fluffy cheddar cheesecake based on Hsling’s recipe but with a few adjustments. You’ll see how easy to make this cheesecake in a short time minus the baking time. I had also doubled the recipe with 6 eggs, baked in an eight inch square pan and changed the method of mixing the cheese ingredients.
You may like to check on my Cheddar Cheese Chiffon Cake 车打芝士戚风蛋糕 recipe食谱 here

Cheddar Cheesecake
- 120 ml fresh milk
- 60 g caster sugar
- 100 g butter
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 6 slices cheddar cheese
- 100 g cake flour
- 6 egg yolks - used large eggs
- 6 egg whites
- 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
- 60 g caster sugar
- Place milk, sugar, butter, vanilla and cheddar cheese slices in a bowl over a pot of simmering water, stir mixture till dissolved and off heat.
- Sieve in flour in 3 batches, stir well in each addition followed by egg yolks. Stir mixture well to creamy. To test it, you can write a letter "O" on the surface of cheese egg batter and it should stay there for few seconds.
- Preheat the oven to 150 deg C. Grease and line 8" square baking pan, base and all sides up.
- Whisk egg whites with cream of tartar till frothy, gradually add in the sugar in batches. Continue beating till egg whites till stiff peak forms.
- Mix 1/3 of egg white mixture with cheese mixture. Gently mix to combine with a rubber spatula. Fold in the balance egg white mixture and gently mix well to smooth.
- Pour the cheese batter into the prepared pan and smooth out the surface. Then steam bake the cake in the oven for about 60 minutes at lowest rack or when the tester comes out clean.
- Remove cheese cake from oven and immediately unmould the cake, cool on wire rack. Chill cheesecake for a few hours before serving.
- 120毫升 牛奶
- 60克 细砂糖
- 100克 无盐牛油
- 1茶匙 香草香精
- 6片 车打芝士
- 100克 底筋面粉
- 6个 蛋黄 (用大鸡蛋)
- 6个 蛋白
- 1/4茶匙 塔塔粉
- 60克 细砂糖
- 将牛奶,细糖,牛油,香精和车打芝士放入大碗里隔水融化,熄火。
- 然后分3次筛入面粉拌匀后才加入蛋黄拌匀至顺滑。用打蛋器画出一个‘O’形能待上数秒钟,就表示面糊可以了
- 预热烤箱摄氏150度。用一个四方形8寸烤盘,内部抹油底部四周铺上纸。
- 蛋白和搭搭粉搅打致泡沫细腻的状态。分次加入细糖,继续搅打蛋白霜打致硬性发泡。
- 将1/3份蛋白霜拌入芝士面糊里,用刮刀拌匀。倒入剩下的蛋白霜,再翻拌均匀即可
- .将芝士面糊倒入烤盘里抹平。放进烤箱下层隔水烘烤60分钟或牙签插入蛋糕内部,拔出没有粘糊,就表示熟了。
- 烤好的蛋糕从烤箱取出,马上脱模待凉。然后放入冰箱冷藏数小时才切片享用。
Hi .. u’ve mentioned 6 slices of cheddar cheese.. can you plz tell us in grams please..
In India we get in blocks.. so how it will be great if you can mention how many grams please.
Hi Diana, the cheddar cheese is 135 grams for 6 slices.
This looks so soft and tender! I love the add of cheddar in this sponge cake.
Hi .. u’ve mentioned 6 slices of cheddar cheese.. can you plz tell us in grams please..
In India we get in blocks.. so how it will be great if you can mention how many grams please.
Hi Diana, the cheddar cheese is 135 grams for 6 slices.
This looks so soft and tender! I love the add of cheddar in this sponge cake.