Tofu Guo Tie 豆腐锅贴
Guo Tie or Potstickers in English are a popular Chinese dumpling dim sum served in the restaurant or as a food street snack in the northern China. This pan fried dumpling is usually wrapped with Chinese chives with ground pork or cabbage and I enjoyed eating them.
For a change I used tofu as the main ingredient with ground pork and prawns. To my surprise, this pan fried tofu guo tie or jian doufu jiaozhi (煎豆腐饺子)with a little crisp bottom, the taste was so good that I had 6 pieces in a row. Due to my laziness and want a quick wrapping, I didn’t make the wrappers from scratch but got the ready made ones from the supermarket. The mixing of the fillings is a breeze and the following recipe makes about 35 pieces of Guo Tie.

Tofu Guo Tie
- 300 g pressed tofu
- 100 g ground pork
- 150 g fresh prawns, diced - without shell, deveined and clean,
- 1 egg
- 3 stalk spring onion - cut finely
- 35 pcs guo tie wrappers - 24 pcs in one packed
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tbsp light soy sauce
- 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
- 1 tsp chicken powder
- dash of pepper
- 2 tbsp corn flour (corn starch)
- Wrap tofu with a piece of muslin cloth, then place a heavy object on top (I used a thick chopping board) to squeeze out the moisture from the block, for about 30 minutes.
- Place ground pork, 60g diced prawns, egg and tofu in the food processor together with the seasoning (except spring onion and the remaining prawns). Blend tofu mixture coarsely and not too fine (otherwise you got difficulty wrapping in the filling), then transfer to a bowl. Add in spring onion and prawns with more pepper, mix well.
- Place about 2 teaspoon of the tofu mixture in the middle of the wrapper and moisten the edge with little water. Fold it up over, use your fingers to make a small pleat on one side of the wrapper until completely sealed like a crescent shape. Repeat the same until you use up the ingredients.
- Add 2-3 tablespoons oil into heated pan (best to use a non stick flat frying pan), place in the guo tie and fry them at medium heat until the bottoms till crisp and golden brown, about 2-3 minutes.
- Pour 1/4 cup of water from the sides of the pan. Cover with a lid and reduce to low heat. Cook guo tie for another 3-5 minutes or till fully cooked. You may add a little more water if it dries up quickly and before the guo tie are done cooking.
- Serve guo tie immediately with dipping sauce. (shredded ginger and black vinegar).

豆腐锅贴 Tofu Guo Tie
- 韭菜锅贴吃得多了,今天就换一个做法非常简单易学的豆腐锅贴;让您轻松做出美味佳肴!
- 300克 板豆腐
- 100克 绞肉 (肉碎)
- 150克 虾仁, 切丁
- 1个 全蛋
- 3根 葱,切细,喜欢的话可加多一点
- 35片 锅贴皮 (一包24片)
- 1/4 茶匙 盐
- 1/2汤匙 酱请
- 1/2汤匙 麻油
- 1/2汤匙 耗油
- 1茶匙 鸡精粉
- 胡椒粉,适量
- 2汤匙 栗米粉(生粉)
- 用布把豆腐裹起来,上面放上重物(我用切板)加压30分钟,内部水分便会流出。
- 把绞肉, 60克的虾仁,鸡蛋,豆腐及调味料(葱花和剩下的虾仁暂时不要放)放入打碎机内,稍微搅打几下(不要打滑,要不然锅贴就很难包)放入碗中。拌入葱花和剩余的虾仁至混合均匀(再撒上适量的胡椒粉)。
- 取出一锅贴皮放上约2茶匙豆腐馅,边缘沾上少许的水,将锅贴皮对折,继续将外面的皮打折向左捏,最后捏完饺子就成了月牙形状了
- 加入2-3汤匙到热锅里(最好用平底锅),排进锅贴,中火煎至锅贴定型至底部金黄色,约2-3分钟。
- 倒入1/4杯清水,盖上盖以小火焖煮约3-5分钟至熟。假如锅底的水太快干掉的话可再加一点水。
- 煮好的锅贴再沾上黑醋和姜丝最美味。
- 锅贴可预先包好,放入冰箱冷冻处收藏一个礼拜。将包好的锅贴一个个排展开在盘子上(底部铺油纸),放进冷冻处约一小时,再装入保鲜袋里那锅贴就不会黏在一起了。平时吃的时候拿出直接煮,无需解冻,非常的方便。
Very appetizing and delicious! Love the tofu filling.
I love these. Method is quite similar to sang chien bao. Yours are so neatly pleated. Thumbs up!
hi, what is the name and brand of dumpling wrapping you used?
Hi, I’ve just shared the picture of the quo tie wrappers below the recipe.
I love these. Method is quite similar to sang chien bao. Yours are so neatly pleated. Thumbs up!
hi, what is the name and brand of dumpling wrapping you used?
Hi, I’ve just shared the picture of the quo tie wrappers below the recipe.
Very appetizing and delicious! Love the tofu filling.