Bak Kwa Chiffon Cake 肉干戚风蛋糕
Although Chinese New Year is just over for a month, I still have many leftover goodies at home. Bak kwa is one of them that I wanted to finish off quickly (also shared meat floss biscuits in my previous post). So I just blended the bak kwa into bits and mix into the batter. The soft light chiffon cake tasted good with the bak kwa bits and it was superb served with a cup of hot coffee or tea. You can also spread some mayonnaise and a sprinkling of bak kwa bits as topping for an extra bite.
soft, light and tender ~ yummy!
Bak Kwa Chiffon Cake
- 4 egg yolks - use large eggs
- 70 g caster sugar
- 50 ml fresh milk
- 50 ml corn oil
- 50 g cake flour or plain flour
- 2 tbsp corn flour (starch)
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 50 g bak kwa - blend to bits
- 4 egg whites
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 50 g caster sugar
- Preheat oven temperature to 160 deg C. Sift cake flour and corn flour into a bowl, mix well and set aside.
- Combine egg yolks and sugar in another bowl, mix well with a hand whisk. Add milk and vanilla extract, mix well followed by corn oil and blend well. Sift in flour mixture the second time into the egg mixture and stir well. Lastly add in 3 tablespoons bak kwa bits, stir well again.
- Make meringue - Beat egg whites and salt until foamy. Add sugar in 3 separate rounds beat until egg whites are glossy, with stiff peaks.
- Fold ⅓ of egg whites into the yolk mixture with a rubber spatula. Then pour in the remaining egg whites, gently fold the mixture until just combined.
- Pour into a 7 inch (18cm) chiffon pan. Bake in preheated oven for about 40 minutes.
- Invert the cake pan immediately on a wire rack to cool completely before removing the cake from pan.
- Spread some mayonnaise on top of cake and sprinkle remaining bak kwa bits over it before serving.
农历新年过了,家里就会剩下一推吃不完的年饼之类的。之前解决了肉松(肉松饼干),现在就把肉干放入戚风蛋糕里,味道还蛮不错 🙂
- 4个 蛋黄 (用大鸡蛋)
- 70克 细砂糖
- 50毫升 牛奶
- 50毫升 玉米油
- 50克 底筋面粉或中筋面粉
- 2汤匙 玉米粉
- 1/2茶匙 香草香精
- 50克 肉干,磨碎
- 4个 蛋白
- 1/8茶匙 盐
- 50克 细砂糖
- 预热烤箱致摄氏160度。面粉及玉米粉一起过筛到一个碗里,混匀备用。
- 蛋黄和细糖(用手动打蛋器)混合均匀。加入牛奶和香精搅匀后加入玉米油,搅匀;筛入粉类(第二次),搅拌均匀。最后放入3汤匙肉干碎,再拌匀j即可。
- 蛋白霜 – 用搅拌机把蛋白和盐打致起泡泡,细砂糖分3次加入,打致硬性发泡。
- 取出1/3的蛋白霜与面糊翻拌均匀,再倒入剩余的蛋白霜,用橡胶刮刀轻轻的翻拌均匀。
- 倒入戚风摸子里(7寸/18cm),送入预热烤箱烘烤约40分钟。
- 蛋糕出炉后,即倒扣致冷却。
- 蛋糕脱模后,涂上适量美乃滋,撒上剩余的肉干碎即可切片享用。
- 烤箱温度和烘烤时间务必根据自家烤箱来定
Hi can I check with you the quantity of the ingredients if I am baking in a 6 inch pan? Tks 😊
Hi Doreen, you can use the same recipe with smaller eggs (about 60g egg with shell)
Hi can I check with you the quantity of the ingredients if I am baking in a 6 inch pan? Tks ?
Hi Doreen, you can use the same recipe with smaller eggs (about 60g egg with shell)