French Onion Soup 法式洋葱汤
Making French Onion Soup is easy to cook with a few simple ingredients but it takes a longer time for the process of cooking the onions to caramelize. You really need some patience to cook this delicious homemade soup. The original recipe should have added sherry or wine and fresh thyme to enhance the better flavour to the onion soup but I omitted these since I don’t have them in my kitchen . For the base of the soup, I used a shortcut combination of chicken broth, water and a half beef cube. If you’re vegetarian, then use veggie broth. This French onion soup is very rich, flavourful and tasty when served with cheesy crusty bread. You can use any type of bread and cheese, besides baguette and gruyere cheese that you prefer.
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French Onion Soup
- 980 g onion
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tbsp butter - about 20g
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tbsp minced garlic
- 1.5 tbsp plain flour
- 400 ml chicken broth - Swason brand or veggie broth
- 550 ml water
- 1/2 pc beef cube
- 2 bay leaves
- slices of baguette
- shredded gruyere cheese - or any cheese of your choice
- dash of black or white pepper
- Slice the onions to about 2mm thickness after peeling off the skin.
- Heat pan with olive oil and butter till combined. Add shredded onion and salt, toss and stir for 10 minutes or until softened at medium low heat (careful not to burn the onion).
- Add minced garlic and continue cooking for another 20-30 minutes till onion lightly golden or caramelized.
- Add flour and mix with the onion. Add chicken broth and water, followed by beef cube and bay leaves. Stir well mixture and bring to the boil at high heat and cover with a lid, then simmer at low heat for about 15 minutes. Add salt to taste if necessarily, off heat.
- Bake baguette slices to crisp in the toaster oven for a few minutes.
- Divide soup in serving ceramic bowls. Place baked baguette on top and sprinkle with cheese and a dash of pepper.
- Place bowls in the preheated oven at 200 deg C for about 5 minutes until cheese melted. Serve immediately and enjoy.
- 980克 洋葱 (约5-6个)
- 3汤匙 橄榄油
- 2汤匙 牛油 (20克)
- 1茶匙 盐
- 1/2汤匙 蒜蓉
- 1.5汤匙 中筋面粉
- 400毫升 鸡汤 (Swason牌)或蔬菜汤
- 550毫升 水
- 半个 牛肉精 (可不放)
- 2片 月桂叶
- 法式长棍面包 ,切片
- gruyere奶酪丝或其他奶酪丝都可以
- 黑或白胡椒粉,适量
- 将洋葱去皮切丝约2mm厚。
- 热锅放入橄榄油和牛油,拌匀。倒入洋葱和盐,中小火翻拌洋葱约10分钟至洋葱变软 (要小心火候,不要让洋葱烧焦)。
- 然后放入蒜蓉,继续翻炒洋葱约20-30分钟至洋葱变微黄或焦黄即可。
- 撒入面粉和洋葱翻拌均匀。倒入鸡汤,水和牛肉精再拌匀,大火把烫类煮开,盖上锅盖转小火焖煮约15分钟,这时候可以试一下味道,须要的话可放适量的盐,拌匀熄火。
- 将长棍面包片放入小烤箱烤几分钟至酥脆。
- 煮好的洋葱汤舀入陶瓷碗中,放上面包片,撒上奶酪丝及胡椒粉即可。
- 放入预热烤箱摄氏200度烤约5分钟左右至奶酪融化变焦黄即可享用。