Blueberry Jelly 蓝莓果冻
This easy made Blueberry Jelly is very refreshing and yummy with a hint of citrusy lime and is very suitable to serve as an after meal dessert at home. You only need about 15 minutes of prepared time. I used Sprite lemon drink that has been sitting in the refrigerator for quite some time and blue pea water (blue pea flowers from my garden) to make the jelly into two layers with some fresh blueberries in it. The jelly turned out beautifully with the natural pastel colour from the blue pea flowers. You can make the jelly into serving cups or moulds and chilled in the refrigerator for about 10 days well covered with cling wrap before serving.
- Blueberry Jelly ~ Use a skewer gently push the blueberries down into the semi-set jelly if they are still floating
- 假如蓝莓还浮在上面,可以用牙签轻轻的把蓝莓推进半凝固果冻里
Steamed Blue Pea Chiffon Cake 蒸蝶豆花戚风蛋糕 (recipe/食谱)
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Blueberry Jelly
- 15 fresh blue pea flowers - + 150ml water
- 1000 ml Sprite lemon soft drink - at room temp
- 100 g caster sugar
- 1 pkt konnyaku powder
- 1 tsp agar agar powder
- 5 tbsp lime juice
- fresh blueberries
- Boil 15 pcs blue pea flowers +150ml water for a minute. Cover with lid and leave to cool and strain, then get 50ml blue pea flower water.
- Combine konnyaku powder and sugar together and set aside. Pour sprite lemon into a deep pot. Add agar agar powder into it and stir well. On heat, pour in konnyaku powder mixture and bring to boil at medium heat.
- Keep stirring mixture constantly for another 3-5 minutes at low heat. Add lime juice and stir well for another minute, off heat. **the longer you stir the liquid, the jelly will be more springy after set**
- Take out 450ml hot liquid from the pot to a measuring cup and add 50ml blue pea water, stir well. Place the remaining plain liquid under a pan of hot water, so the liquid will not set quickly (keep at low heat).
- Pour blue pea liquid into cups or moulds to half full and place inside the refrigerator for about 3-5 minutes to semi-set. Then place a few fresh blueberries on top and gently pour the plain jelly liquid over it.
- Leave jellies to cool and set in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or when ready to serve.
- Use a skewer gently push the blueberries down into the semi-set jelly if they are still floating
- It's better to use a deep pot for boiling the fizzy drink as bubbles will floated once agar agar powder added in it.
蓝莓果冻 Blueberry Jelly
饭后甜品 ~ 用了雪碧柠檬汽水,酸柑汁和加上一层紫蓝色的蝶豆花水的双色果冻,再放入些鲜蓝莓显出一点梦幻幼感,真是太美了!~
- 15 朵 蝶豆花+150毫升 水
- 1000毫升 雪碧柠檬汽水,温室冷却
- 100克 砂糖
- 1包 果冻粉 (10克)
- 1茶匙 菜燕粉
- 5汤匙 酸柑汁或柠檬汁, 或适量
- 鲜蓝莓,适量
- 15朵蝶豆花+150毫升水煮1分钟。盖上盖待凉过滤取出50毫升蝶豆花水备用。
- 果冻粉和砂糖混匀备用。 将雪碧柠檬汽水倒入一个深锅中,加入1茶匙菜燕粉,搅匀。打开中火,倒入果冻粉不停搅拌混合物至滚。
- 果冻液要不停搅拌约3-5分钟(用小火)。然后加入酸柑汁,再继续搅拌1分钟即可熄火。**果冻液搅的越久果冻就变得越单性**
- 量出450毫升热果冻液和50毫升蝶豆花水搅拌均匀。剩下那锅果冻液隔热水备用(用最小火),这样果冻水就不容易凝固了。
- 将蝶豆花果冻液倒入小杯子或摸子里至半分满。放入冰箱冷藏约3-5分钟至半凝固然后取出放上适量鲜蓝莓。把剩下果冻液慢慢的倒上至满即可。
- 果冻待凉后放入冰箱冷藏最少两个小时至凝固便可脱模享用。
- 雪碧汽水有气泡,要用深锅比较安全,因为当加入菜燕粉时气泡很容易浮起来
- 假如蓝莓还浮在上面,可以用牙签轻轻的把蓝莓推进半凝固果冻里
Very refreshing indeed. Great to have it on a hot and humid afternoon.