Chocolate Matcha Chiffon Cake 巧克力抹茶戚风蛋糕
This light and airy Chocolate Matcha Chiffon Cake is like eating a cloud and I had two slices in a go. In fact, there is nothing to shout about making a basic chiffon cake, but then you can always create different flavours or add some frosting on the cake if desired. Since I still have leftover chocolate and matcha powder in my refrigerator, why not make the chiffon cake into 3 layers in a round cake pan. I’m so happy with the end result, the extra layer of chocolate cream on top makes the cake so delicious. It really complements well with the soft chiffon cake. Definitely great to share this yummy cake with your loved ones at home.
the extra layer of chocolate cream on top makes the cake so delicious
Great to share this yummy cake with your loved ones at home for an afternoon tea~

Chocolate Matcha Chiffon Cake
- 69 g egg yolks - 4 egg yolks
- 70 g caster sugar
- 50 ml fresh milk
- 50 ml corn oil
- 50 g cake flour - or plain flour
- 2 tbsp corn flour (starch)
- 1 tbsp matcha powder - mix with 1 tbsp hot water to paste
- 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder - mix with 1/2 tbsp hot water to paste
- 163 g egg whites - 4 egg whites
- 1/4 tsp cream of tartar - or lemon juice
- 50 g caster sugar
Chocolate cream
- 120 g semi-chocolate - chop to pieces
- 80 ml dairy whipping cream
- 15 g soft butter
- Preheat oven temperature to 160 deg C. Sift cake flour and corn flour into a bowl, mix well and set aside.
- Combine egg yolks and sugar in another bowl, mix well with a hand whisk. Add milk, mix well followed by corn oil and blend well. Sift in flour mixture the second time into the egg mixture and stir well.
- Take out 70g egg yolk mixture and mix with cocoa paste into another bowl and set aside. As the matcha paste is rather thick,add some egg yolk mixture to the the matcha paste and blend well. Then pour the matcha mixture back to the remaining egg yolk mixture and mix well again, set aside.
- Make meringue - Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until foamy. Add sugar in 3 separate rounds beat until egg whites are glossy, with stiff peaks.
- Take about 70g meringue and fold into the cocoa mixture with a rubber spatula. Then fold in the remain meringue into the matcha mixture (do not over mix or you will deflate the meringue).
- Pour in the matcha batter into a 7 inch (removable base) round cake pan (no need to grease pan). Then gently pour the chocolate batter on top and smooth flat with a spatula.
- Bake in lower second rack of preheated oven for about 55 - 60 minutes. Invert cake immediately on a wire rack to cool completely before unmoulding
- Chocolate cream - Place chopped chocolate pieces and butter into a bowl, set aside. Bring whipping cream to light boil at medium heat, then pour over the chocolate pieces. Stir chocolate mixture till smooth. (If you find the chocolate mixture is difficult to stir, place the bowl of chocolate over a pot of hot water ~do not on the heat~ and stir well to smooth.)
- Place chocolate cream in the refrigerator for 1-2 minutes to thicken a little. Stir well chocolate cream again and spread 2-3 layers on top of chiffon cake, evenly with a palette knife or a scraper
- Serve cake immediately or place cake in chiller for a few hours before serving. Cake still stay soft even till next day in the refrigerator.
- 抹茶加可可双层松软戚风蛋糕再多加上一层浓郁的巧克力酱口感真的很不错,很适合与心爱的人一起共享的下午茶点。
- 69克 蛋黄 (4个蛋黄)
- 70克 细砂糖
- 50毫升 牛奶
- 50毫升 玉米油
- 50克 底筋面粉或中筋面粉
- 2汤匙 玉米粉
- 1汤匙 抹茶粉(过筛)+ 1汤匙热水,搅匀
- 1/2汤匙 可可粉 (过筛)+1/2汤匙热水,搅匀
- 蛋白霜
- 163克 蛋白 (4个蛋白)
- 1/4茶匙 塔塔粉
- 50克 细砂糖
- 巧克力酱
- 120克 半甜巧克力
- 75克 动物性奶油
- 15克 软牛油
- 做法:
- 预热烤箱致摄氏160度。面粉及玉米粉一起过筛到一个碗里,混匀备用。
- 蛋黄和细糖(用手动打蛋器)混合均匀。加入牛奶搅匀后加入玉米油,再搅匀;筛入粉类(第二次),搅拌均匀即可。
- 取出70克蛋糊到另一个大碗里和可可酱拌匀。抹茶酱有一点浓,所以取出一小部分蛋糊到抹茶酱里调开,才拌入剩余的蛋糊里,拌匀即可。
- 蛋白霜 – 用搅拌机把蛋白和塔塔粉打致起泡泡,细砂糖分3次加入,打致硬性发泡。
- 取出约70克蛋白霜到可可面糊里,用橡胶刮刀翻拌均匀。 把剩余的蛋白霜拌入到抹茶面糊里,也是轻轻的翻拌均匀即可。(注意:不要过度的搅拌,免得蛋白会泡消掉)。
- 先把抹茶面糊倒入一个圆形7寸活底蛋糕烤盘 (无需抹油),然后将可可面糊轻轻倒上,抹平即可。
- 放进预热烤箱里下面的第二层,烘烤约55-60分钟。蛋糕出炉后,即倒扣致冷却才脱模。
- 巧克力酱 – 巧克力碎和牛油放入碗中,备用。 以中火将奶油煮至微滚即可,倒在巧克力上搅拌至顺滑(觉得巧克力不好搅拌的话,可以放在一锅隔热水上~不用开火~搅匀至顺滑即可)。
- 巧克力酱放进冰箱1-2分钟至稍微浓稠。取出再搅匀才 涂上2-3层巧克力酱在蛋糕上,用刮刀或三角齒刮板抹平。
- 蛋糕可马上切片或收进冰箱冷藏数小时才享用。蛋糕收进冰箱几个小时或隔天蛋糕体都还是软软的,超好吃!
- 用不完的巧克力酱收进冰箱冷藏几个星期都不会坏
Wow thats a gorgeous looking cake. looks very lite.
Lovely treat for tea!
wow two of my favourite flavours in one! Your chiffon cake looks so beautiful and tempting.
Thank you Angie!
Wow thats a gorgeous looking cake. looks very lite.
Lovely treat for tea!
wow two of my favourite flavours in one! Your chiffon cake looks so beautiful and tempting.
Thank you Angie!