Steamed Herbal Chicken 蒸药材鸡
This Steamed Herbal Chicken is very easy to prepare and the meat is tender and delicious. All I did was to add some seasoning with dang gui (当归), black fungus, goji berries and red dates. It is a very simple, flavourful and healthy dish packed with nutrients and most Chinese families like to cook this at home.
- Here are the health benefits in the dish
- Dangui (当归-Angelica roots), is one of the most commonly used herbs in the Chinese herbal systems and supports healthy blood circulation.
- Black fungus or cloud ear is popularly used as a culinary ingredient used in Chinese kitchen or restaurant. It can be stewed, stir fried or steamed.
- Goji berry or wolfberry used to treat eye, blood sugar stabilizing, anti-ageing, etc.
- Red dates can strengthen the spleen which helps to digest food, tonify blood and calm the mind.

Steamed Herbal Chicken
- 600 g whole chicken legs or half chicken - cut into pieces
- 3-5 slices dangui ( Angelica Roots)
- 3 g black fungus (cloud ear) - shredded, abut 1 tbsp
- 1 tbsp goji berry (wolfberry)
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp light soya sauce
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 2 tsp sesame oil
- 2 tbsp hua tiao chiew - Chinese cooking wine
- dash of pepper
- Marinate chicken with the seasoning on a steaming plate and place in refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
- Add in the remaining ingredients - black fungus, goji berries, dang gui and red dates. Steam at high heat for 25-30 minutes or until cooked and serve immediately.
蒸药材鸡 Steamed Herbal Chicken
- 2只 大鸡腿或半只鸡,约600克,斩块
- 3-5片 当归
- 3克 黑木耳,浸软,切细
- 1汤匙 枸纪子
- 5粒 红枣,切半或切条
- 1茶匙 盐
- 1汤匙 酱请
- 1/2茶匙 白糖
- 2茶匙 麻油
- 2汤匙 花调酒
- 胡椒粉 适量
- 鸡肉斩块后放入蒸盘加入腌料拌匀,放入冰箱腌制1个小时。
- 然后加入黑木耳,枸纪子,当归和红枣。 大火蒸25-30分钟至熟,便可上桌享用。
The chicken looks really tender and juicy!
Thank you Angie!
The chicken looks really tender and juicy!
Thank you Angie!