Chinese Braised Daikon 红烧白萝卜
Here is another quick, savoury and tasty comforting dish, Chinese Braised Daikon (white radish白萝卜). This is a simple dish where everything is done in one pot or frying pan. You do not need to marinate the minced pork (can be substituted with minced chicken) but just stir fry with the simple seasoning – dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, mirin (Japanese sweet wine), fish sauce and sugar. Then throw in the daikon and simmer for just 20-30 minutes till soft and tender. The daikon is fragrant and delicious by the end of the cooking process. Lastly garnish with cut spring onion and chilli. Definitely delightful to serve this healthy Chinese Braised Daikon with hot rice.
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Chinese Braised Daikon
- 500 g daikon (white radish) - peeled and chop to chunks (not too big)
- 150 g minced pork (ground pork) - or minced chicken
- 2 clove garlic - sliced
- 3 slices ginger
- 1 stalk spring onion - cut
- 1 red chilli - cut
- 2 tbsp Chinese rice wine
- 120 ml water
- 2 tbsp dark soy sauce
- 1 tbsp light soy sauce
- 1 tbsp mirin - Japanese sweet wine
- 1 tsp fish sauce
- Mix all the seasoning together in a small bowl and set aside.
- Heat up wok at medium heat with 2 tablespoons of oil, add ginger and, garlic, cook till aromatic.
- Add minced pork and stir fry for a while and add the seasoning, fry well again. Then add daikon, cook and mix well again. Lastly add rice wine and water. Stir mixture well and bring to boil.
- Turn to low heat with lid closed and simmer for about 20-30 minutes till radish is tender. **add a little more water if sauce is too salty**
- Garnish with chilli and spring onion and serve immediately with hot rice.
- 红烧白萝卜 Chinese Braised Daikon
- 又是一道非常简单菜肴。主食是白萝卜和肉碎。把食材和调味料全部放入锅中焖煮约20-30分钟至白萝卜变软就可以了。口感非常好,带有萝卜的甜味,不油不腻,非常下饭!
- 材料:
- 500克 白萝卜,削皮,切块状,不要太大快
- 150克 肉碎 (绞肉)或鸡肉碎
- 2瓣 蒜头,切片
- 3片 姜
- 1根 青葱,切粒
- 1条 辣椒,切粒
- 2汤匙 米酒120毫升 水
- 调味料
- 2汤匙 黑酱油
- 1汤匙 酱请
- 1汤匙 味淋(甜酒)
- 1茶匙 鱼露
- 1茶匙 砂糖
- 做法:
- 将调味料放入小碗中搅匀,备用。
- 加热炒锅放入2汤匙食油爆香姜片和蒜头片炒约1-2分钟。
- 加入肉碎翻炒几下,倒入调味料,炒匀。放入白萝卜,再翻炒均匀。最后加入米酒和清水,继续翻炒至水滚。
- 盖上盖用小火焖煮约20-30分钟或至萝卜变软。**觉得汁太咸的话可多加点水**
- 煮好后盛起,撒上辣椒和葱粒即可享用。
- 食谱来至于这里