Pineapple Jelly in Can 罐头凤梨果冻
Christmas is just exactly one week from today. Besides baking Christmas fruit cake, cookies and yule log cake, dessert is another item that should not be missed on the table. This Pineapple Jelly in Can is one of the easiest desserts that you can prepare at home and this can be done 4-5 days ahead and chill in the refrigerator. It’s indeed very refreshing to serve this Pineapple Jelly in Can as a side dish to go along with roasted dishes or serve on its own after having a heavy meal.
It’s also appropriate to give a whole can of pineapple jelly as a surprise gift to your friends and family for Christmas and also during the Chinese Lunar New Year as the Chinese believe that pineapple (Ong Lye 旺来) is super auspicious as it signifies good luck and prosperity.

Pineapple Jelly in Can
- 2 cans pineapple sliced - any brand
- 80 g caster sugar
- 6 g agar agar powder (green color) - 1/2 tbsp + 1 tsp
- 1 tbsp green lime juice
- reserve pineapple syrup from 1 can and fill up with water to 500ml
- pitted maraschino cherries, cut into half
- Empty pineapple slices from can and drain well. Reserve pineapple syrup from 1 can and fill up with water to 500ml. **You can use pineapple syrup from 2 cans and fill with water to 500ml, add sugar to your taste if you have a sweet tooth.
- Place pineapple (12) slices back into the can (no need to wash the can), stack them up with red cherries, set aside.
- Pour pineapple syrup and water (total 500ml) into pot. Add sugar and agar agar powder. Boil and stir liquid at medium heat for 2 minutes. Add lime juice, stir well and off heat. Continue to stir liquid for another 2 minutes. **may add a few drops of green coloring if you find the liquid colour is too light** I didn't add ~~
- Gently pour hot agar agar liquid over pineapple slices. **If the pineapple slices in the can are slanting at one side, then use a small knife and gently push them back to straight in the centre. Leave pineapple jelly to cool and cover with a cling wrap.
- Place the cans in the refrigerator to chill for at least 2 hours or overnight. **can keep in the refrigerator for 4-5 days**
- To remove the pineapple jelly from the can, just invert the can and use a can opener to open the end. Gently release pineapple jelly, slice and serve.
还有一个礼拜就是圣诞节了,家里除了忙着烤杂果蛋糕,饼干和树洞蛋糕之外,也一定少不了甜品吧!今天就分享这超简单的食谱,把罐头装的凤梨片做成果冻,好看又清爽好吃;可以当配菜或饭后甜品。也很适合拿来送礼,不管在圣诞节或农历新年,可以给亲戚朋友一个大惊喜 ~~
- 2 罐头状 凤梨片 (牌子随自己喜欢)
- 80克 细砂糖
- 6克 菜燕粉 – 青色 – 1/2汤匙+1茶匙
- 1汤匙 青柠汁
- 保留1罐凤梨糖水+加水至500毫升
- 酒浸樱桃,切半,适量
- 将凤梨片倒出沥干水分。保留1罐装的凤梨糖水+水至500毫升。**喜欢更甜的话就用2罐头里的凤梨糖水+水到500毫升,糖分适量**
- 凤梨片放入罐头中(不要再洗罐子),放上半粒酒浸樱桃,把凤梨片(有12片)和酒浸樱桃叠满,备用。
- 将凤梨糖水及水(共500毫升)倒入锅中,加入菜燕粉和糖。用中火煮滚不停搅拌2分钟,加入青柠汁搅约即可熄火。然后继续不停的搅拌液体2分钟就可以了。**觉得颜色太淡的话可以加一点青色素** 我没加~
- 将煮好的热液体慢慢倒在凤梨片上,这个时候觉得凤梨片有点斜一边,可以用刀子轻轻的把凤梨片推正,待凉。
- 待凉后用保鲜膜盖好,把凤梨罐头放入冰箱冷藏至少2个小时或隔夜。**可以保存4-5都没问题**
- 怎样从罐头取出凤梨果冻 ~ 将罐头倒反,然后用开罐器打开盖子,凤梨果冻就能脱离罐子了即可切片享用。
What a brilliant idea, Ann!
Oh I have to try this this looks like fun!
That’s a fun idea!