Guava Pineapple Jelly 番石榴凤梨果冻
It was a last minute decision over the last weekend to make this refreshing Guava Pineapple Jelly as an after meal dessert. Since I have Guava juice sitting in the refrigerator for a few days already, thought is a good idea to quickly use it to make a jelly dessert with a can of pineapple cubes. The jelly turned out pretty and had a nice fragrance of guava with a sweet bite of pineapple cube. A perfect combination indeed!
Recipe/食谱 >>>Pineapple Jelly 凤梨果冻

Guava Pineapple Jelly
- 1000 ml guava juice
- 5 tbsp caster sugar - about 80g
- 1 pkt konnyakua powder - 10g
- 1/2 tsp agar agar powder
- 1 tbsp lime juice
- 1 can pineapple cubes - drain well, reserve syrup
- Drop one piece of pineapple cube into each mould and set aside.
- Pour the pineapple syrup into a measuring cup and fill up with guava juice to 1000 ml.
- Pour liquid mixture into a pot, then add sugar and agar agar powder, stir well.
- Turn on heat and add konnyaku powder, stir liquid to boil and lower heat to medium, continue to stir for another 3 minutes. Off heat, add lime juice and stir liquid again for another 1-2 minutes.
- Pour liquid mixture into the prepared mould. Leave jelly to cool and set in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or when ready to serve.
把冰箱里的番石榴果汁和凤梨丁结合在一起做成果冻。颜色很美还很香,口感也很不错,QQ的 … 重要是把果汁解决掉! 😀
- 1000毫升 番石榴果汁
- 5汤匙 白糖, 约80克
- 1包 果冻粉
- 1/2茶匙 菜燕粉
- 1汤匙 s酸柑汁
- 1罐 凤梨丁,沥干保留凤梨糖水
- 将凤梨丁放入摸具中,备用。
- 凤梨糖水倒入量杯里加上番石榴果汁至1000毫升。
- 然后倒入锅中,加入白糖和菜燕粉,搅匀。
- 打开火,倒入果冻粉用手动打蛋器搅至滚;转中火继续搅约3分钟。熄火后加入酸柑汁,再搅匀1-2分钟即可。
- 最后将果冻液倒入摸具(步骤1)里,待凉后放入冰箱冷藏最少两个小时至凝固便可脱模享用。
Such a simple and perfect summer dessert!
Thanks Angie!
Such a delicious and pretty looking dessert!
Thank you Cheah for your compliment 🙂
Such a delicious and pretty looking dessert!
Thank you Cheah for your compliment 🙂
Such a simple and perfect summer dessert!
Thanks Angie!