Chocolate Agar Agar Pudding 巧克力菜燕布丁
Christmas is just around the corner and I’m sure that many of you at home are busy baking or preparing dessert for the holiday. This Chocolate Agar Agar Pudding is very suitable to serve as a dessert to round up a Christmas meal. You can make this three layered pudding in a relatively short time and it can prepared one or two days ahead. It’s best to use good quality cocoa powder (Valrhona or Hershey’s) to give more oomph to bakes and desserts.

Chocolate Agar Agar Pudding
Chocolate layer
- 750 ml fresh milk
- 85 g caster sugar
- 10 g agar agar powder - 1 packet
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 2.5 tbsp valrhona cocoa powder
White layer
- 350 ml fresh milk
- 45 g caster sugar
- 5 g agar agar powder
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Chocolate layer - Place the milk, sugar, vanilla extract and agar agar powder into a small pot. Using a hand whisk to stir well mixture at medium low heat (lightly boiled) and keep stirring until the sugar dissolved. Sieve cocoa powder directly into milk mixture and stir well again. Off heat and continue to stir for another minute. Strain chocolate mixture through a sieve.
- Pour a layer of chocolate liquid (thickness of your choice) into mould or serving cups and leave to set in in refrigerator.
- White layer - Place milk, sugar, vanilla extract and agar agar powder into a small pot. Lightly boil the milk (same as step 1) until the sugar dissolved. Off heat and continue to stir milk mixture for another minute.
- Using a sharp knife to scrape the chocolate jelly before pouring milk liquid on top (this will makes the jelly stick together after set) and leave to set in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
- Lastly combine the remaining chocolate mixture and milk liquid together and stir well to obtain a lighter chocolate layer. (warm up lighter chocolate liquid before pouring on top of white layer)
- Then again scrape the white layer with a sharp knife and pour the lighter chocolate liquid on top (step 5).
- Leave chocolate agar agar pudding in the refrigerator until ready to serve.
- 快到圣诞节了!来做个简单又好吃的甜品跟大家分享~~
- 750毫升 牛奶
- 85克 细砂糖
- 10克 菜燕粉 (一包)
- 1茶匙 香草香精
- 2.5汤匙 可可粉 (用 Valrhona或Hershey 牌子会更香)
- 350毫升 牛奶
- 45克 细砂糖
- 5克 菜燕粉
- 1茶匙 香草香精
- 巧克力层 – 将牛奶,细糖,香精和菜燕粉以中小火搅至细糖融化及微滚,筛入可可粉搅拌均匀。熄火。 再继续搅拌一分钟,过滤。
- 然后倒入一层(厚度随意)巧克力液体到模型或杯子中。收进冰箱冷藏约5分钟致凝固。
- 白色层 – 将牛奶,细糖,香精和菜燕粉以中小火搅至细糖融化及微滚,熄火。 再继续搅拌一分钟(跟步骤(1)一样)。
- 从冰箱取出凝固巧克力冻 ,用刀子在表层上轻刮几下,这样巧克力和白色层就会互相粘在一起。倒入一层热牛奶在巧克力冻上,再放入冰箱约10分钟至凝固。
- 最后把巧克力液体和牛奶液体混合均匀就会呈现一层浅色的巧克力液体了。(须加热液体,不要煮滚,才倒在牛奶冻上)
- 从冰箱取出模型,一样的用刀子在牛奶冻上轻刮几下,倒入步骤(5)。
- 收进冰箱致凝固即可享用。
- 摸具可在淘宝网顶购(按这里)