Pork Belly with Garlic Sauce 蒜泥白肉
Pork belly with garlic sauce (suan ni bai rou 蒜泥白肉) is a popular dish originated from Sichuan, China and is also commonly be found in most Chinese restaurants in Singapore. It is a very delicious simple dish which can be served on the table without hassle of preparation. The pork belly is simmered with ginger, spring onion and rice wine for about 45 minutes. Then leave the pork belly to cool and slice it thinly and place on a serving plate with tasty garlicky dipping sauce. You can consume this authentic Chinese side dish on the day of preparation or wrap the cooked pork belly with cling wrap and store in the refrigerator to chill for 2-3 days, to serve it as a cold appetizer.
Pork Belly with Garlic Sauce
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Pork Belly with Garlic Sauce
- 500 g pork belly - 300 - 500g
- 3 slices ginger
- 2 stalk spring onion
- 2 tbsp rice wine
Garlic dipping sauce
- 1 tbsp minced garlic - or chopped garlic
- 1/2 tsp minced ginger
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tbsp oyster sauce
- 1/2 tbsp light soy sauce
- 1 tbsp rice wine - or hua tiao chiew
- chopped spring onion
- chopped chilli - optional
- 2-3 tbsp hot oil - heat up 40ml hot oil
- Rinse pork belly a few times under running water.
- Add water in pot. Wait till water to almost boil, add pork belly, ginger, spring onion and rice wine. Simmer for 45 minutes with lid on under medium low heat. Turn pork over in every 15 minutes. Dish up and leave to cool.
- Combine sauce ingredients in a bowl. Heat up oil to shimmery hot and immediately pour into the bowl of sauce ingredients causing more fragrant in the mixture (pour hot oil just to cover the ingredients - about 2-3 tablespoons). Stir well and set aside to cool for later use.
- Cut pork belly into thin slices and arrange on plate and serve with savory garlic dipping sauce. Enjoy!
- bai rou白肉 meaning white meat, so add white rice wine. NOT hua tiao chiew in the boiling water as the pork will turn yellow after cooking.
- If you find the dipping sauce is too tasty, dilute it with some hot water and stir well.
- Dipping sauce should be prepared on the day when served.
- 蒜泥白肉 Pork Belly with Garlic Sauce
- 是一道属于中国四川菜系。食材简单,做法非常容易,也不用花太多时间准备。白肉肥而不腻,沾上蒜泥酱汁,开胃又好吃~~
- 材料:
- 300-500克 五花肉 (三层肉)
- 3片 姜
- 2根 青葱
- 2汤匙 白米酒
- 蒜蓉酱汁
- 1汤匙 蒜蓉
- 1/2茶匙 姜末
- 1茶匙 细糖
- 1汤匙 耗油
- 1/2汤匙 酱请
- 1汤匙 白米酒或花雕酒
- 葱花,适量
- 辣椒,适量 (可不放)
- 2-3汤匙热油 (40毫升食油加热)
- 五花肉冲洗净。
- 锅中放入水煮至微滚,放入五花肉,姜片,青葱和白米酒。盖上锅盖焖煮45分钟(中小火)。期间每约15分钟翻一翻五花肉。捞起放凉。
- 将酱汁料放入碗中。加热食油至开始冒烟就直接冲入酱汁料 (刚刚盖过酱料就可以了,约2-3汤匙),搅匀待凉备用。
- 五花肉切薄片,摆碟,配上蒜蓉酱汁。就可开动啦!
- 焖煮五花肉要用百米酒。用花调酒的话白肉变黄。
- 煮好的五花肉放凉后也可以用保鲜膜包好,收进冰箱冷藏2-3天做冷盘或开胃菜。
- 觉得酱汁太咸的话,可以加些热水调开咸度。
- 蒜泥酱汁要用的时候才准备。