Quick Cheese Baked Rice 简易芝士焗饭
This simple, quick cheese baked rice is delicious and only takes 10 minutes to bake. I cooked this over the weekend with some leftover roast chicken and some other ingredients I had in my pantry. I added one egg to the rice with a cheese topping. I really love the egg oozing out when the spoon digs into the rice! Quickly blend the egg with the melted cheese and rice mixture to get a smooth, runny eggy texture before consuming. This is really yummy. I’m so happy that my other half gave his thumbs up for this easy, one dish meal.

Quick Cheese Baked Rice
- 2 bowls cooked hot rice
- 1 onion - shredded (about 100g) or more
- 100 g cooked chicken - shredded or prawn cubes if prefer
- 1 tbsp light soya sauce
- 2 eggs
- mozzarella cheese for topping
- Fry onion till soft with some oil and add shredded chicken into it, fry well. Add soya sauce, stir fry well again. Then mix the chicken mixture into cooked rice.
- Scoop hot rice mixture in baking dish or aluminum foil tray, greased with little butter at the bottom. Make a dent in the center with a spoon and drop in egg. Scatter mozzarella cheese on top with a dash of pepper and salt.
- Bake in preheated oven 200 deg C for about 10 mins till cheese melted.
- Garnish with some nori seaweed or finely cut spring onion and serve piping hot.
*简单方便又美味的芝士焗饭, 只须烤十分钟就搞定!
- 2碗 热白饭
- 1粒 洋葱 (约100克),喜欢的话可以多加
- 100克 熟鸡肉丝或用虾仁
- 1汤匙 酱请
- 2个 全蛋
- 适量莫扎里拉奶酪丝放表层
- 胡椒/盐少许
- 热锅加少许油将洋葱炒软,放入鸡丝炒匀。最后加入酱请再拌匀即可。然后拌入热饭里。
- 将热饭料舀入碗或锡纸盘里(底部涂点牛油)。用汤匙在饭中间压下窩心,倒入鸡蛋撒上适量奶酪丝及胡椒粉与盐。
- 放进预热烤箱摄氏200度烤约十分钟至奶酪丝融化即可。
- 最后撒上少许紫菜或葱花跟鸡蛋一起拌匀便可马上享用。
Ann, your cheese baked rice looks delicious!
Quick and delicious! I love it, Ann.
Quick and delicious! I love it, Ann.
Ann, your cheese baked rice looks delicious!