Snowskin Mooncake 冰皮月饼 (2011)
Here is the recipe
300g Snowskin flour (from Gim Hin Lee)
280g Icing sugar (sifted)
95g Criso shortening (I used mooncake shortening from Sunlik)
250g Pandan water (cold)
1/4 tsp Banana essence (optional)
- Boil 1 litre water with 6 pandan leaves one or two days ahead and store in the fridge.
- In a large bowl add snowskin flour and icing sugar together, mix well. Then add shortening, use spatula or wear a disposal hand glove to mix roughly.
- Make a well in the centre and pour in pandan syrup with essence ~~ knead to soft dough ( a bit sticky)~~cover and let it rest for 10 mins~~then knead dough to soft.
- Divide dough into equal portion and add colouring for different type of fillings and wrap in filling paste.
- Roll it into a ball and dust with some cooked glutinous rice flour (Gao fen 糕粉).
- Press firmly into mould ~~unmould it and store in airtight container.
- Chill snowskin mooncakes before consume.
@Tracy Low
Tracy, 是模型美,才做出这样美的月饼 🙂
The snowskin mooncakes are so pretty, thanks for sahring by adding pandan water and banana essence can improved the taste of snowskin!
1. How do you dislodge the mooncake with this mould? Is this mould easier to use or those that comes with a plunger? 2. Do you find the snowskin texture better with Gim Hin Lee gaofen? Is there significant difference compared with similar flour from PH or KCT?I really appreciate your precious advice cos it will help me save some costs. Thank you :)Liz
great job and the mooncakes look so artificial…more like an art.
@AnonymousLiz, from Sunlik. I think Kwong Seong Thye also have it. Not sure.
They are very beautiful! Ann, you are always so perfect shaping these beauties.
Thks Ann,where did you buy these moulds?Liz
@AnonymousHi Liz,Both type of moulds are almost the same. Click on the picture and take a closer look. There is a point at one side to secure the mould.I think the Gim Hin Lee's flour is more fine. As you know snowkin mooncake cannot be kept too long as it will dries up quickly.
Ann, thiam chiak lor. During hari raya eat too much rendang beef, mutton, ketupat, curry. Suddenly giddy, nausea, cold sweat until have to sent to A & E. Dr. said sometimes eat too full or too hungry trigger the brain then can cause the inner ear unbalance, nothing serious.I'm ok now, thank for your concern.I don't really like moon cake but I enjoy making, then distribute here and there to my friends/ relative.
They look beautiful Ahn!
Gorgeous mooncakes! Simple love those shapes.
hi ancoo, these mooncakes looks go authentic.. very pretty color varieties. bookmarked, thanks 🙂
@CheahYes Cheah, I love those moulds too but is not cheap.
Ann, I am so jealous of your moulds. lol! All your mooncakes are perfectly shaped with those gorgeous gadgets. I'm planning to make mine tomorrow.Kristy
Anncoo, can i call you mooncake master? your mooncake look so even and beautiful! i just bought a wooden mooncake mould and going to make more mooncakes for my relatives. I enjoy doing mooncake this year, dont know why, hehehe..
@Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)Sonia, haha…不敢当^_^Because now you know how to make mooncake already :DHappy baking!
Mama Mia! They're just lovely, Ann. Awesome and those moulds are so cute!
@ICook4FunGert, they look like Japanese wagashi.
@Angel @ Cook.Bake.LoveI already put the pic below my post.
Just got to know your blog & it's really beautiful. Your mooncak look so cute & like fine art. Thanks for sharing
All are so beautiful , I likeur mould very much , can u take a pix and share with us?
@Amelia's De-ssertOh dear, what happened? Hope you'll get well soon. Better is less mooncakes 🙂
Ann, I like your snowy mooncake very very much 🙂
These are not mooncakes instead they are pieces of art ! Too beautiful to be eaten !
I can imagine how much fun you girls had..I love what you've created! Those look delicious, and very pretty!
May I have one, please!
it is good to have a partner to work together…u must having a great timethe mooncakes look fantastic, i have almost all the moulds but not the star and flower with 5 petals one…they all look cute yeah…
You have so many pretty moulds!
Thank you ALL for your lovely compliment 🙂 There are few more days left for the festival, please enjoy making more mooncakes 😀
I love snowskin mooncakes! Yours look definitely tempting, can I have one please? 🙂
OMG!! Thia look, amazing,amazing…sooooo beautiful!! gloria
Really impressive 🙂 Have been reading yr blog, but too busy to leave any comment 😮 The piggy was really so adorable, the mooncake was also awesome and now the snow cake was so beautiful. Last year i did a patch of similiar design, but was using the jelly mould. Next year shall increase my mould, look like the press type are more easier and the imprint are so clear cut, between i tried to bake yr traditional mooncake. But it was a disaster the surface was blur and i didn't manage to have deep browning colour too. Shall post in these few days. Your bakes motivates me alot!
Such beautiful shapes! Love the tiny size, so cute.
What a sight to behold! I love your moulds…and of cos your lovely mooncakes! Too gorgeous to eat!
Wow! your colourful moonies really bring up my appetite, wish I can have a taste of each of them. ;p
Oh Ann how I wish we lived closer….how much fun would it be to make mooncakes with you! They are stunning!
@J.OJ.O. ~ 那黑芝麻豆沙。
Ann, I just love your blog and all the beautiful goodies you always share with us. I may not always leave a comment but I always do enjoy your post. Just gorgeous! P.S. Thanks for participating in September's YBR 🙂 Sorry I'm so late in getting here.
@Lynne @ 365 Days of Baking
Thank you very much Lynne. So glad you're here. Will hop over to site now :))
The dough is 25g/filling 27g.
So, so lovely! Can I know how much the moulds cost? Also where can I get them in Malaysia? I stumbled onto your blog too late to try out the different types of moon cakes. Will definitely do so next year! I tried making the snowskin ones last year but wasn't too successful. 🙁 hope to also make some piggies! Thank you for your inspiring blog! Keep up the good work!
Beautiful moon cake.
Your snowskin mooncake looks so elegant really like a piece of art. Too nice to eat them. Very pretty.
Kristy, you didn't get any new plastic mooncake moulds? Must get some as it is very easy to use 🙂
Thank you Bee 🙂 I think the moulds already out of stock.
Hi Ai Ping, thank you! Help your yourself 🙂
Hi MuiMui, Thank you for your compliment. How come the surface is blur? Can it be the imprint not deep enough. Sometime you have to wait for the mooncake to season for at least a few days.
Thank you Happy Flour.
Thank you very much Ellie 🙂
Penny, hahaa… I love moulds!
Sure Murasaki 🙂
Lyndsey, Hope you can be here at the next Mooncake festival. You can even sample all the mooncakes at the malls.
Anncoo, these are absolutely stunning!! What a fabulous pick for the YBR! Just found your site, but I will definitely be back!
Oops! Lynne, I can't access to your blog 🙁
I've been speechless every time I come here. Another WOW as soon as picture starts showing up on your blog! Bravo Ann! This is amazing and super beautiful…!!
i have never seen moon cakes before but it's been a while since i've seen cakes so pretty! LOVE your molds and the colors you picked!