Guest Post ~ Tuna & Tofu Cold Dish
Readers, please head over to Yummy Bakes and read my recipe there and leave a comment with Chris.
Before I sign off, I’m very happy that my post Handmade Piggy Mooncakes was featured yesterday on The Daily Mail, thank you Jessica Chou for roping me in 🙂
I'm always looking for more tofu recipes. Looks fantastic!
@Ꮮуռ (ᶬˠ ᶩᶤᵗᵗᶥᵋ ᵐᵋˢˢᵞ ᴻ ᶜʱᵋᵋᵏᵞ)
Lyn, you can add anything you like…maybe some pork floss 😀
Thank you very much Lyndsey. Have a try on this tofu, simple and delicious.
@Smoky Wok (formerly Tastes of Home)
Thanks Jen:)
@raquel erecipe
Thank you Raquel, I'm glad that I know you thru blogging too 🙂
Hi Tanja, Thank you for your comment and visiting 🙂
@Anncoo Sure Ann! ;D
I don't add spring onions bcoz both my gals don't like it so I just leave it plain. 😉
Ann, congrats on your gorgeous piggy mooncakes post being featured. You sure do deserve the recognition! The tofu is beautiful…almost too pretty to eat! It's nice meeting Chris!
Congrats Ann on the feature – you so deserve it 🙂
The cold tofu dish looks very appetising indeed!
hi ann Tuna & Tofu Cold Dish looks easy to prepare…It is good to find friends online with the same interest…so that's how Anncoo starts.
Congrats Ann!
Congrats on the feature, Ann!
This tofu dish looks beautiful and healthy too! Absolutely love it!
Have a great day!
Thank you very much Sandra. I'm always very much inspired by you 🙂
Esther, 谢啦!明年就做一个给你 🙂
Hi Andreea, 谢谢你 :))
@Biren @ Roti n Rice
Congratulations to you too, Biren. I love the green colour of your flaky mooncake, looks so delicious!
@Ꮮуռ (ᶬˠ ᶩᶤᵗᵗᶥᵋ ᵐᵋˢˢᵞ ᴻ ᶜʱᵋᵋᵏᵞ)
Thank you Lyn 🙂 sure, when both of us got the time.
Sometime when I'm lazy, I will make the same as your mom did but adding extra spring onion on top. 🙂
Hi Sean, 谢谢你的到来。应为吃的太多月饼了,所以必须吃点清淡的。
Thank you everyone for your sweet compliments 🙂
Please visit Yummy Bakes if you've have the time. I'm sure Chris will be very delighted to hear from you 🙂
Beautiful post Ann, and what a great recipe, love the look, presentation and photos too! Nice to meet you Chris, you did incredible job! Have a beautiful day ladies.
再次的恭喜你 Ann,你的公仔真的真的很可爱漂亮!
I love tuna and this recipe is soo yummy! You have so much talent and your mooncakes are absolutely amazing!
Tofu is one of my favorite things and your tofu dish looks so delicious! Congrats on being featured at The Daily Meal. Your piggy mooncakes deserved the spot. They are so cute and I know they are delicious too!
Congrats on the feature of your cute little piggies, Ann! I really love those piggies and had already planned to make them next year! Haha
It's always fun and exciting to be able to meet up with blogger friends and maybe we could do so some days!? Hee ;P
I love cold tofu since young when my mom prepared the most easiest way of cold tofu she'd when young (Tofu+soy sauce=cold tofu). My gals love it too. Yours is definitely looking way more delicious and appetizing! Heading over to Chris's to check out the recipe now! ;D
Have a great day!
Congrats on your featured and your cold tofu dish look absolutely gorgeous! I love the way you present them 🙂
Congrats on the feature Ann! Yeah those piggies are special and will never forget! I love the tofu dish. I need to eat that as main dish soon since I'm getting so heavy! 🙁
Congratulation on getting featured in the press! This is also one beautiful dish, the plating is gorgeous!
Congratulation to you.
The tofu dish looks delicious.
Light and healthy meals….already sound good to me 🙂
Congrats on the feature.
Congratulations on your feature…they are adorable! And this looks fantastic 🙂
Love this dish. Looks very delicious…mmm. Wish I can easily get fresh tofu here! 🙁
yeah congrats ann…the piggy is cute 🙂
the tofu cold dish is indeed light and healthy, i like it a lot
and, to be able to meet blogger friends out there must be really great right…
congrats ann for getting an entry there for the most creative mooncakes! hopping over to chris's blog now..
Congratulations Ann!!!! You totally deserve it. Your piggies are super cute. Love this dish. I still have a block of tofu in my fridge. I might whip this out today. Going over to Yummy Bakes to check out the recipe.
Congratulation Ann!! The piglets truely adorable!
Thank you Tata 🙂
Hi MuiMui, Thank you! I love your mooncakes, nice job!
Tracy, 谢谢你的赞美!有空的话,请留言在Yummy Bakes那里。
Thanks Jane for your compliment 🙂
@Yummy Bakes
My pleasure Chris. Thank you very much for your invitation. Tofu is my favourite too 🙂
@Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)
Thank you Sonia 🙂 I think I must eat more healthy dish after taking too many snowskin mooncakes :DD
Thank you Cheah. Sure, will make for you when you're here.
congratulation Ann!!! I love this tofu. It looks so tempted. And ur photo is just awesome.
Congratulation! You truly deserve these, your bakes are so delicious and beautiful make. Every photo post was so detail and lovely.
Congrats for the guest post! Hemmm… Tuna and tofu sound a perfect combo 😀
Oh, congrats too on your adorable piglets being featured on The Daily Mail, well done!
Ann, thanks for taking up the invite. Beautiful and healthy dish, Book marking this – tofu is one of my favourites.
Congrats Ann! That was a wonderful post. This tofu dish look so nice and healthy too.
Hey, Ann, I'm the first. So, can I have a bit of the tofu, looks so cool. Nice, sharp clicks too!