Prata Potato Puffs 马铃薯咖喱手捉饼
Prata Potato Puffs
- 5 pcs frozen roti prata
- 10 hard boiled quail eggs
- 450 g potato
- 3 tbsp curry powder
- 4-5 tbsp fresh milk
- 1 large onion - chopped
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp chicken powder
- 1 beaten egg
- Wash potatoes and peel skin. Boil potatoes with a pinch of salt until soft and tender for about 15-20 minutes Mash cooked potatoes with a fork, leaving some chunks behind.
- Add enough oil in wok, use medium heat fry onion and curry powder till fragrant.
- Add cooked potatoes together with the seasoning and milk, stir fry well. Dish up potato filling and leave to cool.
- Slightly thaw prata just soft enough to fold. Dap some flour on your palm as the prata will get soft quickly and sticky when folding.
- Place potato filling on prata with two qauil eggs. Fold it up over, use your fingers to make pleat on one side of the wrapper until completely sealed like a crescent shape.
- Place the prata potato puffs on a lined baking tray and egg wash the tops of each puff..
- Bake at preheated oven at 200C for 15 minutes and egg wash again on the puffs. Continue to bake for another 5 minutes till golden brown.
马铃薯咖喱手捉饼 Prata Potato Puffs
最近看到网友Cass分享她的马铃薯手捉饼的照片,感觉很不错。就自己动手做了几个,做法非常的简单,很快就做成了。面皮有一点酥酥的 ~ 好吃!吃不完的可以收进冰箱,想吃的时候随时放进小烤箱再烤一烤就可以了。
- 5片 冷冻手捉饼(roti prata)
- 10粒 鹌鹑蛋(煮熟的)
- 450克 马铃薯
- 3汤匙咖喱粉
- 4-5汤匙 牛奶
- 1粒 大洋葱,切碎
- 1茶匙 白糖
- 3/4茶匙 盐或适量
- 1茶匙 鸡精粉
- 1个 鸡蛋,打散
- 马铃薯洗净去皮。放入沸水中(加入少许盐)煮约15-20分钟至熟。用叉子把马铃薯稍微压烂。
- 热锅加入适量的油,用中火将洋葱和咖哩粉炒香。
- 倒入马铃薯和调味料和牛奶,拌匀即可。冷却后备用。
- 让手捉饼稍微解冻。手心沾上少许面粉,这样包的时候就不怕手捉饼变软又湿湿的(请看视频)。
- 放入马铃薯馅在皮上,两边压入鹌鹑蛋。对折捏紧像个月牙形状,边缘折上。
- 烤盘放上牛油纸,放上马铃薯咖喱,皮面扫上蛋液.
- 放入预热烤箱200度烤15分钟,取出再扫上一层蛋液,继续烤5分钟至皮面金黄色即可。
Yummy looking big, fat puffs. Good idea to use roti pratha as pastry. Thanks for sharing the video!
You’re welcome 🙂
Looks yummy
Yummy looking big, fat puffs. Good idea to use roti pratha as pastry. Thanks for sharing the video!
You’re welcome 🙂
Looks yummy