Cherry Lemon Tarts 樱桃柠檬挞
These cherry lemon tarts or cups are a refreshing light dessert and are extremely easy to make. The crust is crispy and zesty after baked and the custard like filling pairs very well with the cherries and lemon juice. This delicious sweet treat is perfect for catching up with friends for afternoon tea. Cherries are going at a lower price than usual and can be seen in all the supermarkets. So why not take the opportunity and have a try on this easy recipe.
Don’t have a cherry pitter on hand? No problem! You can use a chopstick to push out the pit easily. Just place the chopstick on the top side of the cherry and push through, then at the bottom and back to the top – out pops the pit. 怎样樱桃去核的简单步骤 – 将樱桃放在小碗中,用筷子从樱桃的上面慢慢的桶穿它,然后从底部桶穿它,再从上面一桶就能取出樱桃籽了。
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Cherry Lemon Tarts
For the crust
- 100 g cold butter
- 65 g caster sugar
- 1 large egg
- 165 g plain flour - (all purpose flour)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 lemon zest
- 2 large eggs
- 60 g caster sugar
- 30 g plain flour - (all purpose flour)
- 1.5 tbsp lemon juice
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 10-12 pcs fresh cherries - whole or halved
- Make crust - Preheat oven to 180 deg C. Lightly grease six aluminium foil cups (3 inch dia x 1.5 inch height). Place all the crust ingredients into a food processor and process (less than 30 seconds) until mixture to a soft dough.
- Divide dough into 6 pieces. Roll each into a ball and place in a muffin cup, pressing evenly into bottom and up sides. Place a paper cupcake liner into each muffin cup over dough and fill with pie weights or dry beans to keep the bottom flat. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove liners and weights and bake crusts for another 7 minutes.
- Filling - Whisk eggs, flour, sugar, lemon juice and vanilla extract together with a hand whisk. Place cherries into each crust and pour in egg batter. Bake until filling is set, about 25 minutes.
- Leave cherry lemon cups to cool down a little in the muffin cups before removing them onto a wire rack to cool down completely.
- 酸酸甜甜的柠檬清香,很适合与朋友一起共享的下午茶美味甜点
- 100克 冷牛油
- 60克 细砂糖
- 1个 大鸡蛋
- 165克 中筋面粉
- 1/2茶匙 香草香精
- 1粒 柠檬皮屑
- 2个 大鸡蛋
- 65克 细砂糖
- 30克 中筋面粉
- 1.5汤匙 柠檬汁
- 1/2茶匙 香草香精
- 10-12粒 新鲜樱桃 (整粒或切半)
- 挞皮 – 预热烤箱至摄氏180度。 六个锡纸杯(3寸x1.5寸高)内部抹油。将所有材料放入搅碎机搅至成软面团(约30秒)。
- 软面团分成六份。搓成圆球,放入纸杯中捏压按压,特别是边角部分;放上纸杯然后“盲烤”就是放入重石或豆类,这样塔皮在烤的过程中不容易膨胀变形。放入预热烤箱烤15分钟,拿开纸杯和重石,再放入烤箱烤约7分钟即可。
- 馅料 – 将鸡蛋,面粉,砂糖,柠檬汁和香精一起拌均匀。樱桃放入玛芬杯子内,倒入蛋糊,送进烤箱烤约25或至直到蛋糊不会动摇即可。
- 樱桃柠檬杯挞从烤箱取出后稍微温热才脱里纸杯,放在凉架上待凉即可享用。
- 烤箱温度和烘烤时间务必根据自家烤箱来定
wow, these look so cute.
wow, these look so cute.
They look fantastic!