Steamed Matcha Cake 蒸抹茶蛋糕
Ever since I started making steamed chiffon cakes, I fell in love with it because it never fails to give me good result and the cake is always very light, moist and fluffy. As I said before the cake can be easily removed by hand after cooling down without any blemishes and there wasn’t any crusty side compared to oven baking. It will not crack or go out of shape after steaming. This time around, I added matcha powder for the aromatic flavour and created zebra stripes with cocoa powder to make the cake look more impressive. This Steamed Matcha Cake is definitely a healthy snack for anytime of the day and can be consumed even after chilling in the refrigerator overnight! It’s also perfect for grab to go or for your kids to bring to school to enjoy.
Steamed Chiffon Cake 蒸戚风蛋糕 (recipe食谱 >> here & here)
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Steamed Matcha Cake
- 4 egg yolks - 65g with shell
- 65 g caster sugar
- 50 ml fresh milk
- 50 ml corn oil
- 50 g cake flour/plain flour
- 2 tbsp cornflour (starch)
- 1 tbsp matcha powder
- 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder - I used dark cocoa powder
- 4 egg whites
- 50 g caster sugar
- Boil a pot of water to boiling point, off heat and set aside. Wrap a 7 inch removable cake pan with aluminium foil to prevent water seeping through the pan while steaming (no need to grease the pan).
- Combine egg yolks and sugar in bowl, mix well with a hand whisk. Add milk, mix well followed by corn oil and blend well. Sift flours and matcha powder into the egg mixture and stir well.
- Take 5 tablespoons out from the matcha batter into another bowl. Then sieve in 1/2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, mix well and set aside.
- Make meringue - Whisk egg whites to foamy, add sugar in 3 separate round and whisk to peak forms.
- Take out 1/4 of the meringue to the cocoa batter and fold well with a spatula.
- Fold the remaining meringue into matcha batter in 2 portions.
- Turn on the pot of water again at high heat while doing step 8.
- Spoon 2 heapful tablespoons of the matcha batter into the centre of the cake pan. Then 1 tablespoon of the cocoa batter on top. Continue doing this until all the mixture has been used.
- Then insert a skewer into the batter in one direction and draw the skewer up the opposite way to create pattern.
- Gently drop pan on table top to release air bubbles. Cover the top tightly with another piece of aluminum foil. Prick some holes on top with a skewer to release hot air while steaming.
- Turn down heat to medium low (water at gentle boiling stage), place the cake pan inside the steamer, covered with lid and steam for about 50 minutes. **test cake with a skewer inserted comes out clean.
- When the cake is cooked, remove the foil on top and drop the cake on table top a few times to prevent shrinkages. Invert the cake pan immediately to cool completely before removing the cake from pan.
- 材料:
- 4个 蛋黄 (用65克鸡蛋)
- 65克 细砂糖
- 50毫升 牛奶
- 50毫升 玉米油
- 50克 底筋面粉或中筋面粉
- 2汤匙 玉米淀粉
- 1汤匙 抹茶粉
- 1/2汤匙 可可粉
- 蛋白霜
- 4个 蛋白
- 50克 细砂糖
- 做法:
- 预先烧开蒸笼的水,然后熄火备用。准备一个7寸圆活动蛋糕盘(盘内不用抹油),外围用锡纸包严实 (以免蒸蛋糕的过程中水进入蛋糕体 )。
- 蛋黄和细糖(用手动打蛋器)混合均匀。加入牛奶搅匀后加入玉米油,再搅匀;筛入面粉,玉米淀粉和抹茶粉,搅拌均匀即可。
- 取出5汤匙抹茶蛋糊到另一个碗中,筛入1/2汤匙可可粉,拌匀即可。
- 蛋白霜 – 把蛋白打致起泡泡,细砂糖分3次加入,打致硬性发泡。
- 取出1/4蛋白霜到可可面糊里翻拌均匀即可。
- 剩余的蛋白霜分2次拌入抹茶面糊里,翻拌均匀即可。
- 再次烧开热水.
- 先在蛋糕盘上的中间加入2大汤匙抹茶面糊,然后放上1大汤匙可可面糊。重复此动作至完。
- 用竹签扎入面糊中央来回的划几道线便可出现花纹。
- 轻轻的敲出气泡。盖上一张锡纸直接把蛋糕盘封起来。然后用竹签在上面扎一些孔洞让蛋糕蒸的时候能够透气。
- 将烧开的水转入中小火(水保持在微滚的状态就可以了),蛋糕盘放入蒸笼里,盖上盖蒸约50分钟左右即可。**可以用竹签扎人蛋糕内部,没沾糊就表示熟了。
- 掀开锡纸,敲出热气以免蛋糕收缩。然后倒扣蛋糕,待凉后才脱模切片享用。
- 喜欢的话蛋糕也可以放进冰箱冷藏,冰冰凉凉的也非常的好吃!
Very nice cake!