Mandarin Orange Marmalade 橘子果酱
This mandarin orange marmalade is made from leftover oranges after our overseas guests left for their homes. So as not to waste these oranges, I adapted the recipe from Cheah’s blog, No-Frills Recipes with a little adjustment. I must say, this is a time consuming job that took me about two hours (because I wanted to use up all the oranges) peeling, cutting, and removing the membranes from the oranges – and only managed to get five bottles! The mandarin orange marmalade still tastes a little bit bitter as the bitterness comes from the orange peel. Anyway, the feedback that I received was not bad indeed.

Mandarin Orange Marmalade
- 2.2 kg Mandarin oranges - about 14-16 oranges
- 800 g caster sugar
- 5 1/2 cups water - 1375ml
- 4 tbsp fresh lemon juice
- peels from 2 mandarin oranges - optional
- Wash and scrub the oranges well. Peel the oranges and remove piths, carefully cut the peels of 2 oranges into thin strips with a sharp knife. Soak peels with a pinch of salt in hot water for 10 minutes and drain well.
- Cut the oranges segments in half, crosswise , break out the segments and remove the seeds with a skewer. Wrap the seeds in a muslin cloth. (I used tea bag).
- Put the orange segments, water, lemon juice, sugar, peels and the bag of seeds into a large pot.
- Once boiling, reduce heat to medium low and let it bubble for about an hour (mine cooked for 90 minutes), uncovered, stirring occasionally until liquid reduced to half and reached gel point.
- Ladle the hot jam into the sterilized jars, leaving about 1/2 inch gap from the top and twist while the jam is still hot. Invert the bottles to cool before placing them in the refrigerator for at least 2 weeks.
Jell point testing -
Chill a small plate in a freezer for at least 1 hour. Place a dollop of jam onto the plate and run a clean finger down the middle of the small puddle of jam. When the jam reaches the run consistency, the two separated pools should remain parted.
- 2.2kg 橘子 (约14-16粒)
- 800克 细砂糖
- 5.5杯 清水 (1375毫升)
- 4汤匙 柠檬汁
- 2粒 橘子皮 (不喜欢果酱带有苦味的话,可以不放)
- 将橘子清洗刷净。剥掉橘子皮,,留2个橘子皮用小刀尽量刮去白色部分(因为白部分会发苦),切细条状。浸泡在热盐水里10分钟,沥干。
- 将橘子切半,用竹签取出里面的籽,收集在棉布袋里,绑紧。(我用茶包袋)
- 然后将橘子瓣拨开连清水,柠檬汁,细糖,橘子皮(条状)及那包籽子一起方在锅内。用中火加热至滚。
- 煮滚后该换中小火煮约60分钟(我煮了90分钟)不须盖锅至水分减半至浓稠。期间要不时的翻动一下。
- 趁热将果酱装入消毒过的果酱瓶里至9分满 。盖上盖;要盖紧。倒扣放凉后便可收进冰箱冷藏2个礼拜都没问题。
- 则试凝固点 – 预先把一个小碟子放进结冰室最少1个小时,取出倒上少许刚煮好的热果酱,能画出痕迹就表示果酱以煮好了。
Nice Ann for this marmalade recipe. I don’t have any leftover mandarin oranges but would love to make this right away. Will see if I can get some leftovers from the stores to make this jam.
Thank you Kimmy 🙂
Wow, it sure looks delicious. I never tried making marmalade before but after seeing your post, I have to. Thanks for the recipe!
hi, may I know how long will this jam last?
About 2 – 3 weeks in the fridge.
Hi Ann, I made this marmalade 2 days ago not with store bought Mandarin oranges. There was so much leftover mandarin oranges at my mum and mum in-law’s place. I helped them clear there stocks by making this preserve. Thanks again for sharing this timely recipe.
Hi Kimmy, Thank you for trying the recipe. Can’t wait to see your post on your blog 🙂
Homemade is the BEST! Your jam looks fantastic, Ann.
Ann, what a good idea! Your jam looks good. Some of my mandarin oranges were spoilt 🙁
Wow, it sure looks delicious. I never tried making marmalade before but after seeing your post, I have to. Thanks for the recipe!
Hi Ann, I made this marmalade 2 days ago not with store bought Mandarin oranges. There was so much leftover mandarin oranges at my mum and mum in-law’s place. I helped them clear there stocks by making this preserve. Thanks again for sharing this timely recipe.
Hi Kimmy, Thank you for trying the recipe. Can’t wait to see your post on your blog 🙂
hi, may I know how long will this jam last?
About 2 – 3 weeks in the fridge.
Homemade is the BEST! Your jam looks fantastic, Ann.
Ann, what a good idea! Your jam looks good. Some of my mandarin oranges were spoilt 🙁
Nice Ann for this marmalade recipe. I don’t have any leftover mandarin oranges but would love to make this right away. Will see if I can get some leftovers from the stores to make this jam.
Thank you Kimmy 🙂