Crusty Bread Sandwich
This month’s Aspiring Baker’s June Challenge is Bread …. it is a real challenge for me as I always find bread making tedious and time consuming. Although I have a bread maker at home and have attended free lessons from PH, I’ve only used my bread maker to make jam and pau …. what a waste huh! But I just don’t wish to miss this month’s challenge and have been spending some time flipping through my baking books looking for recipes on bread making. I found a recipe in this Chinese cookbook 精緻點心DIY that I bought in Taiwan many years ago. You don’t even have to bake the bread, just dip with beaten egg and breadcrumbs then deep fry it (I shallow fry the bread for healthy purpose) and make it into a sandwich. I can tell you that it is real easy to work without the bread maker machine, the bread outside is very crusty and inside is super soft. I’ve added lettuce, ham, egg, tomato, cucumber and a dash of pepper and sandwich with butter spread. Of course you can add cheese, tuna, sausage or anything you desire.
I am submitting this Bread Sandwich to Aspiring Bakers #8 – Bread Seduction June 2011
& also submitting this entry to Yeastspotting
Here is the recipe (I only used half recipe for 9 medium size crusty bread)
250g Bread flour
40g Caster sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
1 small egg (about 30g)
25g Crisco shortening
150g Water
5g Instant yeast
- Soak instant yeast into the water until dissolved.
- Add bread flour, salt and sugar into mixing bowl and mix well with a rubber spatula.
- Add egg and dissolved yeast into it, use mixer with dough hook attachment and switch machine to medium speed until mixture becomes a soft dough.
- Place soft dough on dusted flour surface and press dough down with the heel of your hand, then roll the dough towards you, turn dough and repeat a few times (about 5 mins). Add crisco shortening in the center, wrap it up and repeat the process again until it’s smooth and elastic and shape it into a ball.
- Cover the dough in a bowl and let it rest for about 30 mins or dough rises to double or triple.
- Use your index finger to poke the dough, it does not spring back, it is ready to use.
- Deflate the dough and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Divide dough into 9 equal pieces about 55g each and knead smooth into round balls, cover with plastic sheet and let it rest for 10 minutes.
- Rub a small amount of flour on the rolling pin and roll dough to long length, about 8 inches long and 4 inches wide.
- Use your hand to roll up the dough, gently press the dough as you roll.
- Prepare one lightly beaten egg on a small tray and breadcrumbs on another tray.
- Dip dough on the lightly beaten egg and coat with breadcrumbs, let it rest for another 10 mins.
- Deep fry dough at medium heat for about 8 minutes till golden brown. (I shallow fry the bread dough instead by turning the dough often to make sure the dough is cooked)
- Leave crust bread to cool and slice it lengthwise and sandwich with any fillings you fancy.
Kitchen note: I think I’ve should dusted some plain flour on the dough before dipping with egg as you can see my crusty bread is quite dark.
Got a good feedback from Fong’s Kitchen Journal about the method of deep frying bread ~
“You may want to try deep-frying instead of shallow-frying for a lighter brown tone. When shallow-fry, the bread is very close to the bottom of pan/wok and it will burn easily. Start with lower heat at the beginning and increase heat at the end to expel the oil.” ~ Thank you Fong 🙂
Got a good feedback from Fong’s Kitchen Journal about the method of deep frying bread ~
“You may want to try deep-frying instead of shallow-frying for a lighter brown tone. When shallow-fry, the bread is very close to the bottom of pan/wok and it will burn easily. Start with lower heat at the beginning and increase heat at the end to expel the oil.” ~ Thank you Fong 🙂
Congratulations! We wanted to inform you that this post has been selected as a Featured Archive Post on our site for the month of August 2013!
it's the first time i see frying bread! wow, so amazing! i will try once this weekend!
thanks for sharing the recipe.
@cherry potato
Cherry Potato ~ 你太过奖了 😛 这都是托Aspiring Bakers的福,要不然我也不会做面包。还算是及各啦 (^-^)..hehee
The bread looks great. I love the coat of the bread crumbs.
I lovee fried food so much…I think that I gained 5 lb just from looking:)) Absolutely delicious!!!
Cakewhiz ~ You're welcome 🙂
Lisa, Rebecca, sherleen ~~ thanks for you nice comments 🙂
Mary ~ yes, it's good to bring the bread to picnic. Hope you'll make this too.
Thanks Alisha 🙂
Kankana ~ thank you!
Zoe ~ yes, it's so sweet of Fong to share the great tips.
Roxana GreenGirl ~ sure!
Hi Natasya, yes this bread is crispy that can stayed for few hours.
Hi. Would love to try this. Does the bread stay crispy for long?
is the fist time I see such a bread, and I love it. wish I had a piece.
Thanks for sharing Ann
Good that Fong has given you a great feedback on frying technique! I learn something from her feedback too. Your crispy buns look so yummy.
That is super creative! never heard of that or seen before.
I absolutely love this! And I don't mind that they are a bit more browned, I think they look perfect 🙂
Mmmm….looks very soft and delicious. Would be great for parties and picnic. I am hungry looking at these…mmmm
hihi…bread sandwich looks superb…^0^
drop by to say hi, ann…
wow this is such a fun bread recipe soft in middle and crispy on the outside 🙂
These little morsels looks good…
I love bread… especially soft on the inside and crusty on the outside…
I like making bread too but haven't tried these ones with a crispy top. Just by looking at your pictures, i know i am going to like that added crunch!
Thanks for sharing detailed instructions 🙂
Oh no Ann, all my dishes and photos are still not up to the standard to take part! LOL
Let me improve them first… Tks for inviting Ann 🙂
Joelyn, 谢谢过奖!附上步骤图是因为怕自己解释不来。
@Yee Er
Yee Er, 其实我是很担心做不成,还好效果还不错。
@Biren @ Roti n Rice
hehee Biren, I don't mind to stay close to you too so I can have your "tong shui" everyday 🙂
@ღ♡Ꮣуռ էяɨռɨא♡ღ
Thanks Lyn. Why don't join in and have the fun together ;D
Janine, It's good to dip the crust bread in curry too.
@Passionate About Baking
Jane, not very long to fry the breads because only 9 pcs 🙂
真的很棒,还附上步骤图。。。。。很特别的面包卷夹馅料。。。。i like it!!感谢分享
Wow…pan fried bread! How cool is that! Love your step-by-step pictures. Your sandwiches look so tasty. If you live close to me, I will be at your doorstep in no time 🙂
First time frying bread and you already did it so well! This shows that you're really talented Ann! Well done! 😀
Just saw your additional infomations that you'll be entering this recipe for "Aspiring Bakers #8 – Bread Seduction June 2011"
and "Yeastspotting" ! Wish you all the best and good luck! ^.^
wow Ann this is really a nice twist from baked bread – thks for sharing! 🙂
WOW I've never ever seen bread made this way and this seems like a really good alternative to baking! I bet it tastes absolutely delicious with that crunchy outer layer!
I've never seen bread baked this way, with the bread crumbs, I like it and the sandwiches look delicious made with your wonderful bread 😉
Wow! This is really pretty! Your frying skill is also very good, all are so even! Must've taken quite a while to fry all of them!
I am quite good at eating bread but ask me to bake one – I am hopeless. :O
This is a different kind of crusty bread that I'm used too. It looks amazing, and how good you found out why they turned out darker than you planned! Time for lunch, please pass the crusty bread sandwich! 😀
Gosh, this sandwich is so unique and I can gobble this up for lunch!
How not to drool!
Wow! Those bread sure look so good as sandwiches! My boys would love this served as hotdogs, complete with minced meat and all:P
@Alice Law
Hi Alice, I think can use vegie shortening because sometime I also use vegie shortening to make crystal mooncake but of course crisco is better.
@Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)
Thanks Jane and Sonia 🙂 I've to take the photo myself using the tripod.
@ღᏓуռ էяɨռɨאღ
Hi Lil, this is also my first time fried bread and the bread is really good even without the filling. Just eat it warm 🙂
Esther, 也不完全是。。开始是用kitchen aid dough hook 打成团,才慢慢的用手揉面团到光滑,就差不多了。
looks like delicious,i love it so much!
Wow! So tempting. How I wish that I would have a bite of it now.
Wow, wow!!Ann, your photography skills are excellent! your bakings skills are far exceeded excellent!
Love your beautiful rolls, my kids gonna love it since thy like everything crispy!
Btw, Wht's Crisco shortening, can we replace it with vegie shortening?
You really hardworking huh, hehehe..who help you to take the detail steps of photo? Hmm, this look so good, like Jane said, my kids would love this too.Thanks for sharing the detail steps, appreciate much. Agreed with Fong's note.
This is interesting 🙂
My kids will definitely shout "woo!" if i make this. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Hi Ann! Nice easy recipe! Best is no baking involved! LOL
Actually I'm quite surprised that you need not bake the bread first and can just deep/shallow-fried it! (I've never bake before..hee..)
I've always love fried bread with panko for its crispiness outside yet soft inside. 🙂
wow… what a great treat!!.. must try this in my kitchen soon.. thx for sharing ^,^